Presentation “Physical training about animals”
Physical exercise about animals
Exercises about pets
We bought the cat
We bought boots for the cat (raise your arms forward) for the holiday (put your foot on the heel, turn it around) Combed her mustache (spread your arms to the sides from the cheeks) Sewed new panties (imitate sewing with a needle) Just how to put them on (shrug your shoulders, arms to the sides) The tail has nowhere to go. (show the “tail” behind your back)
Gymnastics for the neck “Goat”
Oma - oma - oma (raise and lower your head) There is a goat standing near the house. Ome - ome - ome (shake your head right - left) It's good in a tall house. Me - me - me (raise and lower your head) Come to me. (making inviting movements) Mot - mot - mot (shake your head right - left) Do not put your hooves on the chest of drawers. (waking finger)
You know me closely (children walk in a circle on their tiptoes, sneaking) I am a friendly pussy. (stop, face in a circle) Up - tassels on the ears, (make “ears” from the palms) The claws are hidden in the pillows. (“claws” of fingers) In the dark I see vigilantly, (they blow in a circle again, sneaking) I won’t offend you in vain. But teasing me is dangerous - (they stop, stand facing in a circle) I scratch terribly. (show “claws”) (V. Stoyanov)
Treat a kitten - facial exercise
My little gray cat (children convey with facial expressions like a kitten) is not growing at all, (they are treating him to different foods: milk,) And even his mustache is not growing. (meat, lemon, fish, sausage) He doesn’t eat soup, (carrots, peppers, etc.) And he doesn’t eat porridge - Try to grow here!
“Hello, Vaska the goat” - dynamic pause
Hello, Vaska the goat, (bow, palm on chest) If you came to visit, (shake head) Help yourself to the grass, (stretch your palms forward) But be careful, don’t slurp! (wag a finger)
(imitation of movements) The cat was inflating a balloon, but the kitten was disturbing her. Playful paw “hop!” And the inflated balloon “pop!” The kitten blinked its eyes and smiled affectionately at its mother. He squeezed his eyes and paws tightly. And he said: “Bye, guys!”
Dog Barbos
(imitation of movements) Here sits our dog Barbos. He hid his black nose in his paws. The dog is dozing or sleeping. Doesn't look at the kids. Our children quietly stood up and ran up to the dog - Come on, the dog, quickly get up and catch up with the kids!
I'm a goat Me-ke-ke. (children walk in a circle) I'm walking in the meadow. Sharp horns. (show “horns”) Thin legs (stomp their feet) At the very top of the head are Velvet ears. (show ears) Linen tongue, (show tongue with a spatula) Hemp tail (show the tail with the hand from behind) As soon as I jump, (they jump) I immediately gore. ("butt heads")
Horses walk along the alley. (walking, raising your knees high, arms forward) Here they are, right in the palm of your hand. (half squat on the left leg) And well-fed, (right forward on the toe) And well-mannered (also, but on the other leg) The trainer will say (with the right leg “beat with the hoof”) “Op!” (jump from foot to foot) Horses immediately gallop. (same with the other leg) He will raise a long whip (swing his right hand in a circular motion backwards) The fast horses will freeze. (half squat, arms forward) The conductor will wave his hand - (waves in front of himself) The horses dance to the orchestra. (two stamps from the right foot, then from the left) We will clap our palms (claps in front of us) The horses will kneel. (left step forward, half squat) Necks will stretch out. (stretch your necks) There are no more obedient people in the world. (turn head to the right) That's what these horses are like. (turn head to the left)
We visited a farm (children walk in a circle, holding hands) and saw white rabbits. Nimble rabbits (run in a circle, making “ears” out of their fingers) They lay down, (lie down) Then they circled (circled) in a wire house. They clapped their paws (clap their hands) and squealed merrily. (they stomp their feet) We are the animals (they walk in a circle, holding hands) Not tough grass - We’ll get it for Clover... Grow up (they jump in a circle, making “ears” out of their fingers) With delicate fur, With round tails. (K. Kubilinskas)
The horse is waiting for me on the road, (hands clasped behind his back) Beats his hoof at the gate, (rhythmic alternating raising of legs bent at the knees) Plays in the wind with his mane Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking his head, then bending to the sides) I’ll quickly jump onto the saddle , If I don’t go, I’ll fly, (jumping in place) Clack-clack-clack, Clunk-clack-clack, (arms half bent at the elbows in front of you) There, beyond the distant river I’ll wave to you with my hand, (jumps in place)
One-two - the ducklings went
One-two - the ducklings walked, (We walk in place) Three-four - they walked home. (Jumping in place) The fifth trudged after them, (Clap our hands) The sixth ran ahead, (Stomp our feet) And the seventh lagged behind everyone - (We walk in place) He got scared and shouted: (Clap our hands) - Where are you, where are you ? (Jumping in place) - Don’t shout, we’re nearby, look! (Stomp our feet)
Fluffy lumps Wash your cheeks with your paw, Wash your nose with your paw, Wash your eyes with your paw - Right eye, left eye. Wash your ears with your paw - Right ear, left ear.
