Workshop for teachers “Organization of story-based games in kindergarten”
Workshop for teachers “Organization of story-based games in kindergarten” • communication of any new fact
Short-term educational practice “Bread is the head of everything” (children age 4-5 years)
“The Girl Who Stepped on Bread” A child should read G.Kh.’s fairy tale. Andersen about the poor, but
Presentation for a business game for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Child’s Rights”
material I am a child. I have the right SLIDE CONTENTS 1 Title page. Children should always
National Unity Day (senior group) lesson plan (senior group) on the topic
Musical and sports festival "National Unity Day" Author - Olga Alekseevna Ershova, instructor
How to develop a child at 2 years old
Play activities for little ones - development at 2 years old
A small child can be compared to a piece of clay: whatever you mold from it is what it is.
Card index of autumn walks (OCTOBER) in the junior group card index (junior group) on the topic
Card index of walks. First junior group. Autumn card file (junior group) on the topic Card file of walks. First youngest
Why do we get animals?
The role of pets in a child’s life – consultation for parents
Why do we get animals? Man tamed wild animals thousands of years ago, and from then on
classes femp senior group fgos
The structure of educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and the use of modern technologies in the classroom
Sample program according to the Federal State Educational Standard: senior group FEMP classes for children 5-6 years old involve studying
Photo: Soroka
“Wintering birds” (introduction to the magpie) methodological development for speech development (senior group) on the topic
Origin of the species and description Photo: Magpie Magpie, also known as the common magpie or whatever it is called
Presentation “Non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions”
Interactive coloring book. Master class with photos. Presentation Master class “Technological technique “Interactive coloring” when creating an interactive
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