features of the activities of a teacher in a preschool institution article on the topic


The work of a kindergarten teacher is extremely important for the future of the entire country, because he is entrusted with the most valuable thing in every family - children. And today’s preschoolers are the future of the state, which is why the government pays so much attention to issues of education and training, starting from the very “starting” levels - nurseries and kindergartens. For the full development of pedagogy, each employee of a children's educational institution must know the main directions of the teacher, directly related to his work as a specialist in the education of young children.

The main activities of a preschool teacher

In preschool activities, mental, moral, labor, physical and artistic-aesthetic education are distinguished, but in recent years more and more attention has been paid to environmental and legal education. This is due to the fact that the socio-economic and political situation in the country and throughout the world is rapidly changing, and modern children in these areas are much better developed than their peers of previous years. In addition, the requirements for the development of a full-fledged personality provide for the all-round development of the child, so ignoring the issues of modern times will not bring anything good. Preschool teachers have to use much more knowledge and skills than in previous years, as this is required by the environment and the changed rules for assessing the activities of the teacher and the requirements for them.

The main directions of the teacher’s pedagogical activity include the following sections:

  • Self-education.
  • Organization of problem-search work for a children's team.
  • Expanding the skills and abilities of students through the introduction of new information technologies into their activities.
  • Expanding the educational space of pupils.
  • The use of special classes to prepare students for school using ICT.
  • Expanding the teacher’s own horizons and educational space using the latest information technologies.

The work of preschool teachers and educators is carried out in different directions, but, in essence, is aimed at one most important goal - the formation of a child as an integral creative personality. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of any educator is the harmonious unification of all areas of their activities to achieve their goal.

In the pedagogical literature, there are often 5 main areas of activity of a teacher in a preschool educational institution. These concepts resonate with the job responsibilities of a teacher, but do not copy, but complement them.

You can find many different definitions of the main directions of a teacher’s work, but they all, in essence, boil down to the following brief and succinct formulations:

1. Care.

2. Education.

3. Supervision.

4. Organization of educational work.

5. Conducting educational work.

This can be deciphered as follows:

  • Care is caring, patronizing and providing assistance to a pupil. It concerns both training and education, and purely human feelings, as well as the health of the child. The teacher creates a psychologically healthy atmosphere in the children's educational institution, thanks to which the child feels calm, confident, and safe.
  • Education is a broad concept that includes both the inculcation of universal human norms and the formation of a free, fully and comprehensively developed personality.
  • Supervision involves monitoring not only behavior and academic performance, but also identifying various violations for the purpose of their subsequent correction and correction.
  • Organization of educational work is planning and preparation of the entire learning process in a preschool educational institution. It includes numerous stages - from self-education to the production of the necessary visual material.
  • Carrying out educational work is the actual learning process, which involves all the knowledge and skills accumulated by the teacher.

Also, the directions of the teacher’s work can be formulated as follows:

  1. Sports and recreation.
  2. Spiritual and educational.
  3. General cultural.
  4. General intellectual.
  5. Social.

The presence of several formulations does not introduce different interpretations into the definition of directions of educational activity, but only explains, “deciphers” them.

Challenges faced by senior educators

  • Promotion to the position of senior teacher (methodologist) is recognition by the authorities of the preschool educational institution of your teaching experience, leadership and personnel management abilities. Therefore, the main difficulty is a high degree of responsibility, because it is the senior teacher who will be in demand for correct documentation, competent activities of the teaching staff and the results of the learning and development of children in a kindergarten.
  • The senior teacher, along with the leader, is responsible for the life and health of preschoolers, so there is a possible risk of emotional burnout.
  • Working closely with superiors also involves serious stress, because it is not so easy to constantly feel under control.
  • A specialist may encounter difficulties in managing a team - all teachers have an individual temperament and character.
  • The senior teacher must be stress-resistant and well-versed in psychology, because in the process of work he will have to solve many problematic issues and communicate with different people, who are not always pleasant and disciplined.
  • But the specialist himself will have to carefully monitor his organization; without this quality, it is basically impossible to lead people.

