Card index of didactic games on safety in the middle group

Progress of the conversation:

Hello guys! Can you imagine, it turns out that dangers may await us at home! What do you think could be dangerous in the house?

Here is the first danger: sharp, piercing and cutting objects. If you have ever cut your hand with a knife, then you know how dangerous they are. Well, remember and name the accessories for sewing, embroidery and knitting. (Scissors, crochet hooks and knitting needles, buttons, snaps and pins)

Where are these things stored in your home?

Right. Usually they are kept in a special sewing box, chest or casket.

There is a rule: all sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their place. Order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

It's unpleasant to sit on the button

You might hurt your butt.

Keep the house in order:

Forks, scissors, knives,

And needles and pins!

Put it in its place!

But every home has medicines and household chemicals. Who knows what household chemicals are?

Remember guys, these are washing powders, dishwashing detergents , repellents and much more. Children, of course, are not cockroaches, but the poison from cockroaches also affects people. Therefore, under no circumstances open any packages containing household chemicals.

Chemicals are poison

And not only for guys.

You probably know the medications, why you shouldn’t take them?

That's right, firstly, it is not tasty, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison!

Guys, do you remember everything? Well done!

Conversation : “Remember, kids, pills are not candy”

Goal: To explain to children when medications are useful and when they are life-threatening.

Progress of the conversation:

Hello guys! You know, I seem to be sick, but I don’t know what to do. Maybe you can give me some advice? Oh, how I didn’t immediately realize that I needed to call a doctor! What will the doctor do? It's not scary. Otherwise I'm afraid. Does this mean the doctor will examine me and prescribe medications and that’s it? Why are medications needed? Medicines help people overcome illness. Guys, what kind of pills are there?

That's right, some tablets are white, while others are coated with a hard colored shell: pink, blue, yellow or red. They look a little like candy. Imagine that your grandmother fell ill and began to use the medicine recommended by doctors. One day she accidentally dropped a pill on the floor. You found this tablet. How should we deal with it? Of course, give it to grandma. And she will throw it in the trash. After all, she was lying on the floor and could get dirty. It will do no good, but harm.

Guys, if you accidentally find a pill, you should never put it in your mouth. Even if she looks a lot like a little candy. Why do you think?

Because drugs are poisonous. The dose of the toxic substance in the tablet is very small. It will help an adult cope with the disease. And for a small child, the pill can be dangerous. After all, a child is much smaller than an adult in both height and weight. You guys remember that you can’t put pills in your mouth, even if they look like candy. Give it to adults.

Even guys, adults have such cabinets or chests with medicines. They are called home first aid kits. Never open the door there. This could end badly!

Conversation : "Ambulance"


Goal: To introduce children to the ambulance service and what it is needed for.

Progress of the conversation:

Hello guys! I was told today that the electrical appliances in our home can be dangerous. Let's figure this out!

-Remember and name what electrical appliances you have at home! (Children list)

That's how many electrical appliances we have listed! But this is not all the devices that our apartments are equipped with. We forgot to talk about electric lamps in lamps: chandeliers, floor lamps, table lamps and nightlights.

Electric current runs through the wires and makes all these devices work. Electric current is our helper! After all, if it’s not there, we won’t be able to watch TV, blow-dry our hair, or listen to music. But electric current can be dangerous and even cause a fire.

-Who knows what a fire is?

-What could cause a fire?

Yes, guys, another cause of fire is our forgetfulness, inattention, haste, for example, leaving an iron, electric kettle, or TV on.

-What happens if you don’t turn off the iron or TV?

That's right, therefore, when leaving the house, you need to slowly walk through all the rooms and go into the kitchen. Unplug all electrical appliances and turn off lights everywhere.

-Guys, who knows what to do if the TV catches fire?

Guys, do not under any circumstances pour water on the TV while it is on, it can give you an electric shock! After all, water conducts electricity! First, remove the plug from the socket, and then throw a thick non-flammable cloth over the TV and call the fire department as soon as possible by calling 01. Clearly and accurately state your address: street, house and apartment number.

Never touch the wires or electrical appliances themselves with wet hands and do not connect several appliances to the same outlet at once. And if you smell burning rubber, see a smoking wire, or notice that the socket or plug gets hot during operation, immediately tell an adult about it. All this can lead to a fire! Oh, thanks guys, we got it right.

Conversation : “The kitchen is not a place for games!”

Goal: To introduce children to dangerous objects in the kitchen.

Card file of life safety classes card file of life safety lessons (middle group) on the topic

Card file of activities with preschoolers on developing the basics of safety

Child and other people

1. “Dangerous situations: contacts with strangers” Purpose: to reinforce the rules of behavior with strangers

people, teach caution and prudence.

1. Creative task: draw people whom children consider: their own, strangers, acquaintances.

2.Reading the fairy tale “Adventure”

Pinocchio" and its discussion. 3.Game training for typical dangerous situations on the street and at home. 4. Watching the cartoon: “Auntie Owl’s lessons on safe behavior” 5. Did. game “What could this lead to” (cards with situations that threaten the child’s life)

Consultation on the topic: “How a child should behave when meeting a stranger”

2. “Violent actions of a stranger” Purpose: explain how to avoid dangerous harassment and violence.

1. Training game “A stranger is trying to drag you into a car” 2. Acting out using a puppet theater and discussing typical situations. 3. Outdoor game “Kidnappers and resourceful guys” (team game) 4. Did. game “Where to run if you are being chased.” 5. Acting out a scene from the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, discussion.

Joint drawing with children on the topic: “Fairy-tale heroes who get into trouble.”

3. “If you find yourself a hostage” Purpose: explain what a hostage means, introduce the rules of behavior in an emergency situation.

1. Simulation of the situation: “Terrorists have seized a kindergarten, school, etc.” 2. Did. game “Who in this picture may pose a danger” 3.Did. game “Model the face of a good and evil person” 4. Thematic conversation.

