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Lesson notes on the section “Socio-communicative development” for children with mental retardation, older and
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Scenario of the event “Mini-Museum of Bread” in the senior
Consultation on the topic “Non-traditional drawing techniques with young children” Consultation on the topic “Non-traditional
Long-term planning of cognitive and research activities of children in the senior group. Forward planning is educational –
Progress of the game - experiment Literary word One day the bunny decided to show his mother a trick. He put
Long-term work plan for organizing experimental activities in the middle group Natalia Konovalova Long-term plan
Patriotic education of preschool children in kindergarten Consultations for teachers of preschool educational institutions. How to raise a little patriot?
Differences between a technological map and a synopsis The new Federal State Educational Standards require special requirements for a modern lesson