The website “Your Child” invites you to get acquainted with the work of poetess Tatyana Petukhova. Beautiful and touching
You need to teach something when a question arises. Children are sent to kindergarten at the age of three.
Methodical piggy bank for projects So, dear friends, let's get acquainted with the literature before we move on
A simple craft for kids You will need: models of circles from multi-colored double-sided sheets or candy wrappers, glue,
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Educational project “A doll on a spoon - theater in the palm” Authors: M.A Maul,
First lessons We reinforce the concepts: big-small, many-little, identical; Learning colors; Studying opposites using real objects
DEFINITION Fairytale therapy is a method of psychological correction that helps the development of a harmonious personality and the solution of individual
The role of theatrical activities Due to the fact that theatrical activities are based on play, it is easy for a preschooler to understand
The importance of reading in preschool age Collective reading of fiction in the 2nd junior group allows
Material on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Photo report on the design of a corner of role-playing games.