Design of the memo: Rules of conduct in emergency situations.

Child and nature

1. “Contacts with animals, insects” Purpose: to provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when in contact with animals and insects.

1. Did. Game “What to wear when going to the forest” 2. Board game “Dangerous Insects” 3. Thematic riddles and poems.

4. Observation “The Life of Insects” (for example: “Anthill and its inhabitants”) 5. Game “Who lives where” (children in two groups: 1-insects (animals), 2-houses; on the signal “To the houses! ", everyone must find their own house).

Design of a mobile folder: “Rules of conduct when meeting insects.”

2. “Edible and inedible mushrooms and plants” Purpose: to teach to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms, to learn to recognize some poisonous plants.

1. Conversation based on illustrations. 2.Reading poems, solving riddles. 3.Did. game “Collect a bouquet” (choose plants that are not life-threatening)

4. Outdoor game “Who can collect edible mushrooms in a basket faster” 5. Simulation of the situation “I found a beautiful flower in the forest...” 6. Board game “Picking mushrooms and berries” 7. Reading the fairy tale “War of the Mushrooms”

Design of the traveling folder “Safe rules of behavior in the forest”

3. “Thunderstorm” Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

1. Conversation “What is the danger during a thunderstorm” 2. Reading poems and proverbs about natural phenomena. 3. Examination of reproductions and their discussion. 4.Did. game “Where can you hide during a thunderstorm”

Memo for parents: “What you need to know to avoid danger during a thunderstorm”

4. “Man is part of nature” Purpose: to explain to children the relationship between man and nature.

1. Story-conversation based on the picture.

2.Did. cards: “Living and inanimate nature” 3. Showing some illustrations (slides) of animals and plants listed in the Red Book. 4. Training game “What needs to be done to keep nature clean?” 5.Did. game “Water and its importance for humans.”

Consultation “Nature around


Child at home

1. “We have gas at home.” Purpose: to introduce a special gas service, to learn the telephone number 04.

1. Training game “Calling the gas service” 2. Reading the fairy tale “Curious 32TO32erok” 3. Solving riddles. 4.Did. game “Dangers in Everyday Life” 5. Role-playing game “Family” (“Bake a pie for mom”)

Reminder “Keeping the Kitchen Safe”

2. “Remember, kids, pills are like candy” Purpose: to teach safe handling of medications.

1.Reading the poem “Pills are not candy”, the fairy tale “Careless frolic”. 2. Simulation of the situation: - the children were left alone at home, playing and found a box of medicine. 3. Training game “How to call an ambulance?” 4.Did. game “What is the medicine here” 5. Role-playing game “Hospital”

A conversation about the rules for storing medicines in the house.

3. “Balcony, open window and other dangers” Purpose: to expand children’s understanding of objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house.

1.Reading poems about everyday objects. 2. Drawing up a group plan with a danger sign near this or that object. 3. Inventing stories of safe behavior at home. 4. Simulation of the situation: - “mother left for a while, and the children were left alone at home..” 5. Did. game “Show the dangerous places in the picture”

Together with your child, draw a plan of your apartment.

4. “Turn the tap tightly—be careful with the water.” Purpose: to talk about the rules for using tap water and the possible consequences of improper handling.

1. Solving riddles. 2.Reading the fairy tale “Flood in a Dollhouse.” 3.Did. game “What is needed for washing” 4. Simulation of the situation: “The water tap does not close”, “The water was unexpectedly turned off” 5. Experiments with water. (for fluidity, transparency, color)

Decorating a corner for parents: “Rules for safe behavior in the house”

Child's health

1. “Healthy food” Goal: to help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition.

1. Conversation with children. 2.Reading of the poem by Y. Tuvim “Vegetables” 3.Did. game “Setting the table for dinner” 4. Outdoor game “Place vegetables and fruits in different baskets” 5. Role-playing game “Shop”

Consultation: “We feed children tasty and healthy.”

2. “Day routine” Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​the correct daily routine.

1.Did. cards “Creating a daily routine” 2.Did. game “Who is doing the right thing” (determine which of the children on the cards violates the regime and who does not). 3. Conversation “How long can you watch TV” (impact on posture, vision) 4. Outdoor game “One day in kindergarten” (children perform actions based on the teacher’s words: came to kindergarten (go), changed clothes (change clothes), etc.)

Drawing up a daily routine for your child on weekends.

3. “If you want to be healthy” Purpose: to give a general idea of ​​the structure of the human body, the importance of taking care of your health.

1.Game situation. “The dolls Vanya and Tanya are going on a trip” 2. Role-playing game “Hospital” 3. Training game “We are going to get vaccinated” 4. Consideration and discussion of situations: “What you need to do to be healthy”; “What not to do to be healthy.” 5. Relaxation break. 6.Phys. “Health Track” exercise.

Design of the traveling folder “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

4. “On the water, in the sun...” Purpose: explain the need to follow safety rules on vacation.

1. Outdoor game “Collect things by measure.” (illustrations can be used) 2. Musical game “Train” 3. Did. game “Getting to know the sea, lake, river” (to develop imagination) 4. Game “We are swimming” (each child swims in his own way.) 5. Conversation about the rules of conduct on vacation.

Consultation: “About summer holidays for children”

Child's emotional well-being

1. “Shy.” Brave". Goal: to determine, together with the children, who can be considered timid and courageous.

1. Training game “Magic Chair of Courage” (share their worries) 2. Game “I will not be ashamed of the fact that...” 3. Game with a mirror “Praise yourself” 4. Game “Tell a friend a compliment” 5. Reading a literary work by L .Tolstoy "Filippok". 6. Game “Let’s Save the Bear” (discussion of a series of paintings for V. Gerbova’s speech development class)

Consultation "Children's shyness"

2. “Children’s fears” Goal: to teach children to cope with their fears.

