Quest - game on traffic rules "Road - exam every day" (grades 2-4)

Quest game on traffic rules for elementary school students

Quest game on traffic rules for younger schoolchildren
Author of the work: Veronika Sergeevna Serdyuk, primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School 127, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg. Goal and objectives To consolidate children's knowledge during play activities. To form correct behavior in students on the streets and roads. Cultivate attention and concentration. Develop communication skills, creativity, logic, thinking. Create a favorable emotional environment for students. Quest
is one of the main genres of games.
The most important elements of a quest game are the actual narrative and exploration of the world, and a key role in the gameplay is played by solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player. This quest offers the following stages: 1. Mysterious road 2. Unknown sign 3. Road quiz 4. Relay race 5. Traffic rules experts The game is a competition between children of parallel 2-4 grades. The children’s task: go through the game stages according to the route sheet and score the maximum number of points. The quest lasts 40 minutes. Contents of the stages. 1. Mysterious road (At this stage, participants must solve riddles). You can earn 6 points in this competition. What a miracle this house is! There are a lot of passengers in it. He wears shoes made of rubber and eats gasoline. (Bus)
It will oblige us to drive quietly, A close turn will show And remind you of what and how you are on your way...
(Road sign).
You can’t take this ribbon And you can’t weave it into a pigtail.
She lies on the ground, Transport runs along her. (Road)
Two roads walked for a long time and approached each other.
They didn't quarrel, they crossed paths and ran on. What kind of place is this? We all wonder. (Crossroads)
Our bus drove and drove, and arrived at the site.
And people are bored on it, silently waiting for transport. (Stop)
It lies next to the highway, no traffic runs along it.
Well, if suddenly there’s trouble, then everyone comes here. (Roadside) 2. Unknown sign (Players assemble road signs from the proposed parts and name them.) In this competition you can earn 6 points.

3. Road quiz In this competition you can earn 4 points. How to get around public transport standing at a stop? A) in front B) behind C) wait for the vehicle to leave and only then start moving Name the elements of the road: A) ditch B) sidewalk C) shoulder D) roadway E) pedestrian crossing What shape does the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign have? A) a blue circle B) a triangle with a red border C) a blue square D) a circle with a red border How is the word “bicycle” translated from Latin? A) long-legged B) fast-legged C) fast-running D) fast-jumping 4. Traffic rules experts Participants are offered 2 words (For example: road and sign). Task: Players must compose and write down a quatrain using these words. You can earn 5 points in this competition. 5. Relay race (At this stage, teams compete with each other) 8 people from each team participate, the rest of the students cheer for their teams. For each task in this competition you can earn 8 points. Task: Team players take turns running and laying out strips of paper to form a “zebra”. The team that places the zebra crossing faster and more accurately wins. Task: Team players act as train carriages, their task is to run to the counter, come back, and together with the next carriage player run the distance, thus the “cars” are connected into a “train”. The team whose train gets to its destination the fastest wins. Assignment: team members take turns answering questions (points are deducted for hints). - What do you call a person who walks along the sidewalk? -How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? — name the special purpose vehicles. — what types of pedestrian crossings do you know? — what is the name of the place for waiting for public transport? — name the types of public transport. — what is a roadway? - What do you call a person who drives a vehicle? Teams stand opposite each other in one line. The relay leader shows the signals (red - stop, green - step forward, yellow - two steps back), the team whose team members reach the line faster wins. During the last task, the jury tallies the points. At the end, the chairman of the jury announces the results.

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