Decorating corners with your own hands: ideas for kindergarten, interesting projects and tips for their implementation (110 photos)
Every interested parent goes through the experience of decorating children's themed corners with their own hands. In building
Features of memory development in older preschool age
Formation of memory as a basic mental function The cognitive development of a child is unthinkable without the active use of memory.
Annual plan for the Russian language for the preparatory group
Plan for the Russian Language Week in the preparatory group Olga Tynkova Plan for the Russian Week
“Miracle Tree” educational activity for children of the first junior group
Long-term plan for introducing nature to the first junior group Yulia Kulkova Long-term plan
Productive activity as a means of patriotic education for older preschoolers Performed by: Krivorotova M.I. Educator, MBDOU No. 183,
Productive activities of preschool children - Theoretical and methodological foundations of organizing and conducting entertainment for preschool children in productive activities
Development of constructive activities in preschool age The work of children in kindergarten is varied. It helps
Lesson summary on appliqué in the middle group “Herringbone”
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the middle group “Christmas trees - prickly needles” Evgeniya Khamzina Summary
Summary of a lesson on application in the second junior group Topic: “Traffic light”
Abstract of GCD for application in the second junior group “Traffic Light” Municipal state preschool educational institution
Notes for the younger group. Drawing. Theme “Drawing an APPLE”
Summary of educational activities on drawing in the nursery group “Apples” Lyudmila Markina Summary of educational activities
Planning speech therapy classes in the younger group
September, October, November (1st period of study) Lexical topics: “Toys”, “Vegetables”, “Autumn”, “Fruits”, “Our body”,
book 1
Methodological development “Development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age”
Card index of games for the development of fine motor skills in the younger group Victoria Kuleshova Card index of games
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