Traffic rules riddles with answers for preschool children about traffic lights, road signs, pedestrians and crossings, sidewalks, roads, traffic, transport: the best collection

The safety of children on the road primarily depends on their parents. It is not enough to simply tell that the traffic light has three colors, and you only need to cross the road when the signal is green. The most important thing is personal example. If you yourself constantly run across the road or are inattentive while driving, do not be surprised that your child will behave in exactly the same way on the road in the future. However, you need to understand that the number of misfortunes on the road is huge and it is necessary to avoid them by any means, to warn your child from making a mistake and thereby protect him.

Traffic rules riddles for preschool children about road signs

Once your child begins to clearly understand what a traffic light is and what its purpose is, you can move on to becoming familiar with road signs. Even a small child should know that road signs are important for both drivers and pedestrians. With their help, road users know where sharp turns or uneven roads await them. Also, with the help of road signs, the child will be able to find out where the nearest pedestrian crossing is, which means he will not have to cross a road busy with cars.

Traffic rules riddles for preschoolers about road signs:

1. He will tell the driver everything and indicate the correct speed. By the road, like a beacon, Good friend - (Road sign)

2. The sign was hung up at dawn, so that everyone would know about it: The roads are being repaired here - Take care of your feet! (Men at work)

3. What is this dark hole? There's probably a hole here? A fox lives in that hole. What miracles! This is not a ravine or a forest, this is a cut-through road! There is a sign by the road, but what does it say? (Tunnel)

4. Red circle, and in it is my friend, Fast friend - a bicycle. The sign says: here and around Bicycles are not allowed. (Cycling is prohibited)

Traffic rules riddles for preschool children about traffic

At a young age, children absorb information like a sponge. Therefore, if you want your baby to be able to navigate correctly on busy roads when he grows up, tell her not only about the zebra crossing and traffic light, but also about other elements that she can see on the way home. So the child must know about the existence of barriers, which it is not particularly advisable to go beyond. And about speed bumps, which force drivers to slow down in the area where they lie.

Traffic rules riddles for preschoolers about traffic:

1. He has a harsh temper - Long, thick, like a hog, He lay down at the crossing, Protecting the pedestrian. (speed bump)

2. The train is moving fast! To prevent misfortune from happening, I am closing the crossing - Cars are prohibited from entering! (Barrier)

3. Commanding the rod, he directs everyone, And he alone controls the entire crossroads. He is like a magician, a car trainer, and his name is... (Traffic Controller)

4. This device is used to identify those who exceed the speed limit. The strict locator says: - Violator on the road! (Radar)

5. There is a crossing ahead - Brake and wait: It is lowered - slow down, And if they raise it - pass. (Barrier)

Traffic rules riddles for preschool children about transport

Another important component of any roads is transport. With the help of our riddles, you can introduce your child to the types of transport that move along large and small roads.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to tell your child that approaching a car parked on the road is strictly prohibited. The driver may not see the child and cause a collision. Such an emergency situation is likely to result in injury.

Traffic rules riddles for preschoolers about transport:

1. Runs, sometimes buzzes. He looks sharply into two eyes. As soon as the red light comes, He will stand in place in a moment. (Automobile)

2. This horse doesn’t eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on horseback and race on it, but steer better. (Bike)

3. I won’t hide it from you, That I’m digging the earth with my nose. It’s not for nothing that I carry a heavy knife on my nose. This knife, it’s all made of steel, I just lower it to the ground - I cut the earth into layers, I drag the earth in piles! It’s not in vain that I dig the earth! I'm the one building the road. Both at a construction site and on a collective farm. And my name is... (Bulldozer)

4. I don’t need wires, I can go anywhere. On Monday and Saturday I will take you to work. To school, to nursery, to kindergarten I am very happy for passengers. (Bus)

5. Early in the morning there was knocking and ringing and chaos outside the window. Multi-colored houses walk along straight steel paths. (Tram)

6. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz. The beetle is running down the street. And two brilliant lights burn in the beetle’s eyes. (Motorbike)

7. What kind of red car takes people to the fire? The light is blinking blue and the siren is getting stronger. (Fire engine)

8. Armed, toothy, She walks and wanders down the street, She walks and shovels the snow, And the janitor just squints, And the janitor smiles: The snow is shoveled without him. (Snowblower)

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Traffic rules riddles for preschool children about the road

IMPORTANT : Even a preschooler must understand that on the road, in addition to rights, he also has responsibilities. The child should know that when preparing to cross the roadway, he must do everything so as not to provoke a traffic accident. Explain to him that you must wait for the green traffic light only on the sidewalk, and under no circumstances should you go to the zebra crossing before it appears.

Traffic rules riddles for preschoolers about the road:

1. A thread stretches, winding among the fields, through the forest, through the copses, without end or edge. Neither tear it, nor wrap it into a ball. (Road)

2. She has been known to everyone for a long time - She waits obediently near the house, As soon as you leave the gate - She will lead you wherever you want. (Road)

3. If only she stood up, she could reach the sky, If only her hands would tie the thief, If only her legs would catch up with the horse. If only my eyes had seen it, if only my tongue had told me. (Road)

4. Tall trees are longer, small blades of grass are lower. With her, the distances become closer, and we open up the world with her. (Road)

5. If you walk, you are lying in front of you. If you look around, you are running home. (Road)

Traffic rules riddles for preschool children about pedestrians and crossings

IMPORTANT: The roadway is always dangerous. Therefore, the child must always remember that you can cross the road only in the designated places, after first looking to the right and left. Also explain to your child that the road is not a place for children to play. You are not allowed to play or run in front of cars here.

Traffic rules riddles for preschoolers about pedestrians and crossings:

1. Where the steps lead down, go down, don’t be lazy. The pedestrian must know: Here...? (Underground crossing)

2. On the road sign there is a Man walking. Striped paths were laid under our feet. So that we don’t know about worries and walk forward along them. (Crosswalk)

3. If you are in a hurry on your way, go through the street, go where all the people are, where there is a sign... ( Transition)

4. Striped horses lay across the roads - All the cars stopped If we pass here. (zebra crossing)

5 . There is a place to cross, pedestrians know this. They lined it for us and showed everyone where to walk. (Crosswalk)

6. Well, what if the sidewalk is not on the path for a pedestrian? If it is possible for a pedestrian to cross the Mostovaya? The pedestrian is immediately looking for a road sign...? (Crosswalk)

Traffic rules riddles for preschool children about the sidewalk

The sidewalk is an important component of road traffic. Its main task is to ensure safe movement for pedestrians along the roadway. You must explain to your child that it is necessary to go to and from school according to him. Your child needs to understand that being on the sidewalk can make them feel safe.

IMPORTANT : When telling your child the rules of the road, do not forget to explain to him that he must also move correctly on the sidewalk. The child should know that he needs to walk on the side that is as far away from the road as possible.

Traffic rules riddles for preschoolers about the sidewalk:

1. Everyone knows this place - People walk and walk here. Only this is not a boulevard - It’s just... (Sidewalk)

2. The bus doesn’t roll here. Trams will not pass here. Pedestrians are calm here, walking along the street. There is another road for cars and for trams. (Sidewalk)

3. Before counting and writing, drawing, reading, all children need to know the ABC of movement! What are the names of those paths on which the legs walk? Learn to distinguish them accurately, Don’t fly like you’re on fire. Pedestrian paths – Is it just...? (Sidewalk)

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