1. Diagnostic examination “Children’s fears” 2. Reading literary works by E. Charushin “A Scary Story”, poem by S. Marshak “What was Petya afraid of”, fairy tale “Fear has big eyes” 3. Training game “Draw what I’m afraid of” ( drawing in squares of different sizes)

4. Training game “Let’s destroy your fear”

Decorating a corner: “How to help a child get rid of fears and gain self-confidence.”

3. “Who am I friends with?” Goal: to form an idea of ​​what is important in friendships.

1. Learning the poem by S. Reshchikov “A friend is nearby!” 2. Listening to the song “It’s fun to walk together.” 3.Did. game “Invitation” (Ved. stands in the center of the circle and names some feature of his appearance, interests and invites those who have the same features or interests to approach him. For example: “I have blue eyes, who has it too?” ) 4.Did. “Finish the sentence” game: “I think people are friends with me because I...”

Consultation “Friends are visiting me”

4. “Tease and offend” Goal: to develop good, warm relationships between children.

1. Acting out the scene “Antoshka”. 2.Reading literary works: “The Ugly Duckling”, “Cinderella”, “The Scarlet Flower”, discussion. 3.Bi-ba-bo theater: “Bull and Fox” (folk teasers)

4. Dance “We quarreled and made up” 5. Learning V. Shainsky’s song “Friendship”

Child on the street

1. “Games in the yard” Purpose: to introduce children to various dangerous situations that can arise when playing in the yard of the house.

1. Game-training on invented (taken from life) situations. 2. Modeling the situation: constructing a house with an arch, children (dolls) playing in the yard, a car drives into the arch. 3.Did. exercise “Connect the dots and find out what threatens children in the yard” 4. Watch the thematic cartoon “Safety Lessons from Auntie Owl”

Design of the corner: “Child’s behavior on the playground”

2. “Road signs” Purpose: to teach to distinguish and understand some road signs.

1.Game situation. The teacher joins the children in the game at the “Traffic Regulations Center” and, as the game progresses, finds out from the children the designations of road signs and introduces new ones. 2.Did. exercise “Put the road signs in their place and explain”

3.Did. game “Road Signs” (the teacher shows the children models of road signs, the children name them.) 4. Role-playing game “Road” 5. Board game “Find and name road signs on the map” 6. Watching the themed cartoon “Auntie’s Safety Lessons” ki Owls" 7. Drawings on the topic: "Road signs"

Decorating the parents’ corner “Street and Children”

3. “Riding a bicycle...” Purpose: to consider dangerous situations that may arise when riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).

1. Training games for typical situations: - a boy rides a bicycle along the roadway; a girl rides a bicycle where little children are playing; The girl fell on her bicycle and injured her knee. 2.Did. exercise: “Identify possible dangerous situations in the picture” 3.Did. game: “Which child breaks the rules of riding a scooter or roller skates”

4. Watching the themed cartoon “Safety Lessons from Auntie Owl”

Memo for parents “Child and bicycle”

4. “Crossing the street” Purpose: to reinforce the basic rules of the road.

1. Thematic conversation on traffic rules. 2.Demonstration of road sign layouts. 3. Reading the fairy tale “Sparrow Tishka” 4. Solving riddles on the topic. 5. Modeling the situation: - you need to cross the roadway, but there are no traffic lights or pedestrian crossings. 6. Role-playing game “Road”.

Consultation: “Be careful, the road”!

Progress of the conversation:

“Guys, they say you can’t play in the kitchen.” Is this true or not? And why?

That's right, the kitchen is the place where mother or grandmother prepares food. The kitchen has an electric or gas stove. Porridges and soups are cooked on it, meat and pies are fried, and vegetable stews are prepared. There are pots of hot soups and broths on the stove, kettles are boiling, and cutlets are being fried on a hot frying pan.

You may accidentally touch hot objects and get burned. It's even worse if you spill hot soup or tea on yourself. While running near the window, you may accidentally touch the curtain, and if it touches the burning gas, it will ignite and there may be a fire in the kitchen!

-Guys, name the dangerous hot objects that are in the kitchen. Well done, you know a lot of subjects!

There are also many items in the kitchen that serve as a source of fire. Tell us about them.

Right! To light a gas stove burner, strike matches and a lighter. By the way, the combustion products of household gas are very harmful! It is better not to inhale them, but you should cook food by keeping the window open.

What hot items are there in the kitchen? Right! Kettles, pots, pans. If you pour oil into a very hot frying pan, it may catch fire.

There are a lot of dangers in the kitchen, guys. Therefore, it is better to play with your favorite toys in the children’s room, and to play outdoor games with friends in the fresh air, on the playground.

We had such an interesting conversation today. I’ll go tell the other guys why you can’t play in the kitchen! See you soon!

Conversation : “May the New Year tree bring us joy”

Goal: To introduce children to flammable toys that should not be used to decorate the Christmas tree.

