Article: Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old - are they necessary?
Communication games 5-7 years old Communication games 5 to 7 years old Siamese twins Purpose:
Formation of beautiful speech The problem of many children is speech. Some people cannot pronounce sounds, others -
Books about family for preschoolers 4-7 years old Agnia Barto At Home; His family; Into the empty
Formation of temporal representations in preschool children The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the formation of temporal representations
Russian fairy tale Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Hedgehog and the Hare” For children who benefit from the great Russian writer Leo
Text of the book “Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children. For working with children 4-7 years old" Evgeniy Evgenievich
MORNING HAS COME... Acrostic poem The stars are fading in the sky, T-ishina is leaving, P-ghostly dreams are happening, O-driving away
Methodological recommendations for the development of sociocultural values in preschool children Olga Aleksandrovna Ryabtseva Methodological