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Types of puppet theaters and materials Any parent can create their own home theater. TO
Distinguish between “left” and “right” For study in general and so as not to confuse the concepts of “by
A modern view of the physical education of preschool children Various medical, sociological, demographic and other
The structure of the lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Educational and methodological manual on the topic MBDOO No. 11 “Kindergarten
The Great Veles Christmastide began after the winter Solstice and continued until Vodokres. Our
Tags: Development, Speech development The development of a child’s speech is an important area of preschool and school education.
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Long-term lesson plan for
Entertainment in the younger group on the topic: Insects Summary of entertainment in kindergarten on the topic
The purpose of an open lesson on speech development. Introductory lessons in kindergartens are conducted to demonstrate
Nuances in the method A kindergarten teacher resembles a conductor. Selects a program, knows the parts of the musicians,