10 reasons why you should go on excursions with children

Subject knowledge

Some school subjects are simply impossible to imagine without excursions, where children’s knowledge acquired in regular lessons is expanded and deepened. Geography does not exist without a tour through the streets of your locality, without drawing up its plan, without studying the nearest geographical objects: river, hill, ravine, factory, etc. Biology cannot exist without studying the plants and fauna of your area. Many history lessons require teaching in museums. Children can get their first knowledge of astronomy at the planetarium. And there are a lot of options for conducting excursion lessons. We can say that in this case, excursions act as a visual aid to school subjects.

Ostankino residence of Father Frost

Each organized excursion for schoolchildren has its own goals and objectives. The excursion event is carried out in accordance with the planned plan. Let us turn to the analysis of the goals that teachers set before conducting excursions.

In the footsteps of the ancient Slavs

"Visiting Chukovsky"

Interactive "Red Arrow"

"Sports Moscow"

Depending on the focus of the event and taking into account the age of the group participants, the goals of the school excursion can be reduced to:

  • To motivate students to actively participate in practical activities;
  • Towards the spiritual and moral education of students by introducing them to the norms of society and awareness of responsibility for preserving nature;
  • To expand the general horizons of pupils;
  • To the formation of practical skills and abilities by performing certain actions during the event;
  • To motivate schoolchildren to participate in research activities, demonstrate creative and scientific potential;
  • To the development of basic competencies necessary for building interpersonal relationships, instilling norms of behavior in society, etc.

"Moscow Schoolboy"

Interactive “On the way to Olympus”

"For the first time in first class"

"Initiation as a Pioneer"

The general goals of the school excursion were given above; now let’s turn to their types. So, there are the following types of goals:

  • Gaining additional knowledge about culture, science, etc.;
  • Fostering patriotism, respect and love for the homeland;
  • Labor education and demonstration of the city’s achievements in the overall economy of the country;
  • Environmental education and acquaintance with the nature of the native land.

New Year with Cheburashka and Gena

"Wide Maslenitsa"

Interactive "Jungle School"

"Echoes of a Past War"

Based on the goals of the school excursion, their achievement is carried out by solving certain problems. For example, for the purpose of patriotic education and introducing students to the nature and culture of their native land, the tasks are reduced to:

  • To develop creative abilities and expand the horizons of students;
  • To develop schoolchildren’s interest in studying the culture and history of their native land;
  • To get to know the appearance of the city in different time periods to form a stable opinion about its uniqueness and originality.

Quest “The Secret of the Forest Glade”

A journey through Chukovsky's fairy tales

Maslenitsa “Stolen Sun”

Master class “Young pastry chef”

In accordance with the chosen goals and assigned tasks, the teacher prepares an excursion plan. Achieving goals and solving problems occurs through the resources and opportunities provided within the framework of the event.

Children communication

During the excursion, by asking questions to the guide, children learn to communicate. Pre-excursion assignments require them to formulate questions precisely. Discussing what they saw, sharing impressions, summing up, they learn to speak, express their opinion, defend it, and highlight the main thing. At the same time, they listen to others, compare their opinions with their own, etc. That is, children develop communication abilities.

Collective visits to museums are useful leisure time for children, parents and educators

Natalia Pavlova

Collective visits to museums are useful leisure time for children, parents and educators

Acquaintance with the museum should begin as early as possible, namely from preschool age. It is no coincidence that aesthetic education is considered as the development of the ability to understand, perceive , feel the beauty in the world around us (N. A. Vetlugina)


The word " museum " translated from Greek means a temple in which the muses live - the temple of the muses. Modern science defines a museum as an institution conducting research, scientific and educational activities by storing, systematizing, studying and popularizing monuments of material and spiritual culture (open lesson RF/articles/578638/)


First of all, visiting museums gives a preschooler the opportunity to join the world of universal human values ​​and develop cognitive and research skills.

