Making pictures from parts
There is a lot of literature on this topic, I use these manuals:
- Children's health kit;
- A set of pictures on social development
- Illustrations on children's speech activity.
I also use homemade materials in my work, download pictures from the Internet and make games. So, that was a small digression, let's get back to the topic of conversation.
A drawing that is divided along straight lines into several parts is split. A preschooler should not think about the shape of a detail in a drawing; he concentrates on the full image.
When a child collects a drawing, he must imagine what he is collecting, what image he will get. In this case, he must correlate the pieces with the image so that the correct place is allocated to it. Otherwise the illustration will not work. This requires concentration, seriousness, and attentiveness from children.
When folding cut images, the baby begins to realize the objective integrity and compose an illustration from parts. He trains his memory, develops thinking, and spatial orientation. Drawings are great for improving fine motor skills. By consolidating knowledge about objects and phenomena, assembling a whole from pieces, the goal of the cut-out pictures game is formed.
From simple to complex
At first it is better to use the simplest designs with a small number of individual pieces. The image should be familiar to the baby. A good option is two similar pictures, one of which is divided into 2 parts. In this case, one can be a sample.
After the child masters this fun, he will not need an example picture. For this game, drawings from coloring books or old books will be useful. It will be much more interesting if you draw them yourself. Use bright, but not irritating colors.
First, cut the images into two, then into three parts. Then increase the number of pieces gradually when the child folds the previous drawing on his own. You should know that the number of elements collected increases, and their size decreases. There are times when a baby puts together pictures with large pieces easier.
The number of items should be selected in accordance with the age and special qualities of your child.
Composite pictures on cubes have their own peculiarity associated with the shape of the cube. A fragment located on each face is no longer just part of a flat image. To get the picture, it is not enough to put the cube in its place, it needs to be turned the right way. Composite pictures on the cubes suggest the presence of a basic understanding of the cube. This type of composite pictures fulfills its developmental task for children from 3-4 to 6-7 years old. You need to start your acquaintance with four cubes, on which there is an image of a separate object (fruit, dog, car, etc.). When offering a game, all the cubes need to be turned with one picture facing up - this simplifies the task, the baby just needs to place them in the correct order. As the child masters this game, the task needs to be complicated: first, turn one cube the wrong way and ask the child to find the missing part of the picture on it, then do the same with two cubes, with three. Gradually the child will get used to this game.
Now he can be offered a plot image in pictures (for example, a scene from a familiar fairy tale).
What are the benefits of cubes? Many of them are made in the same style, for example, on all sides there are scenes from fairy tales, and on three sides events taking place in the hut are depicted, and on the other three - in the forest; all sides are painted in the same color scheme. Therefore, sometimes it is not easy even for an adult to determine at first glance whether the cube is turned the right way. To avoid mistakes, you need to be very careful and patient.
Important points when choosing cubes: unity of style, color scheme, similarity of plot and age-appropriate level of difficulty. It is precisely these cubes that will most effectively fulfill their developmental task.
Cutting pictures for kindergarten
Very often in kindergarten I involve older children in making such games for younger children, and preschoolers are happy to help me. But at the same time, I am pursuing my goals, my task is not only to attract a child to artistic work, but also to teach how to cut paper, while developing children’s hands and fingers.
Pay attention to the “Games” section, where you will find a lot of useful material.
The game of cut pictures is widely used in speech therapy activities with preschool children of the middle and senior groups. A speech therapist works with them and uses these games in his work.
At every age, starting from 1.5 - 3 and continuing up to 7 years, the child is very interested in this fun, because with the help of it he learns the alphabet, toys, professions, transport, etc.
For preschoolers in the preparatory group, it is interesting to conduct such fun activities in mathematics. When compiling examples, I use the following pictures: in the upper part, for example, animals, toys or any objects, and in the lower part there is a number with the number of objects depicted in the picture. Such cut-out pictures for preschoolers can also be used to compose problems. An important indicator for assessing intellectual development in children is the success of putting together pictures from parts.
