Additional educational program for teaching reading to children of senior preschool age

Stages of training

Even a very inquisitive, gifted child cannot be taught to read spontaneously, unsystematically. The skill will be developed sustainably if you use an integrated approach.

Do not rush to immediately give the concept of a letter, a word, how to add and read them. Use our recommendations for creating a lesson plan.

Development of phonemic hearing and imaginative thinking at an early age

This is extremely important for the perception of sounds, letters, and text. The ability to read begins in infancy, although many parents do it unconsciously.

Play noisy games with your baby, use musical instruments, onomatopoeia. Develop a sense of rhythm with the help of a ball, jump rope, singing, poems. Learn to distinguish between quiet and loud sounds, knocking, humming; there are many options for the development of phonemic hearing.

The last stage is the differentiation of sounds at the beginning and end of a word. A child should answer such questions by age 5. You don't need to know the letters to do this. Name a word starting with C (magpie, catfish), let him come up with a few more similar ones. Then use the last letter. You say HOME, he calls MOM, MOUSE.

It will not be possible to cope with the last task right away. Don’t insist, practice on the way from kindergarten, ask to repeat the correct answer after you, spend more time studying unfamiliar sounds in nature, at home.

Getting to know sounds

Before you get acquainted with the appearance of the letters, tell your child about the sounds. Divide them into several groups. For example, vowels - they can be sung, voiced sounds - show them using the example of sounds of nature (thunder rumbles, a tiger growls), unvoiced ones relate to quiet, non-melodic sounds (shhhh, puff).

At this stage, it is important to form an image, a phonetic shell of letters.

This will help the child perform syllabic and phonemic analysis of words at school.

On a note! To distinguish between voiced and deaf when speaking, use your fingers to your throat. When pronouncing R, D, M and other voiced consonants, there will be vibration under the fingers. When pronouncing deaf words (SH, P, S, etc.) there is no vibration.

Learning and remembering letters

Start getting acquainted with letters by setting goals. Explain why you need to know this. Tell us about the possibilities that the book opens up, about writing, the culture of different peoples. The main task is to interest the baby.

Continue the motivation with simple examples of letters. Start with vowels, for example A, U. The kindergartener will quickly remember them, learn to write, and be able to read the first word: AU!!! When he realizes that reading is not difficult at all, the lessons can be entertaining and fun, move on. Combine new letters with adding syllables and simple words.

Another option for learning about letters is studying with reference to a picture. For this you need primers or ABCs. M - cars, T - cake, V - crow, etc. This method is necessary for visual children. To quickly memorize symbols and write the alphabet, use modeling, coloring letters, and tracing them in copybooks.

On a note! Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev, the author of the method of teaching reading by letters using cubes, believes that there is no need to teach knowledge about letters gradually. He suggests memorizing the entire alphabet, and then moving on to warehouses.

You can agree with his opinion or not. Focus on the temperament and abilities of your baby.

Adding the syllables

Your baby has learned to combine two vowels and can easily read AU and IA. Move on to merging vowels and consonants. First teach to read open syllables, then closed ones. Make the first words from identical combinations: MA-MA, BA-BA. Use the reverse options: AH, UM, AM, OH.

Show how to sing the syllables. Focus on the fact that the sounds run after each other. This is well shown in the ABC of Nadezhda Zhukova. After this, you can connect several syllables together and put another consonant between them: ZHU-CH-KA.

The easiest way to automate reading by syllables is syllable tables. These are cards with columns of syllables. If you read them daily, gradually accelerating the pace, the child will easily recognize them in words. We advise you to print out syllables for teaching children to read on sheets of paper and give one option per lesson.

Making up words

For this stage, cut cards with syllables will be useful. At first, take 3-4 pieces, then you can have more. Give the task to compose words from the cards received; it is better if there are several options. For example, on the table are the syllables MA, RA, ZI, PO. Let him make up the words: WINTER, TIME, FRAME.

You can download cards with syllables below, click on the picture, download and print.

The next stage is composing words with closed syllables. You will need separate letters and cards with open syllables. For example, MA, PA, SO and the letters on the cards K, F, M. You get the following set: MAC, SOK, PAGE, COM.

