Graphic dictations by cells download and print for free
November 09, 2016 Sveta Averyanova The formation of graphic skills is necessary for the development of writing, drawing,
Summary of educational activities for modeling in the senior group; outline of lessons on appliqué, modeling (senior group)
Summary of a modeling lesson for the senior group Summary of a modeling lesson for the senior group.
Features of development of children of senior preschool age
5-7 years, or senior preschool age, is an important period in personal and psychological
Technique for drawing a dandelion in the middle group. Unconventional drawing (77 ideas for kindergarten)
Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten N 50 “Ogonyok” Moscow region, Dmitrovsky
Peculiarities of development of children of the second junior group of kindergarten
Many parents often wonder at what age to send their child to kindergarten, what
Recommendations for decorating a corner of nature in different age groupsmaterial on the topic
Why you need a living corner According to the results of the study, watching animals increases activity in the prefrontal
Using didactic games in mathematics classes in the middle group of kindergarten: card index and methodological tips
Mathematics plays a major role in the development of a preschooler’s intelligence. And one of the main tasks of a teacher
Master class as an effective form of working with parents in a preschool institution
Master class as an effective form of working with parents in a preschool institution Education is business
Didactic game "Logocube"
The use of didactic games in the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist
Speech therapy games made by teachers and educators aimed at developing breathing abilities include
Interactive children's presentation “Journey into Space”
Presentation “Journey into Space” May 22, 2012 Competition “Presentation Master - 2012” Nomination “Presentations”
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