Methodology “Cut pictures”: description, application, interpretation.
“Cut Pictures” Method: Description, Application, Interpretation
The method of cut pictures is a kind of game that is necessary for children to develop ideas about the parts and integrity of objects, the formation of logical thinking, attentiveness, observation and many other equally important qualities. The essence of the lesson with cut pictures is that the child assembles a single whole from parts. The methodology in this case is a set of specific pictures, divided in a certain way and selected in accordance with the age group and goals.
What are the purposes of using cut pictures?
The main goal that any existing method of cutting pictures helps to achieve is the comprehensive development of the child. In addition to the main goal, the methods are also used to identify any disorders and diagnose the state of the child’s mental development. During classes, kids use visual and effective thinking, associative skills, motor skills and much more. Also, each existing method of cut-out pictures influences the child’s understanding of the environment and the formation of his aesthetic perception. Therefore, when choosing pictures for classes, you need to pay attention not only to the level of difficulty of the tasks and recommendations for age-appropriate use, but also to the content and quality of the pictures.
What do these pictures represent?
Any existing cut-picture technique uses images divided into parts. The older the child, the more complex the drawings are used as teaching material. Of course, the number of lines indicating cuts in the picture also increases. For example, for classes with very young children, the simplest possible image of one object, thing or something else is chosen. It could be a house, a car, a spoon, a plate or cup, a tree, a knitted hat, etc. The main requirement for a picture is one simple image of an object that is easily recognized by a small child. The picture is divided into two equal parts horizontally or vertically. This is what the teaching materials look like, which are used by any existing “Cut Pictures” technique for children aged two years. As a rule, in the departments of stores with educational games there are sets of pictures dedicated to certain topics: water procedures, dishes, the environment, boats, animals, and so on.
What is the difference between these pictures and puzzles?
This is a question asked by all parents who are interested in educational games and activities with their children. Any existing method of collecting cut-out pictures is fundamentally different from working with puzzles or other composite images. It lies in the fact that the puzzle leaves no room for error, its independent recognition and correction. In other words, puzzles do not allow imagination to develop, do not form analytical thinking and do not stimulate the need to compare the result of the assembly with the prototype of the image used.
Does this mean that the “Fold the cut picture” technique is better than the “Assemble the puzzle” activity? Of course no. These techniques develop various skills and abilities. For example, puzzles are much more effective at developing fine motor skills, instilling discipline and perseverance than images cut along smooth contours. Accordingly, kids need both pictures and puzzles.
How is the technique used in diagnosing the level of development?
The diagnostic technique “Folding cut-out pictures” in practice is no different from educational games or activities. As a rule, the purpose of the diagnostic use of the technique is to determine the degree of development in children of ideas about the integrity and completeness of images. It also becomes clear that their fantasies are adequate, their level of logical thinking skills, and many other aspects. Testing is carried out as follows: the child is offered a set of cards divided into parts with various images, from which he must create complete pictures and name them. Initially, the cards are in a mixed, chaotic and unsystematic position. The child takes out one card from this “pile” and voices his guess as to what part of the object is depicted on it. After that, he looks for the remaining parts of the drawing and combines them into a single whole.
Does teaching material change depending on age?
Each existing and practiced “Cut Pictures” technique, the author of which has a pedagogical education and experience working with children, uses different images for each age group. For children from two to three years old, pictures are usually used, divided into a couple of parts. Children who have crossed the three-year mark are given more difficult tasks. Pictures for them are divided into three or four parts. For children over four years old, the tasks are more complex. Images are divided into 4-6 elements. In addition to the number of parts into which the card is divided, the very nature of the image changes. If children aged 2-3 years are offered a simple one-component drawing depicting some easily recognizable object, then those who are five years old can already imagine images with several components, for example, a house with a fence and a person.
How are the results interpreted?
