Lesson summary on the topic: The world of professions! plan summary on the topic
Lesson summary “The world of professions” “WORLD OF PROFESSIONS” Purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​the world of professions, its
Summary of the lesson on FCCM in the first junior group “In a forest clearing”
Summary of the lesson on FCCM in the first junior group “In a forest clearing” Purpose: to teach children
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Journey to a forest clearing.”
NOD “In a forest clearing” Integration: Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development. Tasks:
Project “How to draw interestingly.” using non-traditional drawing techniques for older children.
Comprehensive thematic planning educational field "Cognitive development" (middle group)
NGO "Cognitive Development". Long-term plan for cognitive development in the middle group Semyonova Lyudmila Georgievna
Long-term plan: “Children’s rights” (secondary, senior and preparatory groups).
Scenario for a holiday with children 6-7 years old “Cabbage Party”
Leisure for children and parents "Cabbage gatherings" Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution "Kindergarten No. 14
Open lesson on rhythm: “We dance, we play, we invite everyone”
Summary of a rhythm lesson in the preparatory group Summary of a rhythm lesson in the preparatory group
Project on the theme “Magic dishes” for children of middle preschool age
Lesson on speech development in the middle group. Topic: “Dishes” Author: Kalinchuk Olesya Nikolaevna
Summary of educational activities for cognitive development “We are friends of nature!” Lesson outline (middle group)
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