Conversation for children “Water safety in summer.” Middle group. Abstract

Summary of a conversation with children in the middle group on the topic: “Water Safety”
Tasks: - Prevent possible dangerous situations for the child. — Encourage you to follow the rules of behavior on the water. — Cultivate a caring attitude towards your life and the lives of other people. — To develop the ability to answer questions, the ability to speak dialogically. Preliminary work: Examination of posters on the topic of water safety, discussions on the content of the posters. Material: - Posters depicting dangerous situations, illustrations for riddles.
- Plastic rings, ropes, teddy bear. Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look who is shown in the picture? - a rescuer, he quickly flies in and saves those who are in trouble. And those who do not follow safety rules can get into trouble. Today we will learn what safety rules must be followed when you are relaxing on the beach or near a river, pond or sea. Look at the picture, I see someone was in trouble, what happened there? Children love to ride the waves, swim on inflatable rings. Or on colored mattresses. They like to ride. Just one rule: Never forget! On mattresses and circles, Don't swim too far! They may become thin. It sank and was lost. It is unlikely that anyone will shout to the distant shores. Guys, you can’t go into the water without your parents. Even if you put on an inflatable ring or lay down on an air mattress, you cannot swim in the depths without adults; you can only swim where it is shallow if mom and dad are nearby. An inflatable ring holds well on the water, but it can become leaky, a hole may appear in it through which air will escape, and the ring will deflate and will not keep you on the water. This is dangerous, you can go under water. If you want to sail in a boat, then be sure, children, keep in mind: You can ride all day, until sunset, Just don’t rock the boat, And don’t reach for a beautiful flower - The boat might capsize... You won’t be able to float up - then there will be trouble! Always be careful on the water! On the high bank, Children do not play! The earth will disappear from under your feet Maybe, just know that! And you’ll fly straight down from the cliff into the water... And you’ll be left shouting: “People, help!!!” (The teacher explains what is shown in the picture and asks the children questions about what they can do and what they cannot do.)
Educator: And now we will play the game “Help the Bear” . (Puts two ropes on the floor, between them a toy Bear. Reads an excerpt from Z. Alexandrova’s poem “My Bear”)
Bear stomped and played around - The light bridge swayed.
There are circles in the water... - Sharik, Sharik, help! Guys, Mishka fell into the river. How can we help him? Pull it out of the river. We can also throw an inflatable ring so that Bear can hold on to it and not drown. This ring will be all around, you need to throw the ring and try to get closer to Mishka. (Children take turns throwing the ring at the target)
Well done!
3. Educator: Let us solve riddles . In the blue sea, the letter O prevents it from falling to the bottom. (Lifebuoy)
Guys, the lifebuoy really looks like the letter O, it’s also round.
Do you have an inflatable ring? An inflatable ring can help you float without drowning, but we saw in the picture what can happen if there is a hole in it. If air starts to escape, you could drown. Therefore, it cannot be used to swim to depths far from the shore. I take Him with me on the catamaran and on the boat. I put it on without looking at the heat. And if something happens to me on the water, then my faithful orange friend will save me everywhere! (Life jacket)
A life jacket, like a circle, helps those who find themselves in the water.
We saw a picture of a boat capsizing and people falling into the water. Therefore, when riding in a boat, children must wear a life jacket. If someone is in trouble, If he is drowning in a pond, The brave ones will definitely save him... (rescuers)
Yes, there are always lifeguards on the beach who make sure that no one drowns, and if they see that someone is drowning, they quickly swim and save him.
Arkady locomotives from the cartoon is also a rescuer. 4. Educator: Now let’s play the game “You can - you can’t” , and I’ll see how you remember the water safety rules. Can you swim on the beach? Is it possible to go swimming without mom and dad? Can you swim on an inflatable ring? Is it possible to swim far into the depths on it? Can you go on a boat? Is it possible to download it? Can I play on the beach? Is it possible on a high bank or bridge? (Group answers from children) Summing up Educator: Well, we have learned what dangers await us on the water, and how we can prevent them. So Arkady Parovozov can be calm - we won’t have to be saved. And we must follow safety rules. Because everything is possible! Anything can happen, so to speak! Because he may not fly by!

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Progress of the conversation:

Pinocchio arrives with an artificial Christmas tree.

-Hello guys! Look what I brought with me?

Let's find out what types of Christmas trees there are? Yes, natural and artificial. A real live Christmas tree is specially grown for us in the nursery. The fluffy forest guest brings the smell of winter forest, resin, and pine needles into the house. It is usually placed in a bucket of sand and firmly strengthened. The Christmas tree cannot be placed near batteries. Why do you think? Right! Heat comes from the batteries, and the tree will quickly dry out, turn yellow, and lose its green needles. Usually the Christmas tree is placed in the middle of the room so that round dances can be performed around it. An artificial Christmas tree is made from plastic. It does not dry out, does not turn yellow, and does not drop needles on the floor. For the first time, while the natural tree still retains moisture, it burns poorly. But when it dries, it can cause a fire. If an artificial tree catches fire, it emits toxic smoke that can cause poisoning.

Dear Guys! Let's talk about how to properly decorate a Christmas tree and how to behave around a decorated Christmas tree to prevent a fire. Before installing it, you need to remove the carpet from the floor. After all, if a spark hits the carpet, it can catch fire.

Guys, can we put a Christmas tree near the door? Why? That's right, the doors must be clear so that in the event of a fire, another room can easily pass through them.

Before decorating the Christmas tree with electric garlands, what should you do? That's right, check if the light bulbs are broken, if the wiring is intact, if the plug is working.

Do you think it is possible to decorate a Christmas tree with multi-colored wax candles? Of course not! There should be no open fire on the tree. This is dangerous and can lead to trouble. It is better not to decorate the Christmas tree with cotton wool toys, because cotton wool is a highly flammable material. During the holiday, can you light sparklers, firecrackers, or set off fireworks near the Christmas tree? Why? Where is the best place to do this? That's right, on the street away from residential premises! There are times when a burning piece of firecracker or firecracker flies onto the balcony. If old items are stored there, they may catch fire and cause a fire.

Remember that children should not be left alone in the hall or room where the Christmas tree is located! What an interesting conversation we had. I have to go, guys! See you soon! I'll go decorate the tree!

Conversation : “Fire in the apartment”

Goal: To introduce children to fire safety rules and how to behave during a fire.

Long-term work plan for the formation of life safety in the middle group in 2018-2019.

Long-term work plan for the formation

Life safety in the middle group 2018-2019


Murygina A.V.



is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave in various situations.

Long-term planning for the formation of safe behavior skills in children is carried out in accordance with the exemplary general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, which assumes the content of children’s knowledge and skills in the following sections:

  • — safe behavior in nature;
  • — road safety;
  • — safety of one’s own life;


  • Familiarizing children with the basic principles of safe behavior in various life situations: in everyday life, in society, in nature.
  • Develop the ability to independently apply them in life according to a given algorithm.