The museum is a special educational environment; it is a wonderful helper for those mothers and fathers who want to broaden their child’s horizons. After all, family vacations are an important way to strengthen the family.

Visiting museums will help the family broaden their horizons, teach them to understand and appreciate art, allow them to join museum culture , learn the rules of behavior, the ability to understand the figurative language of objects, gives symbolic access to the space of another culture, and the opportunity for personal experience.

In preschool age, the family has the strongest influence on the child. That is why children are introduced to the museum in close contact with their parents .

Most parents are characterized by a conscious attitude towards the museum as a specific educational institution . However, there are parents who believe that it is too early for preschoolers to attend such institutions : “They are small and will not understand anything, why waste time”

Also, some dads and moms simply don’t come up with the idea of ​​such an excursion, but a group visit to the museum is always welcome, it forces you to leave some business and go with the group .
Based on these aspects, we decided to create a family club “Kaleidoscope of Museums

We would like to share our work experience and confirm the fact that collective visits to museums are useful leisure time for children , parents and educators .
We began our work in the club with a survey on the topic of collective visits to museums and the creation of a club . A survey of parents showed that 25% of parents were against participation in the club and only 60% supported the creation of the club. The first meeting was attended by 8 people - parents who always support the initiatives of the teachers . We decided that this was enough to create a club and began work. At the meeting, the club participants adopted:

1. The motto of the club is “We step into a beautiful world to be in the constellation of beauty”

2. We chose an asset that consisted of like-minded people: the chairman, his assistant, the photographer. 3. We introduced the topics of the club’s meetings for the year and suggested the names of museums that we plan to visit this year . Parents and children were active and offered their options. A proposal was received - to collectively visit the museum of bread , water, zoological, the museum of Izhora factories , and the planetarium. Based on the interests of the children and the recommendations of the parents , a technological map was adopted with the goals and objectives of the club for the year and the topics of the meetings.
Our first visit took place to the Izhora Plants

We set ourselves the following tasks: to introduce
children to the museum , to help children adapt to the museum space museum culture skills .
The tasks of working with children were the following:

Introduce the history of the city of Kolpino, legends about the origin of the name of the city.

Promote the development of children's interests , curiosity and cognitive motivation: master the means and methods of obtaining information.

Cultivate a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to your family, to the community of children and adults .

Develop the ability to share impressions with your friends.

Tasks of working with parents :

Develop parents’ to analyze the child’s activities and behavior. To study the features of pedagogical awareness and the ability of parents to participate in the educational process of the group through participation in the work of the family club. Provide parents about methods and means of solving their child’s problems within the framework of a family club.

For us, teachers, the first excursion was of a diagnostic nature. It was important to find out:

How will children behave in a different environment?

How long can they hold their attention?

children most ?

Will children ask questions to the tour guide?

Since the excursion lasted for an hour, we noticed that some children began to get tired, distracted, and the guide had to switch the children’s attention to something new and interesting. Most of the children were interested in the museum exhibits , they were tired, but the excursion was very well thought out, the guide kept the children's . It was felt that the children were interested in the guide's story about history, and especially the story about the war. When we returned to the group, the children recalled what they liked most, and we recorded their stories on video. After “There is a town on the Izhora River” was launched

, the purpose of which is:

captivate by the history of the emergence and development of the city

introduce the streets, the river and the bridges spanning it.

As part of this project, children and their parents got acquainted with the city, and were given route sheets to help parents accompany their child on excursions. Children made sketches and completed tasks, for example: “Find information about the city’s bridges on the Internet.”

, find out who the street is named after, for example,
“Vera Slutskaya”
“Izhora Battalion”
, etc. Tasks were also given: write a story about some object in the city and tell your friends.
For example, write a story about the “House of Creativity”
, about the monument to Menshikov, etc.

