Planning for the week topic “Furniture”, (second junior group)


Fine arts activities for children of the younger group.

Topic: “Furniture for Masha”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about furniture, its types and purpose;

- strengthen the ability to work with a brush;

- strengthen the ability to follow adult instructions;

- cultivate accuracy and independence in work.

Materials: illustrations depicting pieces of furniture, gouache in different colors.

Educator: Guys, today I met a girl Masha from a fairy tale. She was very upset and even cried. She was hurt by bears. What fairy tale do you think this girl is from?

Children: Fairy tale "Masha and the Bears"

Educator: Correct. What happened in the fairy tale?

Educator: I want to know what pieces of furniture you know? Let's solve the riddles.

It stands in every bedroom, and clothes lie in it. He is stately and majestic, Let’s say together - this is... (wardrobe)

The day has passed, it’s time to sleep, I’ll spread out my...(bed)

Even though I have four legs, I can’t run along the path. After all, when lunch came, everyone sat down at... (kitchen table)

Faithful friends of our table, Although they stand, they sit on them. (Chairs)

Educator: Correct. Let's help Mashenka and draw a table and chair for her so that she can have lunch. All that remains is to choose the color you will paint with.

As the teacher shows, the children draw. The images are schematic, made from lines.

Educator: Well done, guys, you are real masters. Masha is very happy, because now she has beautiful furniture.


Summary of educational activities for drawing with young children on the topic “Furniture. High chair"

Daria Avdyukhina

Summary of educational activities for drawing with young children on the topic “Furniture. High chair"

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development ( drawing )

young children on the topic :
Furniture . Chair » Goals: To develop the skill of holding a pencil in your hand correctly, to draw vertical and horizontal lines, to control the length of the line, its beginning and end, to develop an interest in drawing .

Materials: Pencils/ felt-tip pens, sheets of paper for drawing in A4 format (according to the number of children, a dummy chair , a sample of the finished drawing (Fig. 2)

Teaching methods: Drawing in the air , finishing details

Read also

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Theme of the week: “Furniture”

Theme of the week: “Furniture”

Lesson 10. Rug for bunnies

(Brush painting. Watercolor paints)

Target. Teach children to decorate a rectangular object, alternating circles and lines (using a brush and watercolors); consistently use paints of two colors; independently come up with a pattern and place it over the entire surface of the object. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Handout. A rectangular rug cut from light-colored colored paper, watercolor paints, a brush, a jar of water.

Read V. Berestov’s poem “Bunny” to the children:

Because they are small.

Ask the guys: “What did the bunnies want to do? (Bainki, go to sleep.) Where can I put the bunnies?” (In a box, on a chair, on a rug, etc.)

Place a rectangular rug cut out of light colored paper in front of each child and ask: “How can you decorate such a rug?” (Draw circles, triangles, lines, etc.)

Invite the kids to make beautiful rugs for the bunnies, decorating them with alternating multi-colored circles and lines.

At the end of the lesson, ask each child: “What kind of rug did you make? (Beautiful, elegant, colorful, affectionate, etc.) Do you think it will be nice for bunnies to sleep on such a rug?”

This text is an introductory fragment.

Continuation on liters

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