  1. To form the concept of “Fire” in children. Introduce children to the profession of firefighters. Pin

knowledge about the causes of fire and the rules of behavior when it occurs. Learn to dial the fire department telephone number, master the techniques of basic practical interaction with surrounding objects with which you can put out a fire. To instill in children self-confidence and the ability to navigate problem situations.

Develop caution and caution.

2) Classes on the topic “Dangerous objects and phenomena” will help cultivate the habit of safe

behavior and teach children to see moments of unjustified risk in everyday life. Instill the ability to competently handle objects around the child in the home environment. To acquaint children with various emergency situations, to develop psychological stability of behavior in dangerous and emergency situations. Develop a conscious, responsible and careful attitude towards your own safety and the safety of others. Develop the ability to independently use acquired knowledge and develop self-confidence.

  1. Take care of your health. To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that must be constantly taken care of. Teach children to take care of their health and the health of others, to form healthy lifestyle habits. Let children understand that many diseases do not arise out of nothing (they become infected), formulate rules that must be followed to protect themselves from infection. To familiarize yourself with the work of medical institutions, expand your understanding of different types of medicine.

4) Safe communication. Teach children to recognize situations that can be dangerous, develop the skills of correct behavior in extreme situations that threaten life and health, the ability to consciously avoid and even prevent them, develop the ability to find a constructive way out of the current situation, make a decision and react accordingly. Develop the ability to independently use acquired knowledge and develop self-confidence.

5) Introducing children to traffic rules, the responsibilities of pedestrians and road signs. Knowledge of the meaning of a traffic light on the road and all its colors separately. Know and follow traffic rules. Expand knowledge about the rules of behavior for children on the streets and roads. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the place of crossing the roadway at the zebra crossing. Rules of behavior on the roads during seasonal weather changes.

Work plan for the year

Month A week The content of the work Practical solution
Games, entertainment, etc. Fiction
September 1 Week Topic: “Svetik - tricolor.”

Goal: to introduce children to traffic lights and the purpose of each color. Identify information children have about traffic lights.

D\i “Find the right traffic light.”

Goal: to develop attention and thinking.

Looking at pictures of traffic lights.

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights.

2 week Topic: "Getting to know the street."

Goal: to supplement children’s ideas about the street with new information: the houses on it have different purposes, people live in some of them. In others there are institutions - shops, a school, a post office. Cars are moving along the roadway.

Walk “Getting to know the street”.

Purpose: to give a general idea of ​​the meaning of the word street. P\i "traffic rules".

Goal: develop motor activity, reinforce traffic rules.

Looking at an album of the streets of our city.
3 week Topic: “Pinocchio goes to the circus”

(game exercise).

Goal: to teach children to behave correctly in public transport.

S/r game "Trolleybus"

Goal: To enrich the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline; develop interest and desire to participate in the game.

A fairy tale about: “a naughty bunny and bear cubs”

Reading the poem “My Street” by S. Mikhalkov.

4 week Topic: "Dangerous objects."

Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about sources of danger at home and about the rules for using household appliances.

D/i “Find pictures”

Goal: To teach children to find dangerous objects in the picture.

Looking at illustrations.

Goal: to conduct a conversation about the sources of danger at home, about the rules for using household appliances.

October 1 Week Topic: “One, two, three, what can be dangerous - find it.”

Goal: to consolidate an understanding of the sources of danger at home, on the street, and about the rules for using household appliances.

D/i “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous.”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about sources of danger at home and on the street.

2 week Topic: “Attention road.”

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​how to properly exit public transport, enter the front door and exit the back door.

Walk “Who are pedestrians?” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​underground and overland passages; consolidate knowledge of how to cross the street correctly. D/i: “Street”

Goal: Learn to name parts of the street (road, sidewalk, houses, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing).

Reading the book “Road Rules”, V. Kozhevnikova, A. Severny. "Traffic light".

Examination of the series of pictures “Our Street”.

3 week Topic: “Fire is a friend. Fire is the enemy."

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior with fire; introduce children to the firefighter uniform.

P/i "Fire in the hearth."

Goals: to develop reaction speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, attention, endurance; to form a sense of courage, discipline, will and desire to win, as well as a culture of behavior in everyday life.

Looking at illustrations depicting a firefighter uniform and looking at illustrations on the topic "Fire"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the causes of fire and its consequences.

4 week Topic: “How to keep your skin healthy?”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the protective properties of skin and skin care skills.

D/i “A doll came to visit us.”

Goal: develop hygiene skills.

D/i "Good - bad."

November 1 Week Topic: “Every citizen knows this number – 101”!

Purpose: To familiarize children with fire safety rules; form an idea of ​​behavior in the event of a fire threat; cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.

Di “What burns, what doesn’t burn”

- introduce flammable and non-flammable materials

P/i "After the fire"

Goal: to develop the ability to wind a cord onto a reel.

Reading the work "Cat's House."

Goal: to clarify how the heroes managed to put out the fire.

2 week Topic: “Svetik - tricolor” - according to a traffic light signal.

Goal: to consolidate existing ideas about a traffic light, its purpose and principle of operation; develop interest in traffic rules; introduce children to the work of a traffic controller on the street.

S/r game “City Trip”.

Goal: teaching children to implement a game plan to create transport from a large builder, to learn how to play with the construction.

"Three-eyed friend." Making riddles about traffic lights.

Reading the poem by Y. Pishumov “Look, the guard is standing on our pavement.”

Purpose: to introduce the author’s works.

3 week Topic: “Travel to the country “My Health”.

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge of what parts the human body consists of, to talk about the role of the senses.


Legs run along different paths”
Goal: prevention of flat feet.