We believe that the museum contributed to the fascination with the history of the emergence of our city, the infrastructure of the city, the history of the names of streets, bridges, not only for children , but also for their parents , since some information about the city was new parents All this work develops children’s , teaches them to find the necessary information, fosters a respectful attitude towards their small homeland , teaches them to communicate and the ability to share impressions with their friends. For parents , this work plays a positive role in keeping parents and children together . They see their child, his achievements, shortcomings, difficulties, thereby fostering independence in children . The project lasted for a year. And we noticed that children and parents approached the tasks that were offered to them with interest. Based on this, we decided to continue the project activities. Topics were selected based on the interests of the children , and also took into account the club’s work plan.

Our next project was a short-term project “Where did the bread come from?”

During the classes, children were told about cereals, about bread, about the path that grain collected in the fields takes to get the bread to the table.
They showed the presentation “From ear to bun”
, looked at cereals, compared rye and wheat, oats and rye, looked at the painting
“In the Bakery”
and made up a story based on it.
We tried to knead the dough ourselves and bake cookies. They taught children to respect the hard work of a grain grower and baker, to treat bread with care, because, as they used to say in Russia, “Bread is the head of everything”
! All these activities contributed to familiarity with the cultivation of cereals in modern conditions, when work was made easier by machines.

How was bread grown before? To help answer this question, we went to the Bread Museum .

We have set the following goals for working with children:

Introduce the tools that peasants used to grow bread, and the hard labor of barge haulers who pulled a barge with bread along the Volga.

children develop an understanding of the importance of bread as a staple human food product.

cognitive activity and coherent speech in children

To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect and gratitude for the people who grow and bake bread.

Develop the ability to share your impressions after visiting the museum .

Tasks of working with parents :

Try to be a tour guide for your child, show the exhibits yourself, while completing the tasks on the accompanying sheet.

Observe your child, how he can listen carefully, is he inquisitive?

It was important for us to understand:

Will all parents be able to patiently guide their child through the museum and help complete the tasks on the accompanying sheet?

Pay attention to children's behavior and interaction between parents and children .

museum appears in a somewhat unusual form; it suggests close contact between a child and his parent . The guide introduced the children to the hard work of barge haulers, who dragged a barge with bread along the Volga, and looked at the painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga”

, Surikova.
Then the parents, each with their child, received an accompanying leaflet (booklet)
and, while completing tasks, introduced
the children to the exhibits of the museum . The children saw a Russian oven in which bread was baked. We got acquainted with the tools that were needed to grow bread at different times of the year. They completed tasks, for example: make a word from the letters: T, B, E, C, E, A, R and you will find out what the Brownie bast shoes were woven from. Choose every third letter R, Sh, D, U, S, R, F, E, O, I, Z, V, P, G, A and you will find out what is harvested from wood. Parents and children completed many more interesting tasks; they were useful for both children and their parents . We recommend visiting the Bread Museum !
So, having visited the bread museum , we were once again convinced that collective visits to museums are useful leisure time for children , parents and educators :

children expanded their horizons and practiced their reasoning skills;

children saw tools for growing bread;

expanded their vocabulary with words denoting kitchen utensils: millstone, flail, broom, sieve, grip, nochva. And also due to words denoting confectionery products: shangi, pretzel, kulebyaka.

practiced your ability to communicate with a guide;

spent the weekend with my parents .

The parents watched again:

the behavior of your child and the behavior of other children ,

saw how the child communicates with friends,

realized how curious the child is,

We felt how difficult it was to keep children’s throughout the entire excursion.

When visiting this museum, we saw how mothers interact with their children and children with each other. Here it was necessary to show patience, the ability to reason, find answers independently, the ability to read, and solve puzzles. We watched as mothers and children looked at the exhibits, looked for answers to the booklet’s questions and realized that all children and parents are not equally patient, inquisitive, attentive and, finally, hardworking. Some parents did not try to understand the purpose of visiting the museum and , after attending a master class on braiding, quickly left.