After 2-3 lessons, offer to compose words of several syllables. Choose simple lexemes: HOUSE, GRASS, SHOVEL.

After composing words on your own, you can move on to studying books with short texts. First, the baby reads individual words with one syllable, then with two or three. There is no need to rush, scold, or suggest.

Reading the proposals

When your preschooler easily reproduces simple words, move on to sentences. At the initial stage, use familiar combinations: MOTHER, FOREST, WATER, CAT. Select material with short texts of 2–3 sentences. To ensure that the student enjoys reading and does not want to be lazy from boredom, use poems and jokes with meaning. For example:

Vanya has new books!

The son eats the soup himself. Mom is happy.

Teddy bear collected pine cones

And he tore off all the trees.

The next stage is expressive reading of texts of 5–10 simple sentences. Use entertaining tasks, pictures, riddles, and exercises so as not to turn the learning process into a tedious task. Remember, children learn best through play.

How to train a child

So, the preschooler learned to read. It's time to pay attention to the speed of word formation in order to meet the standards of reading technology at school. Use the following exercises to improve your speed at playing passages out loud.

Reading syllabic tables

The table can be printed in large size, click on the image and download it:

An effective means of transition from syllabic to word-by-word reading. If you train regularly, the future first grader will automatically form words from syllables.

Read the tables in columns (vertically), for 30 seconds each at the initial stage. Record the time spent in a diary and note your progress. After 7–10 days, the preschooler should achieve the following result: 3 tables in 30 seconds, that is, he will practically learn them by heart. Train every day 2 times.


Place the book on the table in front of the child, the text should be small. Let him read at a pace that is convenient for him. Then turn the textbook 90° and ask them to read a passage or the entire text. Then place it upside down and repeat the task. Increase the volume of text gradually.

Reading in passages

The exercise is suitable for children with a medium or fast speech rate. The task of the parent or teacher: to maximize the result. When choosing a training text, take into account your current reading technique and add 30 words to your result. If a preschooler reads 20 words, give the text for 50 units, if 30 words - for 60 units.

The training consists of three stages. First, the child will read the given passage without assignment, in his usual rhythm. Then he tries to keep it within 1 minute, using two attempts. Increase the number of words in the passage when the preschooler calmly and effortlessly copes with the task. Carry out the training every day 2 times (morning, evening).

Retelling the text read

This activity is useful for students with any reading rhythm. Learn to retell what you read paragraph by paragraph, then by page, then completely. If the kindergartener reads very slowly, syllable by syllable, reproduce the text out loud yourself. Let him tell you what he heard and understood. Then he will read it on his own.

Important! At the initial stage of learning to read, prioritize understanding the essence of the text, not the number of words. Move on to increasing speed after practicing automatic folding of syllables and words into sentences.

Club for developing basic reading skills “Read-ka”

Lyudmila Kozlova

Club for developing basic reading skills “Read-ka”

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is the time of formation of the fundamental principles of personality, individuality, the most favorable period for the development of curiosity, general and special abilities. Thanks to a special process of cognition, which is carried out in an emotional and practical way, every preschooler becomes a little explorer, a discoverer of the world around him .

Modern preschool education places increasingly high demands on upbringing, training and development, the amount of knowledge that needs to be transmitted is steadily growing, and the development of this knowledge should not be mechanical, but meaningful. The famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky believed that learning should go ahead of the child’s overall development and lead him along, relying on the “zone of proximal development.” By being late in teaching, teachers lose the opportunity to regulate children's development and guide them along the right path. The most effective use of the child’s rich potential is carried out only when the period of special sensitivity to the assimilation of this or that material in his development has not yet passed.

The fact of “linguistic giftedness” of children 4-5 years old is described in domestic and foreign literature. This age is a time of special sensitivity of the preschooler to the sound side of speech, which cannot be taken into account when teaching literacy.

According to the founder of domestic scientific methods and pedagogy of primary education, K. D. Ushinsky, literacy education acts as the main, central subject, included in all other subjects and collecting their results.

