Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “On the Road of Knowledge”

Summary of the open final integrated GCD in the preparatory group “Space Travel”

Summary of the open final integrated GCD in the preparatory group “Space Travel”


generalization and systematization of children's knowledge acquired during the year through the organization of various activities



- consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word, determine the location of sounds in a word, the number of syllables in a word, make sentences from words

- to strengthen preschoolers’ knowledge of geometric shapes

— fix counting in forward and backward counting within ten;

- strengthen children’s ability to solve addition and subtraction problems;

- consolidate children’s knowledge of the days of the week; parts of the day and their sequence.


• Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, attention, and develop the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper.


• cultivate the moral qualities of preschoolers: empathy, desire to help.

Demonstration material and equipment: presentation, laptop, TV

Handouts: a ball, a rectangle of dark paper and geometric shapes, cut letters of the alphabet on trays, cards with numbers 1-7 and written seasons, cards with diagrams for the word “rocket”, simple and colored pencils, sheets of checkered paper, cards with words for proverbs.

GCD move:

The SOS signal sounds... The text of the email appears on the screen: (slide 1)

"Hello my friends! Luntik is writing to you. I learned that on planet Earth there is a city of Nizhny Tagil, in which there is kindergarten No. 145, which is attended by the most friendly, smart and courageous children. I am turning to you for help. The evil wizard Asteroid bewitched me and I became invisible. The witchcraft will disappear if you complete the tasks that Asteroid came up with. They are located on the planets of the solar system. your Luntik."

Educator: guys, what should we do?

-What can we use to fly?

(Slide 2 – spaceship)

In order for our rocket to take the desired course, we need a control panel. You have rectangular sheets and geometric shapes on your tables, from which we will lay out the control panel. Listen to the task, be careful: in the upper left corner there is a color rectangle button, in the upper right corner there is a color. In the center there is a red circle, in the lower left corner there is a color, in the lower right corner there is a yellow triangle, to the left of the circle there is a square and to the right of the circle there is a triangle.

(Slide 3 correct solution)
Check, guys, did you do everything correctly, didn’t you miss anything? Press the start button on the remote control, which is located

-Attention! Get ready to launch the rocket. We begin the countdown (children pass the ball around and count from 10 to 0)

Start! (rocket flight video)

(slide 4)
Educator: We landed. What planet are we on? (Mercury) (slide 5)

Task 1: - It is necessary to determine when we went on a trip.

Didactic game “Week, line up”

! (children choose a card with a number indicating the day of the week in order. (7 people) Other children choose cards with the season (4 people).

-It's a week, get ready! (children line up in order, starting on Monday)

-Seasons, line up, starting with the time of year that is now outside the window.

What day of the week is it today? What was it like yesterday? What day of the week will be tomorrow? Name Monday's neighbors? Fridays? How many days are there in a week? Seventh day of the week? What date is today?

— What time of year is it outside? What month is it now? What time of year next? Name the autumn months. How many winter months are there? Name them.

So, what date and day of the week did we set off? (Wednesday April 17)

Educator: The next planet is….(children read on the slide) Venus.(slide 6)

Assignment from Asteroid: “Make up and solve space problems”

(on the 7th and 8th slides there is a picture showing the sky: 7th row - with small and large stars, 8th row - with rockets)


Make up a problem based on the picture:

1For addition:.

-there are 6 big stars and 3 small ones in the sky. How many stars are there in the sky?

2 For subtraction

:. there were 8 rockets in space. 3 flew away.. how many are left?

-Name the condition of the problem

-Name the question of the task

- Express your solution using numbers and symbols.

(Children work at tables.)

Educator: Read the entry.

Educator: What is the answer to the problem? Full sentence. (Children's answers)

Educator: Look, this is the planet Neptune and little people who love to dance live here. ( video physical minute)

Educator: The largest planet in the solar system awaits us. Who knows ? Jupiter. (slide 9)

And here is the task. “Collect a cosmic word” (children collect the word “rocket” from the letters of the cut alphabet)

(on slide 10 the word “rocket”)

How many syllables are in this word? Which syllable is stressed?

Make a diagram of the word (children use pieces of paper to color the diagram in the cells)

Name the vowel sounds of this word.

Name the first sound. What is he like? (consonant, hard).What color are you talking about? (green.. since it is consonant, soft)

What other consonant sounds are there in this word? Describe. (sound “t” acc., hard)

Name more words starting with the sound “R”

Educator: Well done. We completed the task, we fly on

Educator: We landed on the planet... (children read the name) Uranus. (slide 11)

And here is the next task from Asteroid

Graphic dictation.

1 cl right, 1 up, 3 right, 1 down, 1 right 1 down 1 left 1 down 1 left 1 down 3 right 1 down 2 left 2 down 1 right 2 down 1 right 1 down 3 left 2 up 1 left 2 down 3 left 1 up 1 right 2 up 1 right 2 up 2 left 1 up 3 right 1 up 1 left 1 up 1 left 1 up .. Here is our Luntik!! (slide)

Draw Luntik's ears with a pencil.

(word formation task)

- Guys, what is Luntik like? What words can describe it? (selection of adjectives)

The asteroid is very smart. We can return to earth if we compose and read the sentences correctly. (“Friendship is more valuable than gold”, “Seek no friend, but take care of the one you found”, “An old friend is better than two new ones”)

Children make up proverbs from word cards. Work in micro groups. (children choose a geometric figure on a tray and form small groups)

-Read your proposal...

— Are these just suggestions or something special? (proverbs) -What are they about? About friendship.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. Luntik thanks you for your quick wit, ingenuity and kind hearts.

Morning exercise complex

April (3-4 weeks)

content Pace dosage Guidelines
1. Introductory part.

Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, on heels, normal, goose step, normal, accelerated, running, walking.

Formation in two columns.



0.5 circles Listen carefully to the teacher's instructions
2. Main part.

1. I.p.: basic stance, arms along the body. 1 - step to the right, hands behind the head. 2 –I.P. Same to the left

Average 6 times Do not tilt your head down. Do not bend your leg at the knee.
2. I.P.: standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. 1-arms to the sides, 2-leaning forward to the right (left) leg, 3-straighten up, 4-IP. Average 5 times Full tilt


3. I.p.: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. 1-arms to the sides, 2-tilt to the right (left). Right hand down. Left up, 3-straighten up, arms to the sides, 4-I.P., Average 5 times do not bend your knees
4. I.p.: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 – squat, knees to the sides, maintaining balance, 3-4 I..P Slowly 5 times Exhale squat
5. IP: basic stance, arms along the body. Jump your legs apart, arms to the sides, jump into I.P. appears 1-8.

Walk between a series of jumps.

Fast 3-4 times Watch your breathing
3. Final part.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

Formation in one column, walking. Exercises to restore breathing.

1 time Do not break the rules of the game.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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