After visiting the museum , we gathered for a club meeting to summarize the knowledge gained on the excursion, as well as discuss what we succeeded in and what we need to work on. parents were asked to think and answer the following questions:

1. What did you like most?

2. What do you remember?

3. What did you learn?

4. What new did you learn?

5. Help the children draw their favorite exhibit.

We asked all mothers to bake something together with their child and photograph the whole process. Then we gathered in the kindergarten group for a tea party, where the children presented confectionery products, told how they helped their mother, and then exchanged recipes for the cakes they liked. While the children drank tea, the parents shared their impressions of the trip to the museum . It was concluded that parents themselves should show interest and participation in the excursion so that their children can set a positive example. After the club meeting, the group prepared a confectionery book in which collages of confectionery making were placed.

The goal of modern society is to educate a “person of culture”

, development of the personality of a child capable of free creativity and culturally determined interaction with the environment.
It is during this period that it is important to create conditions for children to develop interest in objects of historical and artistic value, thereby laying the foundations for a continuous process of familiarization with culture and art. the museum environment is of particular importance .
According to the research of A. Verbenets, the term “interest in
the museum (what we are working on in the club)
in relation to solving a problem in preschool age implies:

• Interest in a museum object (its characteristics, properties)

and through it the development of cultural values, cognitive information, historical and social connections;

• Interest in the museum as a certain cognitive object (its external characteristics, essence and functions, structure, rules of organization, history of the emergence of the museum as a phenomenon and the creation of a specific museum ;

• Interest in visiting this structure as a new environment, a source of cognitive information and emotional and aesthetic impressions.

The uniqueness of interest for preschool age lies in the fact that, originating in the form of emotional responsiveness to everything new (curiosity), it gradually turns into inquisitiveness, and then the need to be convinced of the truth. (L. M. Manevtsova, P. G. Sirbiladze, A. I. Sorokina)


Within the framework of the problem of developing interest in visiting a museum, the manifestation of cognitive and aesthetic interest is especially significant. Cognitive interests are characterized by a focus on learning new content.

Each time we analyzed the work of the club, the tasks for children , parents and teachers took into account the changed conditions, taking into account the specifics of the museum we were going to visit .

Next on the club’s work plan was a visit to the zoological museum ; it was interconnected with the project “Diversity of the Animal World”

. The main goal of the project was not only to introduce animals of different climatic zones, but to give ideas about the ability of animals to adapt to different living conditions.

The group produced Tundra

, presentations were shown, they played board games, looked at illustrations, drew, wrote stories about animals, and read a lot to children about the amazing abilities of animals.
The children gained a lot of knowledge while working in this project, but you can see animals either at the zoo or at the zoological museum .
Before visiting the zoological museum, the children were asked the following problematic questions:

Continue to develop communication skills with the guide, develop the ability to correctly ask questions during the tour.

Develop independence skills.

Develop communication skills: the ability to behave in a public place, treat adults and peers with respect.

Continue to develop the ability to examine exhibits.

Parents are the main assistants to teachers in organizing excursions, capturing the progress of the excursion on video or taking photographs.

The parents faced the following tasks:

To encourage parents an active desire to be involved in the teacher’s work with their children when visiting the museum .

To develop in parents the ability to independently organize meaningful communication with children in leisure activities related to visiting museums .

children's research skills : find the necessary information using different sources: fiction, encyclopedias, reference books, the Internet, communication with adults.

After the excursion, creative tasks were given:

— We gave the children an idea about the Red Book and, together with the children and parents, collected information about the animals that are listed in the Red Book.

— guess the animal based on a verbal description of its appearance and answer the question: In what climate zone does it live?

- recreate the appearance of an animal based on some part of it (for example: “Funny squiggles”

— complete the squiggle into a meaningful image or plot);

- recognize in vague graphic forms (ink spots, scribbles)

various familiar animals.
“Whose shadow is this?”
- turn a spot into a pattern.

"Nonexistent Animal"

- draw and name a non-existent animal, talk about it.

"Life story"

- come up with a story on behalf of the drawn animal.