While working with children, I noticed that it is children aged 4-5 years who develop an interest in letters and a desire to learn to read . Working under the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, educational activities to prepare preschoolers for literacy are carried out once a week, in the educational area
, so literacy training was decided to organize
Read - ka " .
This was also facilitated by requests from parents concerned about the quality of preschool education for their children. This form of work allows us to solve the problem of teaching basic reading skills with a much greater effect, since it takes into account the individual characteristics of children, and also allows you to optimally dose the load on each child in the group.
The basis for constructing the program Read-ka circle

The principle of the system of preschool literacy education by D. B. Elkonin is taken: “Not only the acquisition of literacy, but also all subsequent acquisition of the language depends on how the child discovers the sound reality of the language, the structure of the sound
form of the word .”
When preparing children for education, we use programs that will not only ensure continuity between preschool and primary education, but also eliminate duplication of the school curriculum: the author’s program by E. V. Kolesnikova “Teaching preschoolers the elements of literacy

technique “Rebus - method”
L. Sternberg;
program by O. V. Uzorova, Nefedova E. A. “Quick teaching children
to read ;
program - summary by Shumaeva D. G. to read
well .

Goal: easy, relaxed teaching of children to read in a playful way , taking into account the individual interests of the child.

In this regard, the main tasks of the reading teaching circle are the following : developmental - enrichment of vocabulary, development of children's speech, development of phonemic and speech hearing, attention, memory, thinking, development of the skill of reading whole words and small sentences; educational - teaching correct syllabic reading with a gradual transition to reading whole words ; consolidating the ability to conduct sound analysis, determining the number of words in a sentence and composing sentences; educational - developing interest in reading , cultivating accuracy, sociability, and curiosity.

Read-ka circle program

is built on the following provisions:

1. Learning to read has a positive effect on the formation and development of a child’s personality if the didactic technology takes into account the psychological characteristics of age and the achieved level of development, and is also based on the needs of the child and his individual characteristics.

2. A child can successfully master initial reading skills only if classes are systematic and the learning process is specially organized.

3. The game basis of classes creates motivation to complete learning tasks.

Learning to read and write is a complex process that includes several stages:

• preparatory stage - preparation for sound analysis of the word;

• the main stage is the formation of basic reading skills and initial writing skills .

The preparatory stage of training is preparation for sound analysis of a word.

At this stage, the foundations are laid for children to master literacy ( reading and writing )


The purpose of the stage: preparing children to master the sound analysis of words.

Stage objectives:

1. Form in children the actions of intonation, drawing out, singing a sound in a word.

2. Teach them to identify the first sound in a word, the presence of a sound in a word, a frequently occurring sound in a poem.

3. Provide practical familiarity with hard and soft consonants without introducing the corresponding terms. Learn to distinguish them by ear.

4. Introduction of the terms “sound” and “word”.

5. Learn to name words with a given sound.

6. Develop speech attention and phonemic hearing.

The main stage is the formation of basic reading skills and initial writing skills .

The methodology for developing basic reading and writing skills is divided into 4 sections.

1. Getting to know all the sounds and letters of the Russian language.

2. Development of sound-letter analysis of words.

3. Learning to read .

4. Formation of initial writing skills.

Club program Read-ka

includes: didactic games and exercises using visual material compiled in Corel Draw programs (design program, Power Point. Along with the main tasks, the
circle includes tasks for preparing the child’s hand for writing, taking into account his age characteristics, development of graphic skills , formation oral conversational speech; the use of various verbal and illustrative materials: poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, verbal games and exercises, funny drawings, as well as the use of ICT. Educational
activities take place in the form of games and gaming exercises using presentations on each topic, visual material, toys, and also the work uses the L. Sternberg Rebus Method: notebooks, rebus cards, table of syllables; program by O. V. Uzorova, Nefedova E. A. “Quick teaching children to read


During educational activities, we widely use game methods aimed at repeating, clarifying and expanding children’s knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of literacy. Since preschool age is the age of play, learning is carried out in a playful way . A game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults for learning purposes, which makes it possible to create situations of success for each child and a friendly, creative atmosphere in the classroom. Reading turns into an exciting game. By building a child’s cognitive activity on play, these methods turn reading into a desirable , joyful activity literally from the first steps of learning.