The main activities of the senior preschool teacher

A methodologist, or senior educator, acts as a link between the state education system, pedagogical and psychological science, advanced professional experience and the practical activities of the teaching and educational staff of a children's educational institution. As a result, the main directions of the methodological work of the teacher-methodologist become the promotion of the formation, development and implementation of the professional creative potential of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

According to the requirements of modern legislation and professional pedagogical standards, the main activities of the senior educator and the entire methodological service are the following:

  • Education and training of preschool children in kindergarten in accordance with the requirements of modern standards of pedagogy and psychology.
  • Formation of the educational standard of preschool educational institutions on the basis of universal human values, the free development of the child as a full-fledged individual, in compliance with the priorities of the health and well-being of pupils. In the work of preschool educational institutions, adhere to the principles of respect for human rights and freedoms, love for one’s native country, nature and the environment, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and the absence of bad habits. It also requires the formation of the principles of citizenship, hard work and social responsibility, taking into account the age of the students.
  • Adaptation of kindergarten activities to the characteristics of the physiology and psychology of preschool children, as well as to social orders.
  • Ensuring the secularity of the educational process.

In his activities, the senior teacher of a preschool institution carries out methodological and educational work in order to achieve the following indicators:

  • Introducing proposals and changes to the work plan of the preschool educational institution.
  • Improving the qualifications of teachers and educators.
  • Support and assistance to the teaching staff in self-education and improvement of professional knowledge.
  • Drawing up a schedule of classes taking into account the age groups of students.
  • Providing methodological assistance to educators, primarily young professionals and newcomers to the work of a particular preschool educational institution.
  • Exchange of employee experience.
  • Working with parents.
  • Providing groups with the necessary aids, books and toys.
  • Analysis of the state of educational, educational and methodological work in preschool educational institutions and the adoption of measures to improve and improve it.
  • Certification of educators and teachers of children's educational institutions.

Ensuring the fulfillment of all these complex and multifaceted tasks is possible only with coordinated collective work of all representatives of the educational and educational process.

Pros of the profession

In addition to the most important advantage - immersion in the world of childhood - the profession of a senior teacher has many other advantages.

  • It has status and prestige; the manager has something to respect himself for.
  • Assumes a stable salary.
  • Gives you the opportunity to control your child in a preschool educational institution.
  • Most kindergartens provide free food to staff.
  • All benefits become available to employees of government agencies.
  • The profession of a senior educator is in demand in the labor market.
  • A specialist in the field of pedagogy has the opportunity to retire early (after 25 years of experience).
  • A senior teacher is an interesting position that does not involve routine and monotony.
  • Constant self-improvement and self-education is possible due to the regular introduction of innovations.
  • Supervising less experienced employees contributes to one’s own discipline and desire for knowledge.

Hygiene and medicine

The job responsibilities of the teacher also imply compliance by the employee himself with sanitary standards and hygiene rules. This also applies to children. That is, the teacher is obliged to monitor sanitary standards in the group, as well as the children’s compliance with hygiene rules.

You will have to worry about your health, both your own and your children’s. In other words, the employee is obliged to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. And, in addition, take children for routine examinations. Usually there is a nurse or pediatrician right in the kindergarten building.

In addition, it is the teacher who is obliged to report suspicions of any disease, and also to show the child to the doctor if the baby is already exhibiting certain symptoms of the disease. When a child becomes ill, the teacher must also show him to the nurse in the kindergarten. If necessary, as already mentioned, you will have to call the parents, tell them about what happened, and also ask them to pick up the baby and show him to the doctor.

Specifics of the teacher’s work, his professional skills

PEDAGOGICAL ABILITY is the conscious mastery of the subject of pedagogical activity by a set of mental and practical actions aimed at achieving the goals of teaching and education and motivated by his professional worldview.

FUNCTIONS OF A TEACHER - a set of professional responsibilities, the fulfillment of which ensures the successful achievement of the goals and objectives of raising children.

A preschool teacher performs two main functions

I) maternal - manifests itself in ensuring a good emotional state of each child and group, in protecting their life and health, in a caring, affectionate attitude towards children; 2) developing. the function includes a system of pedagogical skills that a teacher must have.