During the year we also managed to visit the Planetarium.

and in
Water Museum " .
From visiting each museum, children had positive impressions of communicating with friends; children gained new knowledge, the ability to behave in a public place, and communicate with new people.
Of course, we brought a lot of photographs and brochures as souvenirs. At the end of the school year, we gathered for the final meeting of the club, which was held in the form of KVN based on the results of visiting excursions .

from parents about the work of the club.

Summing up the year, we noticed that children and parents became more open, began to respond more often, and treated our work with understanding. Thanks to the excursions, the children became more inquisitive, learned to communicate with adults and peers, asked questions to the guide, the children’s horizons , their ideas about the world around them were enriched, and they became familiar with the culture of their people. visits to excursions contributed to the development of coherent speech. Many children learned to talk coherently: Where were you? What did you see?

For parents, visiting museums with their child is also of great importance: parents and children have become closer to each other, another topic for joint conversation appears, children are busy with useful things .

Thus, we are convinced that collective visits to museums are useful leisure time not only for children , but also for parents and educators . Therefore, we intend to continue working in the “Kaleidoscope of Museums

with newly admitted children.

Socialization of children

On excursions, children learn the rules of behavior in different situations. How to behave in transport, in a museum, in a theater, in nature? They begin to understand that rules of behavior were invented for the convenience of people and their safety. If there may be problems with behavior the first time, then the next time it will be easier, and later these rules will become familiar.

The child develops behavioral patterns in different conditions. And he already feels much more confident in society. Students become more independent, consciously observe discipline, and are less lost in unfamiliar situations. And it’s easier for them to establish communication with strangers.

Excursion with schoolchildren to the local history museum

Explanatory note:

An excursion to any museum is always very informative and interesting.
Museums are connected with the historical past, present and future of our country. The local history museum of our city contains interesting exhibits of animals from our region, there are separate rooms on the topics of our region: fish, animals, insects, there is a separate room that contains an exhibition of children's works on the topic: “We are children of one planet.” The children listened with great interest the guide told a story and looked at the exhibits. School students live in our region and should know its history, flora and fauna of the region, and the mineral resources of the region. They really enjoyed the excursion. Goal: to form students’ ideas about the local history museum. Objectives: to introduce students to the local history museum of our city; cultivate love for one’s native land; make students want to visit the museum again. ———————————————————- The Khabarovsk Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1894 by the Amur Governor-General N. I. Grodekov. On his initiative, the Amur branch of the Russian Geographical Society was created, of which he was the first chairman. In 1902, the museum was named after its founder. By 1975, a second building with a hall for the “Battle of Volochaevskaya” panorama, one of three panoramas in Russia, was built. In 1994 (the hundredth anniversary of its founding), the name of Grodekov was returned to the museum. In 1998, an archeology museum was opened. In 2000, the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N.I. Grodekov won the “Window to Russia” competition and was declared “Museum of the Year” among provincial museums of the Russian Federation. In 2008, the third building was built, which housed a storage facility, a children's museum, an exhibition hall, an exhibition of Amur fish and a fin whale skeleton.[1] From 1977 to 2007, a geological museum operated in Khabarovsk; its entire collection (2,388 samples) was transferred to the regional museum. After reconstruction, the building was transferred to the administration of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The area around the museum.

On April 19, 1894, on the initiative of the Governor-General of the Amur Region N.I.
Grodekov, the State Museum of the Far East was created. By the beginning of the 20th century, it had become the leading museum of the Amur region in Khabarovsk. His exhibits were exhibited at Russian and international exhibitions in Novgorod and Kazan, Chicago and Paris. For ten years, the museum was headed by V.K. Arsenyev, an outstanding traveler, scientist and writer. Over these ten years, the museum has become a leading local history center in the Far East. During the difficult times of the socialist revolution and the years of perestroika, the museum largely lost its scientific potential, but fully retained its function as a cultural and educational center of the Khabarovsk Territory. In 1965, it was even included in the list of the best museums of the RSFSR. The main exhibitions of the museum are thematic halls covering the distant past of the Amur region, its nature, as well as the material and spiritual culture of the Khabarovsk region, the stages of development of the Amur region in the 19th-20th centuries, military conflicts and the period of civil war in the Far East. What did the students see in the local history museum? The students entered the museum and immediately saw a huge exhibit of an old dinosaur.

