Help method
Progress of the game: Start of the game: interest the children with the help of a poem Look what happened Everyone
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Preparing children for school, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education
Relay games for children 5, 6, 7 years old Outdoor relay games for children 5-7
Productive activities of preschool children Productive activities of preschool children are the right direction in preparing the future
Organization of work in nature in the younger group Contents of work Tasks In a group room 1.
Game - quest on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age Municipal preschool
Preview: Fine arts activities for children of the younger group. Topic: “Furniture for Masha” Purpose: to consolidate
“Water in human life” Activities with children. “Water in human life” Summary of an open lesson
Card index of experiments with water Material: two identical measuring containers. Children pour an equal amount of water