A big part of working with children is using poetic texts, which are necessary not only for aesthetic education and speech development, but also for the formation and improvement of their speech hearing.

In educational activities for teaching literacy, children are given a variety of exercises and tasks to prepare their hands for the writing process, to develop attention, memory, and thinking.

In the process of performing independent work, comparing their own results with a given sample, children master the skills of self-control and self-esteem, and prepare their hands for writing.

Planning involves conducting educational activities in the following sequence:

medium group 1 lesson per week; duration – 15-20 minutes;

senior group 1 lesson per week; duration – 20-25 minutes;

preparatory group 1 lesson per week; duration - 25-30 minutes.

Read-ka program is designed for 3 academic years .
This training cannot be carried out without working together with parents.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in preschool educational institutions. The family has a decisive influence on the development of the basic personality traits of the child, since the unity of goals and objectives of public and family education of children is determined by nature itself. Only with the support of the family is dynamics in the intellectual development of a child possible. The teacher tries to satisfy the needs of parents regarding the development and upbringing of children. The preschool institution acts as an active assistant to the family for the development of the individual characteristics of each child, constantly studies and influences the formation of educational requests of parents, and designs conditions for their satisfaction. Parents gradually become like-minded people and professional teaching assistants. Parents should also be active participants in the process. Questionnaires are conducted more than once throughout the year in order to make timely adjustments to the club and individual lessons. To broaden the horizons of parents, give them effective advice and recommendations, we conduct consultations, create an advertising block , and reminders. “Open Days” are always held with great success, where parents have the opportunity to see the real achievements of their child. They are happy to participate in forms of work that arouse great interest in children and adults, and contribute to the desire of mothers and fathers to engage with their children. Joint creation of a subject-based developmental environment for children, participation in the preparation and holding of children's parties and entertainment, parental living rooms, trainings at the request of parents, master classes, joint creativity of parents, children and specialists all produce positive results. What kind of positive emotions do parents receive when taking part in intellectual competitions, holidays and leisure activities, and in the work of a circle ?

In close cooperation with parents, the teacher diagnoses the child’s development, plans the educational process, and creates a developing play environment.

The leader of the circle talks about the child’s achievements, the tasks facing him, and receives the same information from the parents . The two-way flow of information , knowledge and experience, the partnership nature of interaction makes cooperation more successful.


It's no secret that the desire to read , a persistent interest in reading, is formed from childhood , and its basis is the habit of reading . S. Marshak said that there is a writer’s talent, and there is a reader’s . Like any talent, and it is hidden in each of us, it must be discovered, cultivated, nurtured, and this takes many years of childhood, adolescence, and youth.

But there are certain rules for successfully learning to read :

1. Maintain the child’s interest in educational activities using a friendly environment, a variety of games and aids.

2. It is not so much the duration of educational activity that is important, but rather the frequency. in learning to read .

3. Learning to read requires mental stress from the child, so play activities should predominate, alternating with motor exercises.

4. If a child does not want to study, this indicates that the child’s capabilities do not keep up with the adult’s demands. This means that it was done wrong and you need to return to the previous stage.

5. You cannot compare your child with other children. Everyone has their own pace of learning and perhaps your child’s talents lie in a different area.

Club work in kindergarten gives students many bright, unforgettable impressions. Joyful experiences raise vitality and support the cheerful mood of adults and children. The child, feeling respect for himself as an equal, gradually begins to liberate himself and begins to create, acquiring the skill of reading words , sentences, texts. Children begin to explore the world through reading nursery rhymes , poems, stories, they made a discovery for themselves - the book talks to them! All the knowledge of humanity is now available to them. Children have an incentive to go to school, a desire to gain new knowledge, make new discoveries, and conquer new heights in learning!

Long-term plan for middle group children


1. Acquaintance with the variety of words, modeling.

See Presentation for children 4 5 years old No. 1.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 1, task 2)
Learn to understand and correctly use the term
, understand that words are different.
Introduce a variety of words. Strengthen the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds in words.
Introduce the simplest modeling - a word can be drawn in the form of a rectangle. 2. Acquaintance with the variety of words, modeling.

