The social nature of the game. Game structure. Connection of the game with other activities.


  1. Before the start of the game, the teacher plans this activity, sets educational, training and educational tasks.
  2. During the entire process, the adult remains in charge. He starts the game, clearly explains the rules, follows the unfolding of the plot and sums up the conclusion.
  3. The teacher takes an active part: he reacts emotionally to moments of the game, and helps the children if necessary.
  4. He takes into account the individual characteristics of children, changing the course or rules if necessary. Controls the rotation of game roles after the end of each game cycle.

Games in childhood, including didactic ones, are the leading type of human activity and are of great importance for him. Teachers and parents, by correctly implementing them, are able to help children develop and learn unnoticed and natural for their age.

Game is the leading activity of a child

Marina Borgoyakova

Game is the leading activity of a child

Preschool childhood is a short but very important period of personality development, because it is during these years that the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, his character develops, skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, and a certain attitude towards people and work begins to form. The main activity of preschool children is play , during which the child’s : his attention and memory, imagination and will, discipline and dexterity. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age. In the game, all aspects of the child’s , significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler .

A child in the first years of life is characterized by a need to understand the world around him, which psychologists call unsatisfiable. Children's games in all their diversity provide him with the opportunity to learn new things, reflect on what has already been included in his experience, and express his attitude to what is the content of the game.

Game is one of those types of activities of preschoolers that are used by adults for the purpose of educating preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of teaching. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities , and his relationships with people will subsequently depend. Play is a special form in the social life of preschoolers, in which they unite at will, act independently, realize their plans, and explore the world. Independent play activities contribute to the physical and mental development of the child , the education of moral and volitional qualities, and creative abilities.

Game as a means of education:

In the pedagogical theory of games, special attention is paid to the study of games as a means of education. The fundamental position is that in preschool age play is the type of activity in which the personality is formed and its internal content is enriched. The main meaning of the game associated with the activity of imagination is that the child develops the need to transform the surrounding reality, the ability to create something new. It combines real and fictional phenomena in the plot of the game, endows familiar objects with new properties and functions (a chair is a space rocket, a teddy bear is a brave traveler)


The tasks of comprehensive education in play are successfully implemented only if the psychological basis of play activity in each age period of early and preschool childhood. This is due to the fact that the development of the game is associated with significant progressive transformations in the child’s psyche, and above all in his intellectual sphere, which is the foundation for the development of all other aspects of the child’s personality. Conventionally, all games can be divided into: plot-role-playing (creative)

games and games with rules.
Role-playing games are games on everyday themes, with industrial themes, construction games, games with natural materials, theatrical games, fun games, and entertainment. Games include didactic games (games with objects and toys, verbal didactic, board-printed, musical and didactic games) and outdoor games (plot-based, plotless, with sports elements).
The Education and Training Program in kindergarten provides the following classification of games for preschoolers :

— plot-role-playing:

- theatrical;

- movable;

- didactic.

plot-role-playing game goes through several stages in its development: an introductory game , a display game , a plot-display game , a plot-role-playing game , a dramatization game . Along with the game, the child himself develops: at first, his actions with an object - a toy - are manipulative in nature, then he learns various ways of acting with objects, which reflect his ideas about their essential properties. The appearance of generalized actions in the game, the use of substitute objects, the combination of actions into a single plot, the child calling himself by the name of the hero - all this indicates a transition to a plot-based role-playing game. These games begin to reflect human relationships, norms of behavior, and social contacts. Researchers consider role-playing play a creative activity . In it, children reproduce everything that they see around them. The development of gaming creativity is associated with the gradual enrichment of the content of the game. children’s amateur play is important here , since it involves creative processing, transformation and assimilation of everything that the child takes from life.


play is important in the development of a special kind of play in children - theatrical play . The peculiarity of theatrical play is that over time, children are no longer satisfied in their games with only depicting the activities of adults ; they begin to be captivated by games inspired by literary works (on heroic, labor, historical themes)

.Such games are transitional, they contain elements of dramatization, but the text here is used more freely than in a theatrical game.
Both games (role-playing and theatrical)
develop in parallel.
Researchers note the closeness of role-playing games and theatrical games based on the commonality of their structural components (the presence of an imaginary situation, imaginary action, plot, role, content). These games can exist as an independent activity for children and belong to the category of creative games. Currently, in science there is no single view on the essence of the concepts “theatrical play ” and “ game-dramatization” . work on the formation of theatrical activities of preschoolers with their accumulation of emotional and sensory experience; develop interest and an emotionally positive attitude towards theatrical activities . Introducing children to theatrical art begins with watching performances performed by adults: first, puppet productions that are close to the child’s emotional mood, then dramatic performances. Theatrical play can be used in any type of children's activity . The greatest value of the game is manifested in the reflection by children in independent activity of impressions from the performances they watched and the literary works they read. To design children's performances, special work should be organized, as a result of which children are united in creative groups (costume designers, directors, artists, etc.)