I. Gnostic skills give the teacher the opportunity to understand the subject of activity, allow them to see in their pupils the manifestation of the cognitive, volitional, emotional spheres, motives of his behavior, abilities, temperament; identify relationships between children, determine the characteristics of the family microenvironment. This includes the ability to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the applied methods of education and training, to take into account the experience of others in order to transfer its advanced, creative content into one’s teaching practice.

P. Constructive skills are needed by the teacher in order to see the “tomorrow” of the pupils, the development of each child and the entire group, and plan educational work; allow the teacher to competently select factual material for different types of activities depending on the tasks of education and training at each age stage.

Sh. Communication skills ensure the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships with individual children and with the entire group, with parents of students, and work colleagues.

GU. Organizational skills ensure the organization of various forms of activity (frontal, group, individual), own teaching activities and work with parents of children in their group; are manifested in the ability to organize interesting activities for children and adults, to “infect” them with your energy and initiative.

U. Special skills are manifested in the teacher’s ability to read works expressively, draw well, sing, dance, sculpt, design, make visual aids, toys, attributes, master basic types of movements, use technical teaching aids, etc.

At the level of modern requirements, the question of multi-level training of professional personnel for the preschool education system is raised. The first stage of higher pedagogical education provides broad-profile training. Stage II - bachelor's degree, stage III - master's degree. Teachers will improve their professional level and qualifications at courses and seminars that are organized at institutes for advanced training. For this purpose, scientific and practical conferences and lectures on current issues of education and training are also held periodically. Advanced training is facilitated by methodological associations, where issues of methods of working with children are discussed, and advanced and innovative methods are proposed for adoption.

Directly in kindergarten, advanced training is carried out in various forms. work, which includes: open classes, teacher councils, seminars, pedagogical discussions, business games, etc.

Systematic self-improvement, self-education and self-education help the teacher’s professional growth, his familiarization with advanced ideas in the field of psychological and pedagogical sciences, universal and national values. Activation of pedagogical creativity is facilitated by mastery of psychological diagnostics and autodiagnostics, training. He must be patient, love children, be kind and fair, be able to sympathize, and be responsive. At the same time, he must be organized, consistent, demanding, and hardworking. A teacher needs to be, first of all, a highly moral person. Important personal qualities are cheerfulness, optimism, and a sense of humor. A person is not born with these qualities; they must be developed in oneself. A necessary quality is the ability to keep a promise given to children. Unity of word and deed is a necessary quality for an educator. The absence of this undermines not only the authority of the teacher, but also the child’s faith in people, in their honesty, and the authority of the teacher.

33 MENTAL EDUCATION - the purposeful activity of educators to develop the child’s mental strength and thinking, to form his system of mental actions and cognitive abilities.

The mental education and development of a child cannot be considered in isolation from his mental development as a whole, from the wealth of the child’s interests, his feelings and all other features that create his spiritual appearance. The goal of mental education of preschoolers cannot be understood in a simplified way - as to give children as much knowledge as possible about the environment; it is much more important to develop in them general methods of cognitive activity (the ability to analyze, compare, generalize), develop speech, create a need to acquire new knowledge, master ability to think. The rate of mental development of preschoolers is very high in comparison with later age periods. Any defects in the mental education of preschoolers are difficult to correct at an older age and have a negative impact on the entire further development of the child. The role of mental education is especially important in preparing children for school. Mastering a stock of knowledge, developing mental activity and independence, acquiring intellectual skills and abilities are important prerequisites for successful learning at school and for preparing for future work.

The methodological basis of mental education is the philosophical theory of knowledge, which states that the path of cognition of the real world is carried out in this way: “from living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice - this is the dialectical path of cognition of objective reality.”

The first stage of cognition is living contemplation, during which direct sensory perception of objects and phenomena is carried out with the help of sensations and perceptions. In preschool age, sensory perception is the main source of children's knowledge about the environment, the first stage of their knowledge of the real world.

