Game program for primary schoolchildren. Scenario “Treasure Island” Competitive game program “Treasure Island” Description: Material
“Intellectual games” (middle group) Kazan shәһәre Maskәү district “395nche katnash tordәge balalar bakchasy” municipal
How are role-playing games beneficial for a child’s development? The benefits of such activities are varied. They will consist in
Experience with traffic rules In the senior group, children's ideas are clarified and supplemented. On excursions and
Games are a great way to organize a group of people for joint activities, to motivate a person to certain
Master class MBDU “Kadoshkinsky combined kindergarten “Teremok” Master class on the topic:
Excursion to the forest “And I’m walking, walking through the forest...” for 7th grade Excursion to
Literary evenings of leisure and matinees in kindergarten. Types and content, methodology. Literary
Concept and features of dialogical speech The main communicative forms at any age are monologue and