The diagnostic use of pictures cut into pieces not only allows one to draw conclusions about the level of development of children, but also to notice that they have certain skills. Three-year-old children with normal mental development, when forming a picture divided into a pair of parts, use the trial method, connecting the pieces until the correct result is obtained. Children who have crossed the four-year age threshold use the visual correlation method. This means that they do not take everything from the general “pile”, checking afterwards for a match, but try to initially select the necessary elements. Children with various mental development disorders cope with assembling a picture from two pieces only by the age of four. The task of assembling an image divided into four parts can cause difficulties for them even at the age of five. Mentally retarded children initially do not understand the essence of the task and simply rearrange pieces of images without trying to connect anything into one whole.
How are results scored?
As a rule, teachers use a four-point scale for assessment. Its meanings are as follows: 1 - unable to understand the requirements, grasp the essence of the task, inadequate chaotic actions when teaching and demonstrating an example; 2 - takes part in training, but cannot cope independently, makes mistakes, does not see the difference in the correct and incorrect image; 3 - does not have problems understanding the purpose of the lesson, makes connections by searching through options; 4 - completely fulfills. A score of “4” does not mean that the child never makes mistakes. Parents who use these methods with their children need to understand that children are not robots. Moreover, an inquisitive child sometimes wants not only to fulfill the conditions of the task assigned to him, but also to see what happens if the drawing is folded differently than required.
What are the advantages of cut pictures over other developmental activities?
The main advantage of using various options for activities with pictures cut into pieces over other educational games is that they allow the child to make mistakes, experiment and fantasize. In other words, such techniques provide children with complete and practically unlimited freedom to manipulate parts of the whole image. This is an extremely important point, since manipulation in this case is one of the ways to understand the world around us. These techniques also provide the child with the opportunity to feel control over the result and take responsibility for it. After all, it depends only on the child what form a tree, house, hat or any other image will take. The main task of parents is not to interfere with the child in his experiments, but at the same time to ensure that he adequately completes the task. It is important that the child understands the difference between fantasy and objective reality.
An example of a developmental lesson using this method.
The developmental methodology “Cut Pictures” for preschoolers, which is easy to practice at home, should contain several tasks, varying from simple to difficult. Of course, when choosing a material you need to take into account the age of the baby. There is no need to include pictures divided into two parts in tasks for six-year-old children. In the first stages, two-year-old children need not only to be provided with simple images divided into parts, but also to have a sample laid out in front of them, that is, a whole version of what should happen. For children over five years old, you can complicate the task by adding letters or syllables to the image, so that when you put the whole image together, you get a word. An example of a simple activity: the child is offered 8 or more cards cut into pieces and the same number of whole ones; the essence of the task is explained and completion is shown; the child collects pictures, placing them under the samples and names what is drawn on them. Classes are conducted according to this scheme. The cards themselves are divided into the number of parts that corresponds to the age of the child.
Method of playing the game
Having carried out the technique with cut-out drawings, for example, according to the seasons, you must first select pictures on this topic. The purpose of this method is to identify the skills of composing a whole image from parts. The task is to orientate by shape, color, size, identify visual figurative thinking, coordinate hand movements, as well as fine motor skills. How to do this fun?
Before playing the game, the speech therapist lays out parts of the illustration, which consist of 4 parts, on tables for children. Then he invites the children to assemble the object, asks them to put the parts on the sample, remember the location of the parts in order to assemble the illustration themselves. After which the drawings are scattered, the sample is removed, inviting the children to collect them again. The child must name the object that is cut.
If a child puts the images together correctly on the first try, this means that his visual and figurative effective thinking is well formed. If a small child completed the task on the second attempt, then we can assume that his attention and imagination are poorly formed.
In a word, this technique helps the baby develop logic, memory, attention, imagination, thinking, activates speech and sensory perception.