Thus, the child’s mental development begins with direct sensory perception of the environment (the pedagogical requirement for the clarity of learning)

the second and highest level of cognition is abstract thinking. Sensory perception constantly enriches thinking with concrete, real, “living” images and facts, and abstract thinking based on these facts makes it possible to penetrate into such properties and relationships of things that are inaccessible to living contemplation. The essence of objects, phenomena, and their relationships are revealed to the child through thinking. Abstract thinking allows you to economically spend a child’s mental powers, create in his memory entire sets of ideas that the child uses by analogy when studying new objects and phenomena. The mental operations that a child gradually masters: analysis, generalization, classification, decision - are an example of the economical work of the human brain.

Practice plays a decisive role in the knowledge of objective reality. It proves the strength, power, and truth of human knowledge. In the play, work, and educational activities of children, the truth of the acquired knowledge is verified. Practice is not only a criterion of truth, but also a source of knowledge. Through play and work, children easily and imperceptibly master a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. The process of cognition has an activity-active character. Activity is inherent in human sensitivity itself. The sense organs function due to the realization in them of the ability to reflect. A child is born with unconditioned reflexes. On their basis, numerous conditioned reflexes are formed. The formation of conditioned reflexes is the establishment of a neural temporary connection in the human cerebral cortex. These temporary connections are the material basis of all knowledge, skills, habits acquired by a person. The external stimulus for a small child is the direct influence of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. These stimuli are perceived by the senses (analyzers). Ya.P. Pavlov called them signals of the first signal system. The functioning of the senses is closely related to the needs of the young child. First, these are organic needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary to preserve life. Later, other needs appear: the need to communicate with adults, the need for active movements, and active actions with objects. In activities with objects, the child learns the properties of objects, qualities, and connections between them. The child’s activity is of an indicative and exploratory nature.

In the process of acting with objects, the child develops visual and effective thinking. This is the most elementary form of thinking that arises in early childhood. In the process of interacting with objects, the child remembers images of objects. Their perception is usually accompanied by appropriate words from adults. There is an interaction between sensory perception and the word, i.e. between I and P signaling systems. The repeated coincidence of a word and an action, a word and the quality of an object leads to the fact that only after the spoken word of an adult does a visual image of the named object appear. This is how a new, more complex form of thinking develops— visual and figurative. With its help, the child solves a number of problems in his mind, without the participation of practical actions - he operates only with images. A preschooler is interested not only in a new subject in itself. He wants to know about its purpose, structure, method of use. The motive for acting with objects is cognitive interest.

The development of cognitive interests in preschoolers is also reflected in the growing desire to engage in mental activity. The child asks adults a lot of questions, likes to compare things and phenomena, and argue. Adults should support curiosity and encourage the child to find a solution to a mental problem. A new type of activity is emerging—mental activity. The child comprehends the action, sets a goal, plans, and selects ways to achieve it. The child is already moving to a new stage of mental development.

Children need to be taught to meaningfully perceive a word, taught to understand its objective content, what action or quality it means. The word is formed as a generalized concept, cut off from its original specific figurative content. A conceptual or verbal-logical form of thinking appears. Often adults strive to quickly develop the conceptual form of thinking in preschoolers, but do not pay enough attention to the development of the first two forms of thinking. This negatively affects the mental and general mental development of children. The conceptual form of thinking develops successfully only when the visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking are well developed. They are the foundation on which conceptual thinking is built.

Tasks of mental education of preschool children:

I) formation in children of a system of elementary knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life;

2). formation of skills and abilities of mental activity, development of cognitive interests and abilities;

3) formation of cognitive interests and curiosity;

4) teaching children to do mental work.

In preschool age, various means of mental education are used: play, work, constructive and visual activities, training.

A game

- the practice of a child’s life, therefore it primarily reflects what has already been perceived by the child before.
But during the game this knowledge is transformed and improved. Thanks to speech, knowledge formed at the level of visual and figurative representations is translated into speech and, therefore, generalized. There is a transition of knowledge to a new level - verbal-logical.
The game also expands knowledge through actions with objects, the exchange of thoughts between players, and advice and explanations from an adult.

Children's cognitive interests are also formed through play. Interest in the content of the game is transferred to the phenomena and events themselves.

