Project “Introducing children to their native land as a means of instilling patriotic feelings in a preschooler.” project (senior group) on the topic
Methodology for introducing preschoolers to the history of their native land It is important to note that the work being carried out is only effective
GCD for speech development in the middle group “Aibolit visiting children”
Game - a journey based on Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in the senior group in the children's
Abstract of the educational activity "Agricultural professions" preparatory group.
Project “Agricultural Professions” is a project for speech development (senior group) on the topic: Getting to know the professions.
Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Games and techniques of socio-game technology”
Game technologies Game technologies in chemistry lessons as a way of developing cognitive interest. "No game
Formation of the pronunciation aspect of speech and literacy training: 50 lessons for children 4-6 years old
Benefits of the classes: these classes will enable the baby to better acquire knowledge about the variety of sounds and
Methodological development of “Non-traditional drawing techniques”
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Drawing from life a modern car. Abstract of direct educational
Article “Organization of physical culture and sports activities of preschool students”
Article: “Physical education in kindergarten” Starting from the second junior group, three are planned
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment “Journey to Autumn” (for children of the preparatory group with special needs).
Abstract of the GCD on FCCM in the preparatory group “Conversation about autumn” Ears rose like arrows.
Fun in the pool of the kindergarten “FUN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE WATER”
Summer sports festival “Visiting Vodyanoy” author: Karateeva Larisa Vladimirovna Physical education instructor
Summary of a lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Space for kids”
Summary of a game lesson for children of the third year of life Topic: “Space” Synopsis of a game lesson for
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