Then we looked at other exhibits:

Insects edge

Huge mammoth

Remains of an old dinosaur

Ussuri famous tiger

Far Eastern bear Petrified shell

Fishes of our region Minerals

Birds A separate room is dedicated to an exhibition of children's works from the art school on the theme: “We are children of one planet.” The excursion aroused great interest among the children.

Artistic is a way of life, National is part of the country, Museum is the guardian of the image of the Fatherland... We all need your treasures!
Born twice: restlessly young, Open, sinful - like a person Trusting, sublime and smart - You do not accept vanity and running. With a reciprocal glance, contemplating souls, You elevate life and beauty - You serve on the same level with the Hermitage, You cherish the same dream with the Louvre. You are a Belarusian, different cultures are mixed in your blood, the movement of eras - Earthly wisdom and living pranks, Birth cry, and maternal sigh. You are silent in thoughts and desires, Inside you there is harmony of principles, You accept the eternal flow of Water and air, sand and rocks... In your paintings there is meaning and understanding That in the nature of flowers there is both life and death, And the whirlwind of meetings and partings , And a passionate desire to fly. The Museum and the Man live in each other, Flesh and spirit merge in their souls, They are creators and spectators... in the science of loving and talking about it out loud. A. Demyankov.

We recommend watching:

Lesson notes on local history with presentation, 6th grade. G. V. Sviridov Conference on local history for schoolchildren Intellectual quiz with answers for grades 8-9 on local history Tourism and local history program for schoolchildren 12-17 years old

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Extracurricular lesson on the surrounding world for elementary school. In the museum

Extracurricular lesson on the surrounding world “In the Museum” for elementary school.
Abstract Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 47 Samara City District Description This material is intended for primary and secondary school students. Primary school teachers and class teachers can use the material for extracurricular activities. Goal: Formation of an idea of ​​the museum as a custodian of cultural values. Objectives : Show the role of museums in our lives. Using specific examples, reveal the need for cultural continuity through visiting museums. To consolidate practical knowledge about the rules of conduct in a museum. Develop students' ability to manage their cognitive activity. To cultivate a moral culture, goodwill, and attention to people. Deepen the study of the curriculum.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment
Teacher Good afternoon! Today I invite you to visit one wonderful place. We have already been to some of these places. Try to guess what kind of place this is: you need to maintain silence there, not touch objects with your hands, and listen carefully. Ready? Then let's go. Self-determination for activity Teacher A hundred and two hundred years will pass, And three hundred years will pass, But every photograph and portrait, Any thing, any object, will be preserved by the people here. (S. Mikhalkov) So where are we going today? Did you guess it? (To the museum) Well done! What museums have we already visited? (children's answers) Work on the topic of the lesson The curators of the museum come out 1. Guardian Hello, guys! How can you explain in your own words what a museum is? (children's answers) Let's summarize your definitions of what it is: In museums, a tangible memory is stored, Which you can quietly touch, Lightly touch bygone eras, Meager crumbs of former greatness. At night excursions he spends time here, knocking very quietly, timid before the past. Keeping the silence and its exhibits, the ghosts are silent, wiggling viciously. A museum is a unique opportunity to preserve and share with posterity what is most important and important. This is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture. 2 Guardian What do you guys think, how long ago were the first museums created? (children's answers) The word museum comes from the Greek word mouseion, which means “temple of the muse.” The first Museyon was founded in Alexandria in 290 BC. These were living rooms, reading rooms, botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory, and a library.

Later, astronomical instruments, stuffed animals, statues and busts were added to it, which were used in teaching. 3 Guardian In the early period of the Renaissance, Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence, Italy, gave instructions for the creation of a Sculpture Garden.

