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Children of any age can make applique animals. As a rule, children are very interested
It's no secret that many parents want to capture the development and achievements of their child almost
Summary of the lesson of a teacher-psychologist in the junior group “A bird flew in and sat in our arms!”
Hi all! Lately we have been interested in reading autumn poems, weaving wreaths and, of course
Why learn to draw mushrooms A simple technique for drawing mushrooms is useful not only for those who are learning
Creative project in kindergarten “Wild and Domestic Animals”. Senior group Project for children
Stands for place cards, gift boxes, bookmarks - this is not a complete list
Summary of the drawing lesson “Pet - cow” in the preparatory group Elena Belkova Summary
Psychologists have long proven that drawing has a beneficial effect on the child, his development
If a child has been diagnosed with disabilities, during a special commission with the participation of psychologists,