In the morning the gander stood up on his paws
In the morning the gander stood up on his paws, (Stretched, arms up - inhale and exhale) Prepared for exercise. (Jerks of arms in front of the chest) Turned left, right, (Turns left and right) Did the squat correctly, (Squats) Cleaned the fluff with the beak, (Tilts the head left and right) Quickly into the water - splash! (Sit down)
A puppy was running around the yard
A puppy was running around the yard (slowly running in place) He sees a piece of pie. (lean forward, arms to the sides) crawled under the porch and ate, (sit down, hands to mouth) fell apart, sniffling. (arms to the sides, head to the side)
The window opened (arms to the sides) and the cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the graceful walk of a cat) The cat looked up, (throw back its head, look up) The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down) So you turned to the left, (turn your head to the left) She followed the flies with her gaze. (turn head to the right) She stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions) and sat down on the ledge.
The cat washes itself with its paw, (strokes its cheeks) Apparently, it’s going to visit. I washed my nose, (rubs my nose with my palm) I washed my mouth, (run a finger over my lips) I washed my ear, (stroke one ear, then the other) Wiped it dry. (rubbed ears) The cat washes itself with its paw, (strokes its chest) He is going to visit the children.
Our hostess was Smetliva. I gave everyone in the hut a job for the holiday: (walk in a circle, holding hands) The dog washes the cup with its tongue. (cup your palms, “lick” it) Piggy collects crumbs under the window. (sit down, tilt your head rhythmically). The cat scratches the table with its paw. (stand up, make movements towards yourself with your right hand) The goat sweeps the doormat with a broom. (“revenge” gender)
Petya, Petya is a cockerel (tilts his head to the right - left) He spent the whole day learning a rhyme, (tilts his head forward - back) And he remembered the line (for each syllable, hit his hips with his hands) Only one - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
Sly cat
A cunning cat is prowling around the house, (the cat walks on the rug) looking for a small mouse (the children are standing on the rug) The mouse lives underground, (the children are squatting) Quietly scraping the boards. (scraping on the rug) The cat won’t catch it (children get to their feet) The mouse by the tail! (they shake their finger at the cat and run away, and the cat catches up with them) Antipka the cat lived with us. (they stood up, hands on their belts) He got up from the couch at one o'clock. (stretched, hands up - inhale) At two in the kitchen he stole sausages (tilts left and right) At three he ate sour cream from a bowl. (bends forward, hands on the belt) He washed his face at four. (tilts head to shoulders left and right) At five I was rolling on the mat. (turns left and right) At six he was dragging herring from the tub. (jerks with hands in front of the chest) At seven he played hide and seek with the mice (claps from front to back) At eight he cunningly narrowed his eyes. (squats) At nine I ate and listened to fairy tales. (claps hands) At ten I went to the bed to sleep, (jumping on the spot) Because I have to get up at one o’clock. (we walk in place)
Like a kitty visiting (running on tiptoes) Two chickens in bast shoes, A cockerel in boots (walking with a high knee lift) A chicken in earrings (walking on heels) A drake in a caftan (fractional step) A duck in a sundress (waddling walk)
Physical exercises about wild animals
There is an elephant walking around the zoo, Ears, trunk, gray. (Tilts the head to the sides.) Nods his head, (Tilts the head forward.) As if inviting someone to visit. (Head straight.) One, two, three - forward tilt, One, two, three - now back. (Bends forward, backward.) The elephant shakes its head - He’s happy to do exercises. (Chin to chest, then throw your head back.) Although the exercise is short, we rested a little. (Children sit down.)
Early in the morning, monkeys frolic in the clearing like this: With their left leg: stomp, stomp! Right foot: stomp, stomp! Hands up, up, up, who will raise the highest? Hands down and bent over, placing your hands on the floor. Now let’s have a good walk on all fours. And then we will rest, sit and go to sleep.
