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Summary of OD in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic “Autumn. Signs of autumn. Leaf fall" Educational
Summary of a lesson on ecology on the topic “The importance of the sun in our lives” For middle-age children
Project “Family”: how to get the highest return on investment I myself stayed for a long time
How much can you study in kindergarten: Onishchenko’s advice The question of how much can you do
Summary of educational activities for non-traditional drawing with children of the middle group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of educational activities on modeling for children of the middle group “Dishes for dolls” Purpose:
Structure of an individual lesson at the stage of sound production Organizational moment Articulation exercises: general articulation exercises,
Summary of educational activities on speech development for young children “Let's find friends by sound” Publications
Project “Wintering Birds” Relevance. In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children is becoming particularly acute and