Organization and methodology for conducting morning hygienic gymnastics for children of different ages in a children's health camp
Article for teachers of preschool educational institutions on the topic: “Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions” article on the topic
Child development - tips on child development from Childdevelop Pedagogical science does not define clear
Lesson summary “First spring flowers” ​​lesson plan (middle group) on the topic
Sprouting seeds in eggshells Method of production: For this craft you will need several eggs,
self-analysis of walking, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group) on the topic
Natasha / analysis of the walk ANALYSIS of the walk Properly organized and thoughtful walks help
Summary of the educational situation “Let's help a friend” for children of the senior group lesson plan (senior group)
Summary of a game educational situation with elements of cognitive development Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution for children
Summary of a lesson in the middle group on cognitive development “Adult work in kindergarten”
Abstract on the topic “Adult Labor” Abstract of direct educational activities for children of the middle group Educational area
Topic “My Safety” lesson notes for children 4-5 years old on getting to know the environment, role-playing, didactic, outdoor play, routine moment, walk
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on life safety in the middle group “Beware of ice” teacher Vakhitova N.A.
Journey through fairy tales: summary of integrated educational activities in the senior group
Lesson notes for the senior group “Magic Chest” based on fairy tales Lesson notes for the senior group
Long-term plan for the week “Winter Games and Fun”
Lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Topic: “Dishes”
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