Calendar and thematic planning of FEMP in the senior group (January-May)

Summary of a travel lesson in mathematics for older preschoolers

Mathematics lesson for older preschoolers “Travel to the country of Multipultia”
Compiled by: Teacher SHRER “Know-It-All” Karasenko Lyudmila Nikolaevna MAU DO “Palace of Children's Creativity”, Taganrog
Lesson on the mathematical development of older preschoolers.
This activity helps to consolidate children's mathematical knowledge. Type of lesson: Reinforcement type lesson. Goal: Consolidation of mathematical knowledge and skills through games. Objectives of the lesson: Practice forward and backward counting; Develop computing skills; Strengthen the ability to navigate on a notebook sheet; Cultivate interest in the subject “Mathematics”; Develop speech, thinking, attention of children; Develop observation skills, cognitive interest, and develop independent work skills; Cultivate perseverance and accuracy; Instill in children self-confidence and a desire to help others. Progress of the lesson: Teacher: Guys, today we are going to have an exciting journey to the country of Multipultia. What can you go on a trip with? (children's answers) Teacher: Who can take us along the railway? Children: Train.

Teacher: That's right, guys, we'll go there by train. It will be fun today to walk in the Multipultia, together with you we will complete all the tasks together. We'll go to a fun country by train. In the carriages, the guys shout: “Tutu-tutu!” Teacher : Residents of the country of Multipultiy have prepared interesting tasks for us. You will find out which of the inhabitants is the first to meet in this country by guessing the riddle. He lives in Prostokvashino and distributes mail to everyone. Children : Postman Pechkin. (image of postman Pechkin)

Teacher : Guys, the postman needs to deliver mail, but he just can’t find the right house. Let's put the houses in order so that the postman Pechkin can deliver letters faster. (the numbered houses are scattered, you need to put them in order)

Teacher : Well done, guys, you quickly completed Pechkin’s task. Let's count the houses from 1 to 10 and back from 10 to 1.

(children count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and back 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) Teacher : Guys, he’s meeting us second resident of Multipultia. Who is this? Adults and children know that a purple animal fell from another planet and is a friend to little children. (Luntik)

Children : Luntik Teacher : (teacher shows a picture of Luntik) Luntik wanted to see Mila’s decorations, but he touched the boxes and the decorations fell apart.

Teacher : Look, what color is the decoration?

We need to help Luntik put the decorations into boxes. Draw magic strings with a pencil. Blue jewelry goes into a blue box, green jewelry goes into a green box, and red jewelry goes into a red box. Teacher : How many decorations are in the green box? red? blue? Children : 5 blue decorations, 3 green, 2 red. Teacher : Well done children, you helped Luntik, now Mila will not be upset with all the decorations in their places. Teacher : The next resident of Multipultia also prepared a task for us. Who is this? A boy with an ABC book under his arm is a wooden naughty boy. He defeated Karabas, and never let his friends down. Who didn't listen to Malvina? Stupid, kind... (Pinocchio). Children : Pinocchio.

Teacher : Guys, what cartoon is this hero from? Teacher : Guys, now you and I will complete the Pinocchiographic dictation task. (The teacher reminds the children where the right side is and where the left side is) Having completed this task, we will find out what Pinocchio is looking for (we get an image of a key)

Teacher : So what is Pinocchio looking for? Children : Key!

Teacher : Well done! Now let's relax with Pinocchio. Physical education teacher Pinocchio stretched, (children stretch on their tiptoes with their arms raised) He bent over once, bent over twice. (Bends forward, arms extended, touching the floor) Spread my arms to the sides, (Spread my arms to the sides) Apparently I didn’t find the key. (Turns the head left and right) In order to get the key, (We threaten with our index finger) We need to stand on our toes. (Children stretch on their tiptoes with their arms raised) Stand tighter than Pinocchio. (They stand on their toes, with their hands raised) Here is the golden key! (Waving hands above) Teacher : And here is another resident of this beautiful country! All the girls and boys managed to fall in love with him. He is the hero of a funny book, Behind him is a propeller. (Carlson) Children : Carlson.

Teacher : Guys, Carlson offers you the game “Say the opposite” (The teacher says the word, and the children name the word with the opposite meaning.) High - (low) Far - (close) Wide - (narrow) Thin - (fat) Cold - (hot) ) Easy - (hard) Cheerful - (sad) Inside - (outside) A lot - (little) Small - (big) Forward - (backward) Fast - (slow) Teacher : Wonderful! Let's move on. In the glorious city of Flowers there lived a little boy. Find him out! He is a carefree, but cheerful Mischief-maker, naughty... (Dunno.) Teacher : Guys, Dunno is upset, he doesn’t know how to correctly color the picture with his image. Shall we help him? What do you need to do to find out what color to paint the details of the picture? Children : We need to do calculations. (perform calculations and color the picture)

Teacher : Children, what a great fellow you are, you helped Dunno! You made wonderful drawings! Teacher : Guys, you were active, friendly, attentive! The residents of Multipultia thank you for visiting their country and completing all the tasks with ease. As a token of gratitude, they give us a CD with cartoon films as a gift. Teacher : Our journey through the country of Multipultia has ended. Guys, which residents did we meet today? What did you like most about our trip? (children's answers)

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