GCD summary. "Cognitive Development". Introduction to the natural world Topic: “Different flowers”
Conversation for older preschool children on the topic: “Wildflowers” ​​Conversation for older children
Card index of didactic games on labor education for preschoolers
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Consultation “The importance of didactic games in the labor education of preschool children” MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATION
developmental classes with a psychologist, developmental classes for children by a psychologist, summary of a developmental lesson with a psychologist
Summary of OOD in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution on the topic: Professions
Developmental lesson for a psychologist: “Studying professions” Progress of a psychologist’s lesson in kindergarten on the topic of profession
Russian folk art in the education of preschool children
1. Eastern administrative district. GBOU School No. 1505. Topics of speeches: 1. “Song and spoon
System of health-improving and preventive work in kindergarten
Home Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 11 “Firefly” Municipal education
“In the world of musical instruments” MADOU Kindergarten 15 “Rodnichok” Birsk Electronic manual for children 5-7 years old “In the world of musical instruments” musical. - presentation
Teaching children to play children's musical instruments. — presentation Teaching children to play children's
Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development in the first junior group. Topic: "Toys".
Basics of integrated and comprehensive activities in kindergarten All activities in kindergarten are divided
Summary of a lesson on paper construction for the senior group on the topic: “Let's build a city of the future”
Interesting ideas and design schemes For older preschoolers, the greatest pleasure comes from activities that contain
Cosmonautics Day. Conversation in kindergarten. Senior group
Conversation about space (senior group) author: Averinskaya Irina Sergeevna teacher-speech therapist MADOU kindergarten “Zvezdochka”
Geometric applique: instructions for children of all ages with templates and photo examples
Preparation The first step is to prepare for the development process: When organizing a workplace from a table
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