The hares got up early in the morning and played merrily in the forest. Jump-jump-jump along the paths! Who is not used to charging? (Jumping in place) Here is a fox walking through the forest. Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Walking in place) To answer the question, the little fox pulls his nose. (Stretching - arms forward) But the bunnies jump quickly. How could it be otherwise? (Jumping in place) Training helps! And the bunnies run away. (Running in place) Here is a hungry fox (Walking in place) Looking sadly at the heavens. (Stretching - arms up) Sighs heavily. (Deep inhalation and exhalation) Sits down and rests. (Children sit at tables)
We play too loudly, We clap our hands, We stomp our feet, We puff out our cheeks, We jump on our toes, And we even show each other our tongues. Let's jump together to the ceiling, raise our fingers to our temples, stick out our ears, and put our tail on the top of our head. Let's open our mouths wider and make grimaces. As soon as I say the number “three” - Everyone freeze with grimaces! "One two Three!"
We're hunting a lion
We are not afraid of him. We have a long gun and a spyglass. Oh! What is this? And this is a field: top-top-top. Oh! What is this? And this is a swamp: champ-champ-champ. Oh! What is this? And this is the sea: glug-glug-glug. Oh! What is this? And this is the path: shur-shur-shur. You can't crawl under it. You can't fly over it. There is no way around it, but the path is straight. We went out into the clearing. Who is this lying here?
Let's touch it. Children “touch” an imaginary lion. “Yes, it’s a lion! Oh, mommies!”
They got scared of him and ran home. Along the path: shur-shur-shur. By sea: glug-glug-glug. Through the swamp: champ-champ-champ. Across the field: top-top-top. We ran home. The door was closed. Wow! (exhale) Tired. Well done!
(Clap your palms all over your body.) Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere. Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere. (With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.) On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and socks. (We pinch ourselves, as if picking up folds.) Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere. Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere. (With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.) On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and socks. (We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing out fur) Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. (With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.) On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and socks. (We run the edges of our palms along the body (draw stripes)) And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere. And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere. On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and toes.
Wild animals
On a hot day, the animals walked along a forest path to a watering hole. (Children walk in a circle, one after another) A moose calf stomped behind the mother elk, (They walk, stomping loudly) A little fox crept behind the mother fox, (They walk stealthily) A hedgehog rolled behind the mother hedgehog, (They move in a deep squat) Behind the mother bear a bear cub was walking, (They move in a deep squat) The squirrel cubs were galloping after the mother squirrel, (They were jumping on their toes, with their arms bent in front of the chest) Behind the mother-hare were slanting hares, (They were jumping, making “ears” from their palms) The she-wolf led the wolf cubs. (Walk on all fours) All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Walk on all fours)
Squirrel exercise
In the wilderness of the forest, on a Christmas tree, there lived two little squirrels. (Stretch.) We lived together, didn’t bother, and were friends with exercise. (Jumping on two legs.) They got up early in the morning, pretended to be a kangaroo: (Bring their hands to their ears.) They grabbed their ears with their paws and leaned left and right. (Tilt to the sides.) They clapped their hands together (Clap their hands.) And stretched out like cats. (Circular movements with arms, stretch.) They stomped with their feet, (Walking in place with a stomp.) They batted their eyes, (Blink their eyes.) They twisted their heads, (Turns their heads to the sides.) They walked after each other. (Walking in place)
The bear crawled out of the den
The bear crawled out of the den and looked around at the threshold. (Turns left and right.) He stretched from sleep: (Stretching - arms up.) Spring has come to us again. To quickly gain strength, the bear twisted its head. (Rotates his head.) Bent back and forth, (Bends forward and back.) Here he is walking through the forest. The bear is looking for roots and rotten stumps. They contain edible larvae - Vitamins for the bear. (Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.) Finally, the bear had eaten and sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)
Bear cubs
(Circular movements of the head alternately in different directions. Bends to the sides, arms forward. Walking “bear style”, bending forward. Jumping in place.)
The cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads. Like this, like this, they twisted their heads.
The cubs were looking for honey, They shook the tree together, Like this, like this They rocked the tree together.
They waddled around and drank water from the river. Like this, like this And they drank water from the river.
And then they danced, raising their paws higher. Like this, like this, they raised their paws higher.
