Folklore is a word that is translated into Russian as the wisdom of the people. Usually this term
Lapbook “Pets” Ekaterina Alshantseva Lapbook “Pets” Lapbook is a homemade book for
Drawing on the theme of autumn with a pencil Drawing with a pencil is very simple. You can use: drawing technique (see
musical lesson in the form of a quest game “Autumn adventure in search of a magic chest” Music director: Then let’s go
“The Girl Who Stepped on Bread” A child should read G.Kh.’s fairy tale. Andersen about the poor, but
The depiction of objects of different geometric shapes develops a child’s sense of volume. Balloon - drawing
The signs greater than and less than in mathematics become known to children even before entering the first
Experts recommend developing a child with the help of fine arts. You don't have to use only pencils and
What does a fairy tale teach? A fairy tale is not just entertainment for a child. She's capable of a lot
Identification and support of gifted children in modern preschool educational organizations Inna Viktorov AndrievskayaHead Svetlana Pustovaya