During construction

Specific requirements are imposed on the child’s mental activity: purposefully perceive an object, see its parts, their relationships, the ability to visually divide an object into individual elements and correlate them with existing details, plan activities, etc. Design contributes to the formation of more accurate, specific ideas about an object, and develops the ability to see what is common and unique in a whole group of objects.

In the process of visual activity

There is an intensive formation of sensory abilities and mental actions (dividing a whole into parts, the position of an object in space, color perception, etc.).

Labor activity

contains enormous opportunities for the mental education of children.
Each work task for a preschooler represents a mental task. He must understand what needs to be done, why, how it should be done, analyze the conditions for completing the task, carefully examine the material, tools, evaluate their properties, suitability of the tasks. The child must have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Work influences the development of children's cognitive interests. The most significant means of mental education is
training . During the learning process, children develop thinking and speech, and develop cognitive interests. Children master the educational activity itself.

42 METHOD (gr. - the path to something) means a way to achieve a goal, a certain ordered activity. TRAINING METHOD - a method of ordered interconnected activity of the teacher and students, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process. RECEPTION - part of the method, its specific element. CLASSIFICATION OF TEACHING METHODS is a system ordered according to a certain criterion. In modern didactics, there are various classifications of teaching methods (see table). The age characteristics and capabilities of preschoolers correspond to a classification according to which methods are divided according to sources of transmission and: the nature of information perception (E.Ya. Go-lant, S.I. Petrovsky).

Visual – observation, demonstration, use of TSO; Verbal – explanation, story, reading, conversation

Practical and game - exercise, game methods, elementary experiments, modeling

Visual methods and techniques - their use corresponds to the didactic principle of clarity and is associated with the characteristics of children's thinking. Observations

e is a child’s purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, in which perception, thinking and speech actively interact.
Using this method, the teacher directs the child’s perception to highlight the main, essential features in objects and phenomena, to establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies between objects and phenomena. In teaching children, observations of various types are used: I) of a recognizing nature, with the help of which knowledge is formed about the properties and qualities of objects and phenomena (shape, color, size, etc.); 2) for the change and transformation of objects (growth and development of plants and animals, etc.) - provides knowledge about processes and objects of the surrounding world; 3) reproductive nature, when the state of an object is established based on individual characteristics, and the picture of the entire phenomenon is determined in part. The demonstration method
includes various techniques: a) showing objects is one of the most common teaching methods: children look at doll furniture and clothes, dishes, household items, tools, equipment for drawing, modeling, appliqué, etc.; b) showing a sample is one of the techniques used when teaching visual arts and design. The sample can be a drawing, applique, or craft;

c) demonstration of a method of action - used in classes on the development of movements, music, artistic activities, etc., it must be accurate, expressive, divided into parts; may be complete or partial; d) demonstration of pictures and illustrations helps children imagine those aspects and properties of the objects and phenomena being studied that they cannot directly perceive. Using TSO

— in teaching preschoolers, demonstrations of transparencies, filmstrips, and films are used.
Recently, computers have been used. This method allows you to show children those phenomena of life with which direct acquaintance is impossible; makes the learning process more attractive. Verbal methods and techniques - their effectiveness largely depends on the teacher’s own speech culture, on its imagery, emotional expressiveness, and accessibility for children’s understanding. Explanation
is used in the process of observing phenomena and examining objects, paintings, during exercises, etc.; with its help, children’s immediate perceptions are clarified; should be expressive, emotional, accessible to children. A story is a lively, imaginative, emotional presentation of events containing factual material. One of the most emotional learning methods. The narrator has the opportunity to freely communicate with children, notice and take into account their reactions.

Teacher's story

: must be an example of literary correct, figurative and expressive speech.
A children's story
can be a retelling of fairy tales, literary works, stories based on paintings, objects, from childhood experience, creative stories.


expands and enriches children's knowledge about the environment, forms children's abilities to perceive and understand fiction.

40 41 FORM OF TRAINING ORGANIZATION is a way of organizing training, which is carried out in a certain order and mode. The forms differ in the number of participants, the nature of interaction between them, methods of activity, location, etc. In kindergarten, frontal, group and individual forms of organized education are used.

