Physical education in the senior group on traffic rules “Journey to the Country of Traffic Lights” Game –
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Leisure summary on fire safety “Do not
Very often, in an impulse, parents cannot stand it and overwhelm their little child with reproaches and accusations.
Presentation “Interesting facts about Russia - 1” #1 grade #2 grade #3 grade #4
Development of thinking in preschool children. What kind of person will grow up, what character qualities will he have?
Homework on the lexical topic: “Our region.” Our city” - senior speech therapy group Our region. Our street.
Road signs and traffic lights - how to answer a child How to answer a child what a traffic light is
Report on the seminar on spiritual and moral education HOW the Regional scientific and practical seminar “Organization of work on
Once a year the gardens bloom. All preschool children know the seasons and
How to make a traffic light with your own hands? If there is a plumbing pipe lying around the house, and there is