Looking at illustrations of a person. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the senses and why they are so important.
4 week Topic: “Fire in the apartment.”

Goal: to introduce children to the profession of a firefighter; form an idea of ​​behavior in the event of a fire threat.

D/i: “1, 2, 3 – find what could be dangerous”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about sources of danger in the house, to develop intelligence and attention.

Reading S. Marshak “Fire”.

Purpose: to introduce the author’s works.

December 1 Week Topic: “Winter fun” (safety rules during winter games).

Goal: To teach how to use a sled and play snowballs.

P/i “It’s snowing”

Goal: to teach how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; exercise children in running, making turns around themselves.

Looking at the illustrations, the painting “Well, I went for a ride...”.

Goal: to teach children to follow the rules while sledding and playing in the snow.

2 week Topic: “Personal safety at home.”

Goal: Goal: continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior at home.

Table theater "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".

Goal: To promote the emergence of games on the themes of Russian folk tales, to develop communication skills.

Reading poetry

G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva.

"Don't open the door to strangers."

3 week Topic: "Safety at home." Medicines and household chemicals.

Purpose: To clarify children’s ideas about dangerous objects in everyday life that should not be played with.

D/i “Find your vitamin.”

Goals: to teach orientation in space; distinguish the primary colors of the spectrum.

T. A. Shorygina

“Remember, kids, pills are not candy”

Goal: to develop children’s knowledge that they should not take medications without the permission of adults.

4 week Topic: “Personal safety on the street.” (Not everyone you meet is a dear friend).

Goal: to teach to see dangerous situations on the street, to introduce the rules of behavior with strangers.

D/i “Observer” (description of a person, signs, what he looks like).

Goal: to develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Reading the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault.

Purpose: to introduce the author’s works.

January 2 week Topic: "Caution - Electrical Appliances."

Goal: to teach how to use electrical appliances correctly.

D/i “Find pictures”

Goal: To teach children to find dangerous objects in the picture.

Reading fiction: O. Bedarev “If”.

Purpose: to introduce the author’s works.

3 week Topic: “Boulevard of Road Signs.” They don’t see it themselves, but point it out to others.

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with road signs and their purpose; learn to remember signs; draw special attention of children to the zebra crossing pedestrian markings.

D/i “What sign is this?”

D\i “Find out the sign, whether the sign was placed correctly.”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about road signs.

Reading fiction by G. Yurmin “The Curious Mouse.”

Goal: acquaintance with the author’s works.

4 week "Heroic Professions"

Goal: to introduce children to heroic professions: firefighters, rescuers.

S/r game “In the trampoline”

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the work of a doctor; develop the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game; develop children’s communication skills with adults and each other; enrich children's life experiences.

Reading S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.”

Goal: to continue to introduce the author’s works.

February 1 Week Topic: “Hurry, don’t rush”!

Purpose: to introduce children to some rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street, to give the concepts: pedestrian, ground, underground passage, roadway, sidewalk; teach children to pay attention to road signs; learn how to behave properly on the street.

Walk down the street.

S/r game “You are a pedestrian today”

Goal: to introduce children to a pedestrian crossing, to help them remember what it is for, and where it can be seen.

Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov, “Walking carefully.”

Purpose: to introduce the author’s works.

2 week Topic: “Riddles on fire safety rules.”

Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about fire safety rules.

Verbal - game "Find the right solution."

Goal: consolidate knowledge about fire safety

Reading poems on fire safety.

Goal: teach children to follow fire safety rules.

3 week Topic: “In the world of dangerous objects.”

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about sharp objects, piercing and cutting objects, to warn against accidents in everyday life.

D/i “Find pictures”

Goal: To teach children to find dangerous objects in the picture.

Reading a fairy tale by T. A. Sharygin.

“Scissors and spools are not toys”

Goal: to continue to introduce the author’s works.

4 week Topic: “Travel to the country “My Health”, “How does my body work?”

Purpose: to give initial ideas about the structure of the human body and the functions of its main organs.

D/i “Collect in your cart”

Goal: to promote the formation of ideas about the benefits of natural products, the need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and to consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.

Review of the album "Man".

Purpose: to give general ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

March 1 Week Topic: “If there is no traffic light on the street.”

Purpose: To familiarize children with the rules of crossing the road where there is no traffic light; establish rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street; continue to teach children to pay attention to road signs; cultivate a caring attitude towards everything that surrounds us: forest, buildings.

D/i “Did Dunno do the right thing.”

Goal: to develop logical thinking, memory, imagination.

Memorizing S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Walking Carefully.”

Goal: to continue to introduce the author’s works.

2 week Topic: "Ambulance"

Purpose: to introduce children to the telephone number 103; teach how to call an ambulance; to form an idea of ​​the profession of an emergency doctor, to cultivate respect for the work of an emergency doctor.

Simulation of game situations on the topic of first aid.

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the medical profession.

3 week Topic: “Fire Safety Quiz.”

Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge of fire safety rules.

S/r game “Young firefighters”.

Goal: to form an understanding of the tools that firefighters use.

Examination of the painting “Firefighting”.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the causes of fire.

4 week Topic: “Safety when communicating with animals.”

Goal: familiarization with the rules of safe behavior with animals.

D/i: “Think and answer”

Goal: To teach how to correctly answer questions about the rules of contact with animals.

Looking at the illustration "Pets".

Goal: consolidate knowledge about domestic animals.

April 1 Week Topic: “Modes of transport.”

Goal: fixing types of urban transport, rules of behavior in it; give an idea of ​​the characteristics of the movement of a trolleybus, bus, tram; the trolleybus moves using electricity; the bus is refueling with gasoline, the tram is moving on the rails.

D/i “Think and Say” (answers to questions)

Goal: To teach how to correctly answer questions asked about the rules of behavior in transport.

Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Cyclist”.

Goal: to continue to introduce the author’s works.