The main form of organizing children's education in kindergarten is classes. They are organized and conducted by the teacher in accordance with the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”. Classes are held for children of all age groups in kindergarten. The daily routine of each group determines the time of the lesson, usually in the morning. (See tables No. 3, 4) Classes are organized in all areas of educational work with children: familiarization with the environment, speech development, musical education, visual arts, design, formation of elementary mathematical concepts, physical education. The lesson can be divided into three main parts.

The first part is introducing children to the topic of the lesson, defining goals, explaining what children should do. The second part is the independent activity of children to complete the teacher’s assignment or the child’s own plans. The third part is the analysis of the task completion and its evaluation. In recent years, a search has been made for ways to improve teaching in kindergarten, and the shortcomings of frontal forms of conducting classes are pointed out: no more than 1/3 of the group actually works in such classes (the most active children); a school form of organization is used (lesson type) with all the requirements for arbitrary behavior, which is not yet entirely accessible to preschool children; classes are often formal in nature (without feedback and actual developmental tasks). The advisability of conducting classes with subgroups of children is noted

Studying the behavior and characteristics of children

A very important point among all the responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher is to study the behavior and characteristics of children. It is this moment that requires special attention. It is just as important as ensuring the safety of a child in kindergarten.

The point is that it is the study of the behavior of children and their inclinations/characteristics that helps to develop a curriculum for the year. Without it, it is impossible to achieve success in development. And only an individual approach, as already mentioned, will help show the best results.

In fact, this point of responsibility is often omitted. And it is used extremely rarely. After all, it is much easier for employees to raise children according to a template than to come up with a variety of activities, entertainment and teaching methods on their own. This is not a very good (and not always effective) approach to solving the problem.

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Consultation for educators on the topic “Peculiarities of the attitude of children of senior preschool age to nature.” Nature leaves a deep mark on the soul of a child, influencing all his senses with its brightness, diversity, and dynamism. Children look at the world around them with great interest, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if there is a teacher who is surprised along with...

Consultation for educators “Creating picture-graphic diagrams for composing descriptive stories with children 5-6 years old” “Creating picture-graphic diagrams for composing descriptive stories with children 5-6 years old” The main form of work with children of senior preschool age with developmental speech disorders For them, coherent descriptive speech is organized educational activity (OOD….

Parent meetings

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the job responsibilities of the teacher include holding parent-teacher meetings and, of course, conversations with moms and dads. Everyone knows about this point. Especially when the time is approaching the holidays and it is necessary to decide how this event will be celebrated. And, of course, if the kindergarten needs to raise money.

However, the kindergarten teacher must hold parent-teacher conferences on a timely and regular basis. It is very important to communicate the successes and failures, as well as the progress of each child. After this, it is sometimes necessary to give some recommendations on activities with the baby at home, so to speak, “homework” to the parents.

In practice, this happens extremely rarely, approximately 2-3 times a year. Although it is best to hold parent-teacher conferences once every month or two. This helps track the child’s progress and his timely preparation for school.

Who can get this position

Secondary pedagogical education will enable the applicant to apply for positions: assistant teacher, junior teacher, teacher. Most often, these specialists work in the garden for several years, participate in events, try to write educational programs, and after five years of such activity they can receive a promotion to senior teacher. In some commercial preschool educational institutions this period is slightly reduced.

In accordance with the law, people who have a teacher’s diploma and have completed a professional retraining program have the right to work as a senior educator (methodologist).


The job responsibilities of a teacher usually include monitoring the children’s daily routine. Children in kindergarten have a clear schedule of what they do and at what time (in time). And this routine has to be constantly monitored.

If children have a quiet hour at 13:00, this means that the kindergarten teacher must monitor the preparation of the kids for bed and, if necessary, help them. With all this, during this period it is also necessary to monitor silence. In practice, an assistant teacher helps with such things.

When children's daily routine is disrupted, the situation has to be quickly corrected. If someone is capricious and does not comply with the schedule, such a child can be punished, although debates about the admissibility of punishment in kindergarten are constantly ongoing. The teacher can scold the child or sit him in a chair for a while.

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