Work in the notebook of Kolesnikova E.V. “From word to sound”
(sheet 2)
Learn to model a word in the form of a rectangle.
Introduce a variety of words. Learn to perceive a poem, select words that match the meaning. To develop interest in speech activity, independence, and initiative in solving cognitive problems.
3. Variety of words. Modeling.

See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 2

Work in the notebook of Kolesnikova E.V. “From word to sound”
(sheet 4, tasks 2, 3)
Introduce the length of words
(long and short)
. Learn to solve riddles. Develop attention and logical thinking. Continue to introduce modeling - the word is indicated in the form of a rectangle. Learn to divide words into syllables, indicate the number of syllables, using a word model.

4. Comparing words by sound. Dividing words into syllables.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 3)
Continue to acquaint children with the fact that words can sound similar and different.
Learn to solve riddles; divide words into syllables using diagrams. Develop attention and logical thinking. To form an interest in speech activity.

5. 5. “S”


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 3.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 9, task 3)
Learn to distinguish and pronounce the sounds
, intonationally highlight the sounds
in words, select words , appropriate in meaning.
To develop an interest in speech activity and the ability to independently solve various cognitive problems.
6. Sounds "Z"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 4.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 10, task 3)
Introduce hard and soft consonants
. Learn to distinguish sounds in words intonationally; solve riddles by highlighting the characteristic features of objects.

“S” sounds

. Modeling.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 11)
Continue to learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds
in words and phrasal speech. Learn to name the first sound in words. Learn to divide words into syllables using a word diagram.

8. Sound "Ts"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 5.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 12, task 3)
Learn to distinguish and pronounce the hard consonant sound
in words, guess riddles, highlighting the characteristic features of objects.
Develop attention, visual and imaginative thinking. To develop an interest in speech activity and the ability to independently solve various cognitive problems.

9. Sound "Sh"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 6.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 13, task 3)
Learn to intonationally highlight the hard consonant sound
in words. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly. Learn to perceive a poem, develop a poetic ear, select words that match the meaning.

10. Sound "Zh"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 7.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 14, task 3)
Learn to clearly and clearly pronounce the hard consonant sound
in isolation, in words and in phrasal speech. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables and use a word model.

11. Sounds “SH-Zh”


Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 15)
Promote the development of phonemic hearing, distinguish consonant sounds
in words. Continue to introduce modeling: learn to correlate the pattern of a word with objects based on modeling. Continue learning to divide words into syllables.

12. Sound "Ш"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 8.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 16, task 3)
Learn to intonationally highlight the consonant sound
in words. Learn to identify and name the first sound in words. Continue learning to divide words into syllables using a word model.


13. Sound "Ch"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 9.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 17, task 3)
Learn to intonationally highlight the consonant sound
in words.
Continue to introduce the term “sound”
and name the first sound in a word.

14. Sounds “Shch-Ch”


Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 18)
To promote the development of phonemic hearing, distinguish consonant sounds
. Continue learning to divide words into syllables using a word model.

15. Sounds “R-R-R”


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 10.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 19, task 3)
Introduce hard and soft consonant sounds
Learn to distinguish the sounds “Р-Рь”
in words with intonation. Learn to name the first sound in words.

16. Sounds “L-L”


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 11.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 20, task 1)
Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds
. Learn to name the first sound in words. Develop children's active speech.


17. Sounds "M"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 12.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 21, task 2)
Introduce hard and soft consonant sounds
. Learn to name the first sound in words; solve riddles; highlighting the characteristic features of objects. Develop attention, visual, imaginative and logical thinking.

18. Sounds "B"


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 13.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 22, task 4)
Learn to intonationally distinguish hard and soft consonant sounds
in words and in phrasal speech; solve riddles by identifying the characteristic features of objects. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables using diagrams.