2 week Topic: “The kitchen is not a place for games.”

Goal: to teach to notice dangerous objects in the kitchen: hot stove, cutting objects; explain to children why they should not play in the kitchen.

S/r game “Family. Cooking lunch"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to translate life experience into a conventional game plan; promote the development of independent play of the child, the search for new gaming tasks and ways to solve them; develop creative and communication abilities.

Reading a story

Yu. S. Vasilyuk.

"In the kitchen"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous objects in the kitchen.

3 week Topic: “Through the streets of our city.”

Goal: to consolidate specific knowledge about the rules of behavior on the streets of the city and town; clarify knowledge of who regulates traffic on the streets; consolidate knowledge of road signs.

S/r game “City Trip”.

Goal: teaching children to implement a game plan to create transport from a large builder, to learn how to play with the construction.

Looking at illustrations.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about city streets, to teach them to identify roads, sidewalks, and houses.

4 week Topic: “Microbes and viruses.”

Goal: to teach children to take care of their health and avoid situations that are harmful to their health; cultivate the habit of observing personal hygiene rules.

The plot game “I will help myself, I will save my health.”


establish the rules of personal hygiene.

Reading a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Purpose: to introduce the author’s works.

May 1 Week Topic: “Introduction to some rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street.”

Goal: to introduce children to some rules for pedestrians, to the concepts: pedestrian, ground crossing, underground crossing.

D/i “Guess the sign”

Goal: To teach children to find and show the “Pedestrian crossing” sign among other unfamiliar signs.

Looking at illustrations.

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about city streets, to teach them to identify roads, sidewalks, and houses.

2 week Topic: "If you are lost."

Goal: to bring children to the understanding that for help they need to turn not to any adult, but to a policeman, a seller, or a military man; Help children understand the importance of knowing their address and telephone number.

Dramatization game (sketch) r.n. fairy tales "The cat, the rooster and the fox"

Goal: To promote the emergence of games on the themes of Russian folk tales, to develop communication skills.

Funny story

M. Manakova.

"Someone else's yard"

Goal: tell children how the hero of the story got lost in someone else's yard.

3 week Topic: “Sunstroke”

Goal: to teach children the rules of behavior in the hot summer.

S/r game “Walk in the forest”

Goal: To develop interest and desire to participate in the game; enrich children's gaming experience; to form the ability to form emotional contact with comrades; stimulate children's creative activity in play.

Looking at illustrations

about the rules of behavior in the hot season.

Purpose: to give a general idea of ​​how to behave in hot weather.

4 week Topic: “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”


familiarization with the rules of behavior and safety near bodies of water and in the park.


Legs run along different paths”
Goal: prevention of flat feet.

Reading a fairy tale

T. Yufereva.

"Rain and Sun"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of sun and rain in nature.

Progress of the conversation:

Hello guys! I came to talk to you about the fire.

-Tell me why there might be a fire in the apartment?

That's right, they forgot to turn off electrical appliances, faulty electrical wiring, an unextinguished cigarette, children's pranks with matches and a lighter.

- Guys, what should you do if there is a fire?

If there are adults at home, you should quickly run to them for help! What if there is no one at home?

That's right, we need to call the fire brigade. To do this, dial 01. Remember this number. You need to speak on the phone clearly, clearly indicate your address: street, house and apartment number, floor. Do you know your address?

Most importantly, do not panic, do not run around the apartment in vain and do not try to put out the fire yourself. After calling the firefighters, slam the door to your apartment tightly and run outside. Try to inform your neighbors about the fire.

You need to remember the rules of behavior in case of fire:

Never open windows and doors wide into an apartment where there is a fire, this will increase the draft and the fire will become stronger.

Do not extinguish electrical appliances that are plugged in with water, you may get an electric shock! The plugs of electrical appliances must first be removed from the network.

During fires, not only fire is very dangerous, but also smoke. In modern apartments, most of the furniture is made of chemicals that release toxic gases when burned. It is enough to inhale such toxic smoke two or three times, and you can lose consciousness. Therefore, immediately wrap your face with a wet towel or scarf and move around the apartment crouching down, since there is less poisonous gas below. But the main thing is to quickly leave the burning apartment!

- Guys, did you remember all these rules?

Well done then! I’ll go tell the other guys soon! See you soon!

Conversation : “Children's pranks with fire”

Goal: To teach children fire safety measures, to develop in children basic knowledge about the dangers of pranks with fire, about the dangerous consequences of fires in the house.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson summary - conversations on life safety for middle group children on the topic: “Take care of the forest”

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the benefits of forests in human life. Formation of environmental awareness and respect for nature. Deepen and systematize knowledge about the causes of fires in the forest. To bring to an understanding of the likely consequences of children's pranks, to create a feeling of increased danger of fire.


  1. Educational objectives: to cultivate a sense of love for the natural resources around us, sensitivity, understanding of the diverse secrets hidden in nature and respect for them.
  2. Developmental tasks: develop cognitive interest, observation, the ability to draw conclusions, expand children’s vocabulary on the topic of fire safety
  3. Educational objectives: to form children’s understanding of the importance of forests in nature and in the life of every person and the need to take care of forest resources. consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous situations, causes of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”

Methods: search, visual, verbal, game.


  • technical teaching aids: laptop;
  • “Take care of the forest!” posters ;

Preliminary work:

  • familiarization with fire safety rules
  • conversation on the topic: “Be careful with fire”
  • reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Confusion” , S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa” (excerpt, L. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs” , A. Naydenov “Mice and Matches”
  • guessing riddles
  • looking at pictures and posters about fire safety.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, guess my riddle.

The house is open on all sides. It is covered with a carved roof. Come into the green house - you will see miracles in it!


Educator: That's right, forest! Well done! Today we will talk about our green friend - the forest, about the importance of the forest in nature and in the life of every person, and about caring for it. There is no person in the world whose life is not connected with the forest. However, every day forests are in more and more need of protection. The topic of our lesson is “Take care of the forest.”

