Synopsis of the OD “Journey to the Land of LEGO” outline of a lesson on design, manual labor (senior group)
Abstract on light engineering on the topic: “Design of houses, urban landscape.” Open lesson on Lego design. Subject:
Seminar “Formation of a culture of health in preschool children, increasing motivation to maintain it through the use of health-saving technologies” Gladkova Oksana Nikolaevna
Workshop "Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions" Workshop-workshop "Health-saving technologies in working with children" Let's start our
Modern technologies of labor education and training of preschool children
The essence and methods of labor education Definition 1 Labor education of preschool children is a process of purposeful
Synopsis of a frontal lesson for children with OHP in preg. group on the lexical topic: “Fruits. Garden"
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF G.V. Lomaga Teacher-speech therapist of the highest category MBDOU No. 19, head of the city methodological association of preschool teachers
The essence and capabilities of the visual modeling method as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers
Summary of GCD for application with children of the senior group on the topic “Box of vegetables”
Application in the senior group Contents Introduction 1. The importance of application in the upbringing and development of a preschool child
Drawing on the topic of where bread came from, senior group
Preview: Department of General Education of the Rtishchevsky District of the Saratov Region Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "
Long-term planning for FEMP in the senior group based on the book by L. S. Metlin “Mathematics in kindergarten”
LiveInternetLiveInternet September. No. 1. Topic: Introducing the concepts of “one” and “many”. Etc. tasks. Form representations
Lesson summary Topic: Whoever is friends with a book, it serves him!
Goals. To provide knowledge about the main points in the history of book creation, to introduce the first written materials
Forms of work on patriotic education with older preschoolers
Forms of work on patriotic education with older preschoolers Bibliographic description: Gromilina, L. V. Forms
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