“K” sounds


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 14.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 23, task 3)
Introduce solid consonant sounds.
Learn to distinguish sounds in words and in phrasal speech intonationally. To develop an interest in speech activity and the ability to independently solve various cognitive problems.
“G” sounds


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 15.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 24, task 3)
Introduce hard consonant sounds.
Learn to distinguish sounds in words and in phrasal speech intonationally. To develop an interest in speech activity and the ability to independently solve various cognitive problems.

21. Sounds “G – K”


Work in the notebook of Kolesnikova E.V. “From word to sound”
(sheet 25)
To promote the development of phonemic hearing, distinguish consonant sounds
Continue learning to name the first sound in words. Promote the development of graphic skills .
22. Sounds “D – Дь”


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 16.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 26, task 3)
Promote the development of phonemic hearing, teach to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds
“D - Дь”
Learn to name the sounds "D - D"
. Develop attention, visual – imaginative and logical thinking.

23. Sounds “T – T”


See presentation for children 4 – 5 years old No. 17.

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 27, task 3)
To promote the development of phonemic hearing, teach to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds
“T - T”
Learn to name the sounds “T - T”
. Develop attention, visual – imaginative and logical thinking.

24. Sounds “D – Дь”

"T - T"

Work in E. V. Kolesnikova’s notebook “From word to sound”
(sheet 28)
Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly pronounce hard and soft consonant sounds. Strengthen the ability to correctly name the first sound in words.


“Rebus method - learning to read using syllabic pictograms”

Work in L. Sternberg's workbooks

When to start

At what age do you start teaching a child to read? There is no exact answer to this question. Letter literacy lessons are taught at 4–5 years of age, before starting school, at 6–7 years of age.

The age of a preschooler is not the main indicator of readiness to learn new knowledge and concepts. It is much more important how prepared he is for classes intellectually, psychologically, physically. Pay attention to the following indicators, which must be normal to become familiar with reading:

  • The baby speaks well and uses common sentences to tell a story or answer a question.
  • Phonemic hearing and articulation skills are developed according to age. Pay special attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds; a preschooler must pronounce and recognize all phonemes.
  • The child maintains a conversation, clearly and consistently talks about the past day, a significant event.
  • A preschooler orients himself in space. Understands the directions right-left, up-down. If the baby confuses the sides, but corrects himself, this is considered the norm.
  • A kindergartener can play board games and drawing for more than 10 minutes.

If all of the listed indicators are normal or with minor deviations in a preschooler, he is over 5 years old, it’s time to think about learning to read.

Stimulate unprepared six-year-olds, attract them to the alphabet by your own example, and solve speech therapy problems. If the kindergartener is still very young, 3-4 years old, but asks to talk about letters, teach him how to add syllables, meet him halfway. Conduct classes in an easy mode so as not to discourage interest in reading due to large volumes of information and difficulties in assimilating it.

Useful tips

Teaching children to read can be a struggle for first graders and their parents. To avoid scandals, disappointments and not discourage your desire to master literacy, use these little tricks:

  1. Exercise regularly. Lessons conducted sporadically or poorly organized will not give the desired effect. The child will simply forget all the information. Make a study plan and follow it strictly. Sometimes take a vacation for a couple of days.
  2. Learn through play. For example, build houses from letter cubes and transport them on a truck to form syllables. Without strict rules and sitting at a table for 30–40 minutes, information will be absorbed easily and with interest.
  3. Follow the sequence of training. The plan may look like this: sounds - letters - syllables - words - sentences - texts. Move from simple to complex consistently.
  4. Use video tutorials to practice at home. This option is suitable for older preschoolers; use it for self-education for parents.
  5. Review what you have learned regularly. Use different methods for this: print out cards, make drawings, learn riddles, songs.
  6. Look for letters everywhere.
    To practice reading, it is not necessary to have a book or blocks at hand. During a walk, ask your child to point out familiar symbols on the bulletin board, on the price tag in the store, on house signs. This is a great practical experience.
  7. Don't force reading if your child doesn't want to study. You definitely shouldn’t teach syllabic reading to 3-4 year old children, they don’t need it and aren’t interested. It’s time for preschoolers, 6–7 years old, to learn to read. But if the kindergartener doesn’t want to, use different methods of motivation to revive interest: your own example, rewards for hard work, praise.
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