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Summary of an open lesson on drawing in a preparatory group using the scratch technique. Summary of an open lesson
The work of a kindergarten teacher requires clear and competent planning of the entire educational and educational process.
Physical development: water aerobics Swimming in a pool is good. And water aerobics is even better.
Mnemonic tables for composing stories At the beginning of a lesson with mnemonic tables, the teacher invites children to carefully consider
Summary of a conversation with children on the topic “Rules of conduct in the classroom” in preparatory school
GCD summary for theatrical activities in the middle group “Playing theatre.” GCD summary for
Goals and objectives of conducting outdoor games In the first junior group, special attention is paid to games,
Experimental activities in kindergarten: tasks, methods and techniques Oksana Shelkoplyas Experimental activities in
DIY crafts for kindergarten on the topic of traffic rules (traffic rules) + photos
What is the profession? Teachers who work with children under 7 are called educators.