Outdoor games originated in the distant past in the depths of folk life. Competitions in strength, agility, speed, and accuracy are widespread among children and adolescents. Such games create favorable conditions for the development of active motor activity .

Outdoor games are varied. These are, first of all, actual outdoor games and sports games. Among the first, or, as they are also called, games with rules, there are plot and plotless games - fun and attractions. The content and nature of children's actions in story games reflect their ideas and knowledge about the life around them - about the work activities of people of different professions, natural phenomena, the lifestyle and habits of animals. The peculiarity of such games is the possibility of influencing children through the images into which they are reincarnated, as well as through the rules. The actions of all players are closely interconnected and interdependent. ( "Swan geese"

"By the Bear in the Forest"


In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge in preschoolers. These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developing role. The didactic game helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher puts children in conditions that require them to be able to play together , regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

In conclusion, I would like to note that play , like any creative activity , is emotionally rich and brings joy and pleasure to every child by its very process. A game , like a fairy tale, teaches a child to penetrate the thoughts and feelings of the people depicted, going beyond the circle of everyday impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities , and his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

Types and components of games

At the border between early and preschool childhood, the first types of children's games appear. This is a director's game we already know. Simultaneously with it or a little later, figurative role-playing appears. In it, the child imagines himself as anyone and anything and acts accordingly.

A prerequisite for the development of such a game is a vivid experience: the child was struck by the picture he saw, and in his play actions he reproduces the image that evoked a strong emotional response in him.

In J. Piaget, a specialist in cognitive psychology, you can find examples of figurative role-playing games

Here are a few cases. His daughter, who attended the church service, remains impressed by what she saw and heard for a long time. She approaches her father's desk and, standing motionless, makes a deafening noise. “You’re disturbing me, I’m working.” “Don’t talk to me,” the girl replies. “I am the church.”

Another time, the daughter of J. Piaget, entering the kitchen, was shocked by the sight of a plucked duck left on the table. In the evening the girl is found lying on the sofa. She does not move, is silent, does not answer questions, then her muffled voice is heard: “I am a dead duck.”

Directed and figurative role-playing games become sources of plot-role-playing play, which reaches its developed form by the middle of preschool age. The main thing in these games is not the reproduction of adults’ behavior in relation to the objective world, but the imitation of certain relationships between people, in particular role-playing ones.

The roles that children play in play are either family roles (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, etc.), or educational roles (nanny, kindergarten teacher), or professional roles (doctor, commander, pilot), or fabulous (goat, wolf, hare, snake). The role players in the game can be adults or children, or toys that replace them, for example, dolls.

Later, games with rules emerge from the role-playing game. In such games, the relationships between the participants in the game are built on certain rules; children strictly monitor their observance and try to follow them themselves.

In games with rules, the role fades into the background and the main thing is strict adherence to the rules of the game; Usually a competitive motive, personal or team gain appears here. These are the majority of outdoor, sports and printed games.

It should be noted that the emergence of new types of games does not completely cancel the old ones that have already been mastered - they are all preserved and continue to be improved.


Competitive games are classified into a special class, in which the most attractive moment for children is winning. It is assumed that it is in such games that the motivation to achieve success is formed and consolidated in preschool children.

In older preschool age, design play begins to turn into work activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful and needed in everyday life. In such games, children learn basic labor skills, learn the physical properties of objects, and actively develop practical thinking.

In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. He acquires and develops the ability to plan his actions, motor skills and mental operations (imagination) improve.

D.B. Elkonin identified individual components of the game that are characteristic of preschool age. The components of the game include: game conditions, plot and content of the game.

Each game has its own playing conditions - the children, dolls, and other toys and objects participating in it. Selection and combination of them significantly changes the game in early preschool age. The game at this time mainly consists of monotonously repeated actions, reminiscent of manipulations with objects.

For example, if the play conditions include another person (a doll or a child), then a three-year-old child can play “cooking dinner” by manipulating plates and cubes.

The child plays cooking dinner even if he later forgets to feed the doll sitting next to him. But if you take away a doll from a child that prompts him to this plot, he continues to manipulate the cubes, arranging them by size or shape, explaining that he is playing “with cubes,” “it’s so simple.” Lunch disappeared from his thoughts along with the change in playing conditions.

