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Paper - Hot and Cold Benjamin Franklin is one of America's greatest men. He
Club work in the senior group of kindergarten: goals and principles of organization Club work in
Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard Stages and conditions Artistic and aesthetic development - process and result
Coloring pages for preschoolers Children aged 5-6 years already confidently hold a pencil and not only draw
Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the 2nd junior group “Visiting the Hare.” Abstract
Letters surround us everywhere. The child sees them in books and magazines, on
For many centuries, man behaved in relation to nature as a consumer: he cut down
What is it? Studying the positive effects of rhythmic movements on speech together with the pronunciation of words, correct
Relaxing in the city on hot asphalt is hardly anyone’s childhood dream. But noisy
Types of gymnastics after a nap in kindergarten Warm-up in bed and hardening Not