Insert pictures
The insert picture is a picture with parts cut out. You need to find the missing pieces and put them in their places to create a complete image. For example, a drawing of a fruit bowl in which individual fruits are cut out. This game is intended for children from 2 to 4 years old. Its task can be expressed by the question “what is missing here?” Usually, children as young as two years old can easily cope with inserts, for example, with a row of vegetables and fruits or a row of dogs of the same shape, but of different sizes.
Thus, classes with insert pictures are very good for the formation and development of visual-figurative thinking that is just emerging in the baby.
It is necessary to choose insert pictures based on the age of the child: the younger he is, the fewer pieces should be cut out, and the larger the details.
In the simplest version of this game, the cut out fragment has smooth edges, and the design depicted on it is symmetrical (for example, a symmetrical daisy on a square piece). Or the shape of the piece matches the image: a cut out cup, saucer, spoon, etc. In these cases, in order to cope with the task, the child simply needs to understand which part of the picture this element is from. To complicate the task, you can offer your child a picture with uneven edges of the cutouts that do not coincide with the boundaries of the picture.
It is even more difficult for a child to cope with a picture, the cut-out parts of which have smooth edges, but the image located on them is asymmetrical: for example, a bird is drawn on a square - the child has to be careful not to put it upside down. Or each piece does not represent a separate image, but only a part of it, for example, a fragment of a vase or flower. Here the child is forced to focus on the shape of the cutout and the corresponding piece (we insert a circle into a round cutout, a triangle into a triangular cutout), and also take into account the content of what is drawn, correlate the details of the image, all the lines, colors and location of the drawing. These insert pictures are especially difficult for a child due to age characteristics, and at some stage he will need the help of an adult. However, such games prepare the basis for the successful development of visual and figurative thinking. The experience gained will allow the child to more easily cope with much more complex puzzles.
Recommendations for parents
Cutting pictures for children develop their sensory abilities.
The tasks for adult groups are:
- development of the baby’s sensory abilities: restoration of the whole in parts;
- development of coordinated actions of hands and eyes through the ability to trace an image along a contour;
- knowledge of the object depicted in the illustration, its name and finding identical drawings;
- speech development, enrichment of the active vocabulary with the help of new words, as well as repetitions of familiar words.
The materials are object drawings from two sets. Two identical images are selected from each set. One picture is cut in half, and the other, as an example for selection, remains intact.
Tip #1
Use pictures that, when cut, form identical parts, connecting them, they will be like one whole, for example, a hare, a pyramid, a car, a chicken.
How to conduct classes? Use a surprise moment, let a fairy-tale character come to visit your son or daughter who does not know the names of the toys. For example: a clown drew toys and brought them to your baby so that he could tell what they are and how to play with them. Parents show entire illustrations and ask what is depicted on them. If the children answer correctly, you praise him. It will be good if you use a poem or beautiful figures of speech on the topic of the image.
Don’t forget that children get tired quickly, spend some physical exercise in a playful way, fortunately there are a great many of them on the Internet.
When a preschooler looks at the drawings, an adult teaches him the ability to trace an object along the contour. Thus, sensory actions of the hands and eyes are developed, which help to recognize objects when examining their shape.
Next, the parent shows the same illustrations, which consist of two identical halves. Then he explains that the picture must be folded correctly, then you will get a whole pyramid, matryoshka or car. Then he shows how to add two identical halves, and also compares the created illustration with a similar image in the whole drawing that the clown brought them.
Then the task becomes a little more complicated, the parent gives the child 2 drawings, for example, a pyramid and a hare, a car and a chicken, a tomato and a cucumber. The child chooses images from two options that differ in color and shape. When classes are over, the adult praises the little one for the actions done.
Tip #2
Dear parents, to consolidate the material, you need to systematically repeat the lessons and further complicate them, i.e. cut illustrations into three, four, eight parts.
The game cut pictures for preschoolers allows them to get acquainted with their hometown, learn the names of domestic and wild animals, migratory birds and insects, indoor plants, flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits. It also helps to improve cognitive interests in fire safety and military equipment.
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