Speech at the parent meeting “Features of a group of young children”
Speech at the parent meeting “Features of a group of young children”
Good evening, dear parents ! We are glad to see you at our parent meeting .
Our meeting today is dedicated to “ Features of the group of children in our group ”
Enrolling a child in kindergarten is the first step into independent life, which is not easy for all children. The social environment in kindergarten is the opposite of home. At home, the child is placed on a pedestal. The family's life revolves around him. And in kindergarten he is the same as everyone else. He is part of a group , and often he does not know how to behave. Children are still just learning to communicate with their peers. Our task is to help them become not only independent individuals, but also to help them socialize in their still small community, to become a team .
The great Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko emphasized the role of the team in shaping the child’s personality and his relationships with other members of the team . The main thing, he believed, in a team is that each child is an active unit, without losing his individuality, and all participants carry out joint activities, set new goals that unite them, in the process of this they grow as individuals, because new tasks require a new level of communication, self-development, and the general mood improves. The child persistently seeks and finds his place in the team , his status, albeit childish, but no less important for this, realizes himself, and, of course, grows as a person.
The team is a great educational force, believed V. A. Sukhomlinsky.
Until the age of 2-3 years, a child does not experience an urgent need to communicate with peers; it has not yet formed. At this age, an adult acts as a play partner for the child, a role model, and satisfies the child’s need for friendly attention and cooperation. Peers cannot give this, because they themselves need the same.
After 2-2.5 years, the child understands that there are the same children around, and not big screaming dolls. He begins to compare himself with his peers and draw his own conclusions. It is important for a child to stand out, to receive the approval of peers and the praise of the teacher, if he can do something better than others. If a child fails to fit in with his peers, he may either withdraw into himself or become overly aggressive. Closedness and aggressiveness at this age are a consequence of the fact that the child feels that in some way he does not correspond to his peers. Do not punish a child if he is excessively pugnacious. The kid doesn’t understand why you’re scolding him: why the doll can be pulled by the hair, but Olya can’t. For him, Olya is also a kind of doll, only a larger one, and he wonders how she will react to his actions. Time will pass, and the child will learn to understand the difference between animate and inanimate objects. Our task is to explain to the child that other people, regardless of age , can also experience pain, fear, and resentment. To do this, when playing with a child, there is no need to endure, if he hurts you, explain to the child your feelings and the feelings of others.
As a teacher, I understand that the children’s team needs constant work to unite and form children’s friendships, but parents also need to pay attention to this at home. Unfortunately, often parents , guided by their own not always positive experience in this area, set up their children according to the principle “Everyone for himself”
. This position is deeply mistaken. A child who does not know how to empathize, sympathize, and is fixated on himself will subsequently experience difficulties and will not be able to be either successful or, most importantly, happy.
Outside the children's team , the harmonious all-round development of the child is impossible, and with skillful leadership, the team not only does not limit the growth of the individual, but, on the contrary, helps him.
In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation of friendly relations in children's and parent teams , as well as in relations between parents and teachers of a preschool institution. We need to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun, good, and interesting, so that he goes to kindergarten with joy, makes friends with the kids and returns home happy, because loving adults are waiting for him at home.
Our parent meeting is coming to an end , I thank you, dear parents , for taking the time to visit us. In the future, I will be glad to see you as our guest at thematic meetings and meetings .