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TRIZ technologies in teaching drawing to children of middle preschool age. With the help of speech, a preschooler expresses
Features of patriotic education of preschool children Dear friends, we are pleased to introduce you to Akimova
Two teams can play: a children's team against a team of parents, mixed children's and adult teams of two different
Environmental project: “Red Book of Russia” Information card of the project Topic: “Animals and plants of the Red Book
Drawing on the theme “Favorite Vegetable.” outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic Integration
Preview: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 21” Abstract
Galina Klokova Notes for drawing classes using non-traditional image techniques. Art classes
Basic requirements for a teacher’s speech in the process of communicating with children in a preschool educational institution. Sharenko Vera
Retelling in a preparatory school group. And this is the stronger sex? Witty and funny