Organization and methodology of physical education classes

Physical education in kindergarten

Elena Fedchenko

Physical education in kindergarten

Physical culture is a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity

Physical education in kindergarten.

The purpose of physical education is to have a positive impact on the vital functions of the human body. Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical , mental and mental development of a child. During this period, the foundations of his health are laid.

Therefore, the main task of physical education and health work is to promote health and improve the physical development of a preschooler. The health of children in the Russian Federation is classified as a priority area of ​​social policy in the field of education. As part of the implementation of the Education and Health

The introduction of the most effective forms of children's health improvement in the preschool education system is of particular importance.

Physical education and health work in kindergartens is now receiving increased attention, because a significant proportion of children have health problems, and many children can be classified as frequently ill. As you know, regular physical strengthens the body and improves immunity. In addition, children, unlike adults, are very mobile and active, so they simply need to periodically “let off steam”

, and for this purpose, as well as for improving coordination of movements,
physical education is suitable like nothing else.
Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child. Sports also helps to develop important personality traits: persistence in achieving goals, perseverance; the positive results of these activities are beneficial for the mental state of the teenager. Taking care of a child’s motor development is just as important for his harmonious development as a rational regimen, regular and nutritious meals, adequate sleep, frequent exposure to fresh air, a clean bed and the necessary clothing.

Organization of physical education classes in our kindergarten .

Forms of physical education and health work :

physical education classes using modular equipment "ALMA"


morning exercises;

physical education minutes;

gymnastics of waking up after a nap;

independent motor activity of children in a group;

organized and independent motor activity of children during a walk;

physical education;



Health weeks;

Olympic week;

holidays with parents.

Physical education classes are held 3 times a week. Their duration depends on the age of the children and is:

in the younger group – 15 minutes;

in the middle group – 20 minutes;

in the senior group - 25 minutes (classes in the senior group are held both in the gym and outside, on the sports ground).

in the preparatory group - 30 minutes (classes in the preparatory group are held both in the gym and outside, on the sports ground).

One of the 3 lessons per week is conducted in the form of a lesson using children's modular equipment "ALMA"

, the purpose of these classes, first of all, is the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, postural disorders and flat feet.

Physical education can be carried out both with and without musical accompaniment.

physical education classes, children are taught in a playful way to long jump, high jump, and jump onto a “step.”

, jump on one and two legs, run, squat, walk like a train, crawl, climb a wall bars, catch and throw balls at a target.
In addition, different types of walking and running are studied (the child learns to walk “like a clumsy bear”
“like a fox”
- lean on different parts of the foot, jump
“like a bunny bunny”
, raise his knees high, perform jumps).
In older groups, relay races are held for children with overcoming obstacles (climb under the crossbar, jump over a barrier, run like a snake)

Physical education uniform for kindergarten.

The child must have a special uniform for physical education - this is , first of all, a matter of hygiene, as well as discipline. Having a sports uniform of one direction develops a team spirit in children during relay races and sports events. Black shorts and a white T-shirt made of non-synthetic, breathable materials are perfect. On your feet you need sports shoes with light-colored soles and, preferably, Velcro.

physical development needs to continue beyond kindergarten . Morning exercises on weekends at home and outdoor games during walks will certainly benefit any child.

Naturally, not every child will become a champion, but everyone must grow up strong and healthy. When people talk about happiness, they, first of all, wish each other health. So let the children be healthy and happy. And this means that we will all be healthy and happy.

Article: “The importance of the use of speech in classes at a preschool educational institution by a physical education


The article discusses the meaning of the use of speech

instructor in classes at a preschool educational institution . The importance of using speech in physical education classes in its introductory, special, main and final parts, as well as in maintaining interest and the right mood in preschoolers.

physical education instructor , preschoolers.

In preschool age, the child increasingly strives for joint

discussion of phenomena, objects of the world around him, relationships between people. And since speech is closely connected with the child’s thinking, the development of speech gives the child the opportunity to go beyond the directly experienced situation. Contacts with other children are expanded and enriched - younger, same-year-old, older, communication with whom is so important for success in joint activities (primarily in children's games , for satisfying important social needs, for the emotional and intellectual development of the child.

Speech is one of the types of human communicative activity, a means

language for communication with other members of the language community. Speech is understood as both the process of speaking (speech activity) and its result (speech works recorded in memory or writing)

Throughout his stay in kindergarten, the preschooler is in
continuous speech and interaction with children and teachers:

physical education instructor (PE)


Everything a child hears he absorbs like a sponge, he remembers and pronounces, and everything he hears becomes part of his vocabulary.

The use of verbal instructions, explanations, requests, orders, commands and more becomes part of any lesson in kindergarten , and in any other educational institution.

