Game competition program “We know everything about safety”
Extracurricular activity on life safety for grades 3 - 4. Scenario Extracurricular event “The ABC of Safety”,
Sports entertainment according to traffic rules for children of the senior group “Road starts” (from work experience)
Game – relay race “School of Traffic Light Sciences”; 5th – 8th grades Progress of the game “The ABC of the streets,
Artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group. Application. Topic: “Good Doctor Aibolit”
Project “Aibolit gives health” in the senior group of a preschool educational institution Project on the topic: “Aibolit gives health”
Summary of GCD on the surrounding world in the middle group. Theme: Spring
Summary of GCD on the surrounding world in the middle group. Topic: Spring Abstract on the world around us
Project on the surrounding world in the senior group “Such different paper”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Creative and research project “The Magic World of Paper” Prepared by: Almira Mavletzyanovna Karamullina, teacher. Project type:
Text of the book “Physical education in kindergarten. System of work in the senior group"
Professions: summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age (speech development)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic: “All professions
Pedagogical project on the topic: “Components of a healthy lifestyle”
Proper nutrition Nutrition is a means of maintaining life, growth and development, health and high performance
Summary of an open lesson (Experimental and educational-research activities) In the preparatory group on the topic: “The Sorceress Salt.”
Card file of general developmental exercises for the second junior group.
To create a complex of outdoor educational equipment for children of the primary and middle groups for physical education classes in preschool educational institutions.
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