In France, the most famous museum is the Louvre Palace. The museum was opened in 1793. It consists of 7 departments.

1 Guardian The first museum of a new type was the British Museum in London (opened in 1753). To visit it, you first had to register in writing)

Prosperity to museums! Let the congregations multiply. Keep, study, enlighten us sinners. Everything is in the museums of the world: Products from Tire, Sculpture, furniture, stamps, Gifts from the bowels and seas, Masterpieces and freaks, History of nations, Paintings and coins, Armor and clarinets... It’s impossible to comprehend everything at once, The poor mind is stalled, But we will come to the museums , Let's take a look at this. 2 Guardian Museum art in Russia has gone through the same stages of development as in Europe, and also began with private collecting and collecting. In 1494, on the initiative of Ivan III, the building of the Armory Chamber was erected in Moscow. At first, the Armory Chamber stored and repaired ceremonial princely armor, edged weapons and firearms. Even then, wonderful craftsmen worked here: gunsmiths, chasers, engravers, enamel and filigree makers, who were invited not only from Moscow and its environs, but also from Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir, and foreigners were also invited.

3 Guardian The appearance of museums (in the modern sense of the word) is associated with the era of Peter I. The people always took care of relics, Guarded treasures from the eyes of strangers In churches, cathedrals and monasteries, And he himself knew about them only in words. But Peter the Great strictly commanded that the Russian people see the treasures, and a museum was opened in St. Petersburg for all ordinary people to see. That century has been replaced by more than one century, but everything that was created by man is now kept in museums throughout the country by connoisseurs of ancient antiquity. They are concentrated and strict, In laboratories, archives, like gods, And with the public they are friendly, smart, Revealing to us the secrets of antiquity.

Peter I begins to assemble his collection. Peter visited the office of the famous anatomist Frederik Ruysch, whose collection of preparations on anatomy and embryology delighted the Tsar. Negotiations for the purchase began. They were completed only in 1716 (Peter paid a huge sum of 30 thousand guilders for the collection at that time); delivery of the collection to Russia took more than a year. This collection then became the basis of the Kunstkamera - the first Russian museum. The first Russian museum had a number of features that distinguished it from many of its European counterparts. It was truly public: “anyone who wanted” was allowed in. Admission was free, moreover, at first visitors were also fed, for which 400 rubles were allocated from the treasury. in year.

1 Guardian Following the example of famous European collections, palace collections of paintings, graphics, and applied arts are being created. Collections were considered as important elements of the educational system: it was believed that engaging in art or even simply contemplating its highest examples develops the intellect, will, and forms good morals. The largest collection that appeared in the 2nd half of the 18th century. - Hermitage Museum. Its idea belonged to Catherine II, who wanted to create a collection of the best examples of Western European painting.

Hermitage Museum. 2 Guardian The founding date of the Tretyakov Gallery is generally considered to be 1856, when the young Tretyakov acquired the first works by contemporary Russian artists, setting out to create a collection that in the future could develop into a museum of national art. A world of magical beauty Museums open to us. Today you visited the Tretyakov Gallery. You are very big now. You understand thoughts and feelings. I wish with all my heart. So that you love art.

“For me, who truly and ardently loves painting, there can be no better desire than to lay the foundation for a public, accessible repository of fine arts that will bring benefit to many and pleasure to all,” the collector wrote in 1860, adding: “... I wanted would like to leave a national gallery, that is, consisting of paintings by Russian artists.”

Physical exercise We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation! Hey! They jumped on the spot. Eh! We wave our hands together. Ehe - heh! They bent their backs and looked at the shoes. Hey - hey! Bent down lower. Bent closer to the floor. Turn around in place deftly. We need skill in this. Teacher Guys, what museums do we have in Samara? (children's answers) Now we will get acquainted with the most popular museums in Samara. The museum has velvet comfort and striped marble. In the museum they give you slippers, and the chairs are exhibits! You can’t sit on them anymore And the slippers slide past. The story will begin with the Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. This is the largest city museum, founded by Peter Alabin. This is also the oldest local history museum in the entire Volga region, by the way. It was founded in 1886.

