Don't teach your child to count! Logic games for kids
Don't teach your child to count! Logic games for kids
How to make mathematics interesting for a child? How to play it? How to develop in a baby
Card file of Outdoor games for 2nd junior group card file for physical education (junior group) on the topic
Analysis and self-analysis of conducting an outdoor game. Both types of analysis are carried out according to the same scheme with
Card index of didactic games for the development of thinking and speech in the senior and preparatory groups
Corner of didactic activities: design techniques In order for children to develop comprehensively, the environment in the room should be
DIY April 1 crafts for children
Synopsis of the thematic day “April Fool’s Day” dedicated to April 1”
Children's crafts: inspiring ideas for hobbies and hobbies for all ages + 56 photos Pretty
Card index of role-playing games for middle-aged children
Card index of role-playing games in the middle group. “Polyclinic” Purpose: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about
Daily routine in kindergarten: schedule of walks, classes and meals
The daily routine in kindergarten for all age groups of the kindergarten is based on the norms
Find a pair - Montessori classes for 2-3 years old
GCD open lesson in the 2nd junior group "Let's help the little bunny"
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Summary of a lesson on speech development “How to
In honor of World Health Day, open training sessions and flash mobs are held
Thematic day in the senior preschool group “Health Day”
Health Day at the camp The Health Day program includes activities designed for the participation of all children
How to prepare a matinee for Victory Day in kindergarten: a selection of scenarios for children of different ages
What does preparation for the matinee include? The purpose of holding a matinee for Victory Day is the same for preschoolers
Daily routine in kindergarten: schedule of walks, classes and meals
The daily routine in kindergarten for all age groups of the kindergarten is based on the norms
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