The plot is the sphere of reality that is reflected in the game

At first, the child is limited to the family and therefore his games are connected mainly with family and everyday problems. Then, as he masters new areas of life, he begins to use more complex plots - industrial, military, etc. The forms of playing with old plots, say, “mother-daughter”, also become more diverse.


In addition, the game with the same plot gradually becomes more stable and longer. If at 3–4 years old a child can devote only 10–15 minutes to it, and then he needs to switch to something else, then at 4–5 years old one game can already last 40–50 minutes. Older preschoolers are able to play the same thing for several hours in a row, and some games last for several days.

Those moments in the activities and relationships of adults that are reproduced by the child constitute the content of the game. The content of games for younger preschoolers is an imitation of the objective activities of adults.

Children “cut bread”, “wash the dishes”, they are absorbed in the very process of performing actions and sometimes forget about the result - why and for whom they did it. Therefore, having “prepared lunch”, the child can then go “for a walk” with his doll without feeding her. The actions of different children are not consistent with each other, duplication and sudden changes of roles during the game are possible.

For middle preschoolers, the main thing is the relationships between people; they perform play actions not for the sake of the actions themselves, but for the sake of the relationships behind them. Therefore, a 5-year-old child will never forget to place the “sliced” bread in front of the dolls and will never confuse the sequence of actions - first lunch, then washing the dishes, and not vice versa.

Parallel roles are also excluded, for example, the same bear will not be examined by two doctors at the same time, two drivers will not drive the same train. Children included in the general system of relationships distribute roles among themselves before the game begins.

For older preschoolers, it is important to obey the rules arising from the role, and the correctness of these rules is strictly controlled by them. Game actions gradually lose their original meaning. Actual objective actions are reduced and generalized, and sometimes completely replaced by speech (“Well, I washed their hands. Let’s sit down at the table!”).

Structure of the didactic game

Didactic games for primary schoolchildren, preschoolers and young children differ in complexity, but have a single structure.

The structure accommodates:

  • didactic task;
  • game task;
  • game actions;
  • game rules;
  • game result.

Didactic task

Didactic tasks are realized during the game, determined in advance by adults who plan and manage it.

Game task

It reflects the actions of children during the lesson, given in the form of an installation that encourages participants to be cognitively active.

Game actions

The game is impossible without active actions, and their complexity depends on the age of the children. Younger preschoolers have access to 1-2 actions, older ones - 4-5.

Game rules

So that the children do not lose interest in the game process, it should not be overloaded with rules. But you can’t live without them either. Rules help children interact, maintain discipline, and learn proper play behavior.

Game result

This part reflects the achievement of the learning goal. Unlike ordinary games, didactic games cannot be content with just winning, but must contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and the development of the child’s mental activity.

Features of didactic games

Didactic games for preschoolers in kindergarten are used in all their diversity. They take up most of the school time, and it happens that the entire lesson for preschoolers consists of several such games. Educators widely use tasks that stimulate several types of sensations - these are board and object games. The cyclical nature of such games is frequent, which is due to the age characteristics of preschoolers.

For children 7-10 years old, didactic tasks are somewhat modified. Word games come to the fore. The teacher, as a rule, uses this type of activity at the beginning or end of the lesson to interest younger students or to maintain interest in the material covered. A feature of primary school students is a well-developed imagination, the emergence of logical and analytical thinking, due to which educational games can become significantly more complex.

Classification of didactic games

There is no unified classification in Russian pedagogy, since it is customary to separate them according to different criteria. There are several types of association.

By use of material:

  • desktop-printed - “walkers”, cut-out pictures, lotto, dominoes;
  • with objects - natural materials, mosaics, folk toys;
  • verbal - “Colors”, “Riddles”.

According to the content of training and education:

  • on the formation of mathematical concepts;
  • sensory;
  • verbal;
  • to get acquainted with nature;
  • other games that carry certain educational and educational objectives.

By type of activity:

  • conversations;
  • trips;
  • puzzles;
  • instructions;
  • assumptions.

Tasks and functions

All types of didactic games for preschoolers and schoolchildren are united by common objectives:

  • Educational. Forms new knowledge, abilities, skills in children, and also consolidates them. Develops cognitive processes, broadens horizons;
  • Educational. Influences the child's personality;
  • Orientation. Teaches you to understand the situation, using the acquired knowledge in the future;
  • Motivational and incentive. Helps to activate children's activities associated with involuntary cognitive interest.
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