Kurlina's mansion, the family nest of local merchant Alexander Kurlin, who built it for his young wife. This Art Nouveau mansion was so unusual for Samara that writer Alexei Tolstoy mentioned it in his novel “Walking Through Torment,” calling it “ridiculously luxurious.”

At the beginning of the last century in Samara, in the house of the landlord and stepfather A. Bostrom, the family of the writer Alexei Tolstoy lived. Today this estate houses the Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy Museum. Here are the writer's personal belongings and things that belonged to members of his family. This is a local history museum

Industrialist Klodt Museum

And now the modern museums of Samara - Launch Vehicle named after D.I. Kozlov

Police Museum

1 Guardian Do you guys know what rules of behavior must be followed in the museum? (children's answers) Let's summarize:

2 Guardian Guess the riddle, what is it? The guide told us how to get to such and such a hall. We looked at the mummy and saw what we were wearing. Even a mammoth is standing here, Eyes closed, as if sleeping. If you are not a mouthful, then go quickly to... (museum) Reflection. Final part Teacher Where have we been today? What do you remember most? Why should you visit museums? 3 Guardian It's good that there are museums. This means that the thread of time has not been interrupted. This means that together we will still be able to maintain an invisible connection with the past. You came to the museum not just as a guest, here you revive the memory of your heart. Maybe it will become at least a little easier for us to understand today. Touch someone else's fate and life, bow to the exploits of your fathers. Also learn to serve the Fatherland, To live your life with dignity! Let the path to the museum not become overgrown, Let our children mature, Let everyone quickly realize: Tomorrow grows from yesterday.

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"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

A museum is a place where pieces of art and culture in the broad sense of the word are collected. Today there are museums that display more than just classical paintings or statues. The variety of museums is enormous: some tell about art that is several centuries old, others about modern art. Some about history or science. However, they have one function: human development in the mental plane.

Everything a person looks at is processed by his brain and turns into an associative connection. Associations make people completely different from each other; they are the key to human individuality. The larger and better the associative connections, the more developed the brain. That is, the main human organ can be developed by reading or looking at something that is difficult to understand. The brain is like a muscle: without training it becomes unusable. With the load on the brain that art creates, the human neural network improves physiologically.

Since school, most people have learned a certain way of thinking, generally accepted algorithms, and everything that goes beyond them causes various difficulties in perception. The older a person is, the more difficulties there are. Art does not lend itself to any algorithm, so it acts as a “trainer” for the brain. During a simple examination of a museum exhibit, a gigantic amount of work is accomplished. Difficult, but necessary for everyone.

The most active formation of associative connections occurs in childhood. What a child comes into contact with determines his future life. Individuality, mental potential, views - all this is formed under the influence of the surrounding world. The peculiarity is that the child’s brain knows a small number of algorithms, so it takes everything as a basis.

In short, the quality of what a baby sees, hears and feels is equal to the quality of his brain. “High quality” items are found in museums. There you won’t have to figure out what is useful and what is not. Getting to know any museum exhibits will only bring benefits. On excursions to museums, a high-quality foundation is formed, thanks to which the child in the future will be able to perceive complex, incomprehensible things.

The exhibits will be perceived by the child in their own way, perhaps not in the same way as is customary for adults. Most likely, in the future he will not be able to talk as a professional, for example, about the classical paintings that he saw in childhood. They serve another function: not to surprise others with their “eruditeness,” but to instill in a child a beautiful, stable, individual inner world.

Based on all of the above, the answer to the question is simple, maybe even banal: taking children to museums is necessary for development. Trips to the museum develop a child’s mind, just like sports activities develop the body. However, we must remember that balance is necessary everywhere. You cannot force a child to constantly be in contact with art in a museum: this process should be pleasant, and the little visitor should be interested. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get the opposite effect.

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