As noted by E.N. Kryazhenko and Yu.S. Eremina, the task of every preschool teacher is to organize the pedagogical process in such a way as to instill in him a value-based attitude towards his health. That's why

very great importance is attached to the use of speech specifically in physical education . physical education classes , first of all, health-improving, educational and educational tasks are solved. physical education, the child becomes strong, resilient, and physically healthy ; his physical performance , his health improves and he gains a good mood and a charge of vigor for the whole day.

But it cannot be emphasized enough that in addition to the health-saving effect

physical exercises , during physical education , the child enriches his speech and learns a lot of new and interesting things. The child’s active and passive vocabulary is activated and increased, thinking and imagination develop, and the volitional qualities of the individual are formed. The child is socialized through communication in classes with a physical education , acquires verbal communication skills, masters sports professional terminology, namely, learns the names of objects, sports equipment, sports, etc. During physical education , the instructor actively uses various sports concepts, commands, orders , requests, leading questions, explanations and much more.

He also uses a story and conversation with students.

To point out and emphasize the importance of using speech,

physical education classes , you should understand in detail exactly how the instructor uses speech in communicating with children and how the lesson goes,

the problem of psychological readiness of children is solved. The lesson consists of several parts: introductory, special, main and final. In the introductory part, it motivates children to engage in productive physical education , provides a good mood, as well as a general lesson plan and some instructions. Next comes physical preparation for the upcoming exercises, warm-up and stretching.

Then the instructor moves on to a special part in which

training those muscles, ligaments, joints that will be used in the exercises in the main part. In the first two parts a physical education lesson, the instructions and orders of the physical education . Indications are used to clarify or

action reminders, to prevent or correct mistakes, or to encourage the child to act. Orders are used to provide the beginning and end of an action and to determine the pace and direction of movement. As you can see, the use of physical education in the introductory and special parts actively develops the thinking and memory of a preschool child, contributes to the formation of a positive emotional background, purposefulness, concentration, responsibility, restraint, a value-based attitude towards one’s own health, etc. In the main part motor skills and abilities are formed, physical qualities . The instructor conducts general exercises and basic movements, followed by outdoor play. Children learn new exercises, and then they consolidate previously learned physical exercises . In this part of the physical education lesson, attention is focused on developing the correct pronunciation of certain words, consolidating new concepts, the correct use of sports terminology, and activating the child’s vocabulary.

And in the final part of the lesson, a gradual reduction in physical activity , the children transitioning to a calmer state. physical education instructor summarizes the lesson with children through conversation or dialogue. Pupils can share their impressions of a physical education lesson , using epithets, personifications, and comparisons directly in their speech, which will make their speech figurative and vivid. physical education instructor listens carefully to the children, corrects them where appropriate, or, on the contrary, encourages them.

But not a single physical education lesson , not a single outdoor game will go like this.

physical education instructor

It will not be possible to create interest in children in the game. To create interest and the right mood in preschoolers, you can, for example, read a poem on a relevant topic or show toys that will be encountered in the game. You can also lead to the game using the question-answer technique, through riddles or leading questions. The use of all these speech techniques, one way or another, has a positive effect on the speech development of preschool children.

Why was physical therapy introduced in kindergartens?

Of course, you need to do therapeutic exercises with your child both at home and in specialized medical institutions. However, research shows that the greatest effect is achieved precisely by training in a kindergarten setting.

The main reasons encouraging the introduction of physical therapy in preschool educational institutions:

  • An increase in the number of children with congenital pathologies of various organs and systems;
  • Deterioration of environmental conditions that negatively affect the child’s body’s ability to adapt;
  • The child’s sedentary lifestyle, preference for games on electronic devices;
  • High workload of parents at work, lack of time to spend with children;
  • Low availability of medical care - remoteness of clinics and hospitals, strict work schedules, long queues.

Thus, kindergarten turns out to be the most accessible place where kids can regularly exercise and improve their health.

What forms of classes are used

Since it can be difficult to get a child to play sports, instructors in kindergartens come up with unusual and interesting forms of training.

Children under 5 years old

To interest your child in training, it is best to conduct it in a playful way, while simultaneously telling some fascinating story or fairy tale. For example, while doing exercises, children can imagine that they are picking mushrooms and berries, swimming on the sea, flying with their wings spread, jumping like bunnies.

For children, activities using sports equipment - balls, hoops, fitballs, gymnastic mats - are of particular interest. To prevent flat feet, it is useful for children 2-3 years old to walk in socks on massage mats and ribbed paths. Children 4-5 years old are recommended to roll balls with their feet and walk on their toes and heels.

Workouts are more fun with music that creates a cheerful mood and improves your mood.

Up to 5-7 years

Children of older preschool age already have access to more complex gymnastic elements, rope training, and wall bars. You can include a competitive element in training, conduct relay races, and team games. Running, squats, stretching, and simple acrobatic exercises are required.

Dance gymnastics is very popular in older groups. The exercises are performed synchronously, to the music, in the rhythm of the dance.

Activities in the pool are also useful for children. Not only swimming, but also water aerobics and ball games.

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