Educator: To do this, let's go on a trip. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the forest. Everything is beautiful in the forest. The forest adorns the earth, and therefore human life, but the forest is not famous for its beauty alone. The forest retains moisture, helping people grow good crops.

And how easy and free it is to breathe in the forest! The forest is a huge oxygen factory, necessary for all living things on earth. The forest is a home for animals and birds, an amazing storehouse of inexhaustible riches. Wood is the main gift of the forest. It is used for the construction of houses, in shipbuilding, and for the manufacture of furniture. The forest is the healthiest place for people to relax.

Educator: We are guests in the forest, and to be good guests, you need to follow the rules of behavior (discussing situations, saying what’s wrong, and then deducing the rule).

Educator: People love to go for walks in the forest, pick berries, mushrooms, and pine cones. But not everyone understands the importance of nature and forests. Spring comes and people go out into nature, light fires, which lead to fires. The most terrible enemy of the forest is fire. The causes of fires in the forest are fires.

Educator: Guys, when I was going to kindergarten, worried forest animals came up to me. I asked them what happened. They told me:

The forest inhabitants are terribly alarmed. A fire is burning in the forest, and this is so dangerous. Here the guys cooked soup, but the fire was not put out.

Let's hurry here, there's a fire in the forest, we need water. Educator: Who will help us? (children's answers)

Educator: Well, now the firefighters will help them. Today we will talk to you about such a terrible disaster as a forest fire. A terrible sight - a forest fire. Great disasters happen in the forest during a fire: animals and plants die, the soil becomes dead, the air is filled with acrid, poisonous smoke! All living things do not have time to escape and die in a sea of ​​​​fire. And although our country has a ground and air service to protect forests from fires, any fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish. Man brings this misfortune to the forest. People make a fire in the forest. These could be tourists or hunters. They know that before lighting a fire, they need to choose a safe place away from trees and bushes and remove a layer of grass along with roots and soil (turf). And then the fire should be extinguished: poured with water or covered with earth. The fireplace can be covered with turf, or it can be left for other tourists. Sometimes children come to the forest alone and play with fire there. Guys, tell me how this could end. To prevent this from happening, forest rangers post special signs along the road into the forest - prohibiting entry, prohibiting making fires, calling for the protection of the forest.

Educator: If, nevertheless, adults decide to make a fire in the forest, then it is necessary to clear the place for the fire from grass much wider than the fire itself. The day should be calm. You cannot leave a fire unattended. When leaving, be sure to put out the fire by thoroughly filling it with water.

Educator: What do you guys think, can a fire in the forest be caused by garbage that careless tourists did not clean up after themselves? (children's answers.) Even a tiny piece of glass can burn out the entire forest. Don't know how? It’s very simple: if a ray of sunlight hits it, it will heat up the grass or branches under the glass to such an extent that they can catch fire. Garbage should be burned at the stake. And collect what does not burn in bags and take it out of the forest.

Educator:. And underground fires also happen when peat bogs burn. Such a fire spreads slowly, with almost no oxygen. Unextinguished fires can continue even in winter under a thick layer of snow.

Educator: Do you know why you can’t burn dry grass? Now there are many such fans. Many people try to burn last year's grass because they think that this will make the grass grow better. But it turns out the other way around: the roots of the grasses burn out, which makes the grass become thinner, and in some places it doesn’t grow at all. In this case, a lot of insects and their pupae die. In the forest, in the place where there was a fire, grass does not grow for three years, or even more.

Educator - In case of a fire, the fire department comes to the aid of people. Firefighters have been fighting fires for a long time. These people are courageous and strong, because their profession is very dangerous. And they rush to help in fire trucks. Fire trucks aren't the only ones that help put out fires. Firefighting helicopters and airplanes often come to the aid of people.

Educator: Who knows how a person can put out a fire on his own if it is not big? (trample, cover with clothes, fill with water, cover with earth). But remember that this can only be done by adults.

Educator: And if the fire is big and a person understands that he cannot cope, what should he do then? (children's answers). The right thing to do is call the fire department. What's her number? Tell me guys. (01) What should we call on the phone? (Give your first and last name; say what happened; indicate the place where it happened).

Educator: Can you and I help the forest and prevent forest fires? (children's answers).

Educator: Of course, firstly, we ourselves must follow the rules of behavior in the forest (do not make fires, do not throw lighted matches, do not leave glass, which in sunny weather act like magnifying glasses and can cause a fire).

Educator: And secondly, we can tell other people about this. I suggest you help the forest prevent fires. I have colorful posters that we can hang in the forest and people who see them will remember the rules and will not break them.

There is smoke in the sky, heat above the forest. I'm flying out to the fire! My firefighting plane will flood the entire fire with water.

And you, children, never make a fire yourself, remember - matches are not a toy! And if you notice a fire in the forest, tell an adult or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations by calling 112.

Physical education minute

Hands raised and shook, These are trees in the forest. The arms are bent, the hands are shaken. The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, these are the birds flying towards us. We will also show how they sit down. The wings are folded back.


– What benefits does the forest bring to humans?

– What does it mean to love nature?

– What do you need to remember and do for this?

The forest must be protected, because... this is our home, our wealth. There are many herbs, trees, flowers, berries, and mushrooms growing in the forest. The forest brings us great benefits. We must take care of the forest resources and all living things that surround us.

If you yourself remember this and remind your family, friends and relatives of these rules, you will do great! I would like to hope that you will never cause the death of the forest.

Take care of the Russian forest. It is the source of all miracles! To prevent fires, houses would not burn

Children, never take matches without asking! Although fire warms us, it can also be cruel

It burns very quickly. Be careful with it, my friend! Never set fire to even a small piece of paper

Take care of the trees and birds, take care of everything around you!

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