A bear wanders through the forest, walking from oak to oak. (Waddle) He finds honey in the hollows and puts it in his mouth. (“get” honey with your hand) The clubfoot licks the paw of the sweet tooth, (imitation of movement) And the bees swoop in and drive the bear away. (“swish away” the bees) And the bees sting the bear: “Don’t eat our honey, thief.” (lightly pinch yourself on the nose and cheeks) A bear wanders along the forest road to his den. (Waddle) He lies down, falls asleep and remembers the bees. (hands under cheek, tilt head)
She is not too lazy to do physical exercises every day (arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down) From one branch, jumping to the left on a twig, she sat down (hands on the belt, jump to the left, sit down) Then she jumped to the right, (stand up, hands on the belt, jump to the right) Spun around the hollow. (spin in place)
Let's jump like a frog, Jumping Champion. After one jump comes another jump, Let's jump higher, my friend! (Jumping.)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Prepared and conducted by Physical Education Instructor N.A. Medvedeva.
Form primary skills of a healthy lifestyle, adherence to a daily routine;
To consolidate in a playful way the skills of performing cyclic exercises (running, jumping, walking), crawling on all fours under arches. Learn to throw a ball over a rope using the overhead method; practice crawling on all fours, pushing the ball with your head, moving forward.
Paintings, illustrations of cats, kittens.
Balls according to the number of children; volleyball rope or net; arcs – 6 pcs.; hat-mask Cat. Benches.
1 part.
Someone with a mustache has a striped muzzle. The back is like a bridge, and behind the bridge is a tail.
Looking at illustrations of kittens (the central wall is pre-decorated). Children are invited to turn into kittens and live like a cat all day long:
One, two, three - spin around! Kids turn into kittens!
The kids sit freely and lie down on the floor - “Falling asleep” .
Teacher: We woke up, stretched, turned from side to side. Stretch, stretch! Where are your favorite toys?
(children perform the appropriate movements: stretch, turn, raise their arms), the balls scatter on the floor.
You, our ball. Jump and wake up the kittens!
- regular, ball in two hands in front of the chest; on your toes – the ball above your head; raising your knees high - the ball is held forward with outstretched arms.
Scattered. Alternating with walking.
We stood in a circle.
EXERCISES FOR KITTENS (general developmental exercises)
- “Toward yourself - down . I.P. - feet hip-width apart, ball lowered. V. - ball up, lower down. (4-5 times).
- "Here he is" . I.P. - the same, the ball in front of the chest in bent arms. V. - turn to the right, arms forward; I.p.; turn left, arms forward, etc. (4 times).
- "Pumping the ball . I.p. - the ball is behind your back. V. - forward bends. And. p. (5 times)
- "Palms on the ball" . I.P. - sitting on the floor, the ball between the feet, hands at the back. V. - lean forward, stroke the ball i.p. (do not bend your knees).
- "Catch" . I.P. = standing, ball in bent arms in front of chest. V. - throwing the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands (5 times).
- "Let's jump . I.P. — o.s., ball in hands. V. - jumping on two legs in place, turning around.
Nose. Nose! Where are you, little nose? Mouth, mouth! Where are you, little mouth? Cheek, cheek! There will be a clean daughter. (Imitation movements)
GAME “Neat kittens”
- Did you wash your paws?.. (yes); Have you washed your ears?.. Have you washed your tail?... Everything has been washed. And now we are clean, fluffy kittens! (Imitation movements).
Part 2. Let's go to d/s - BASIC TYPES OF MOVEMENTS.
Walking along the Magic Path - ribbed board. Massage bumps and mats.
Throwing - throwing the ball from behind the head through a rope (frontal method of execution).
Crawling - on all fours. pushing the ball with your head to move forward.
Teacher: You and I are going to the kindergarten, but where are the parents? (to work). What is a mother cat's job? (to catch mice).
ACTIVE GAME “Cat and Mouse”
The mouse children are located on one side of the hall. Fenced off with several arches for crawling. One of the children is a CAT (wearing a mask).
The mouse crawled out of the hole, the mouse really wants to eat. Is there a dried crust somewhere, maybe there is a crust in the kitchen? And in the kitchen, near the cabinet, a mouse sees someone’s paw. The paw is motley, the claws are sharp. Hey! Mouse! Don't yawn: run away quickly! Run away from these places, otherwise the cat will eat you! (Vvedensky). (mice that managed to return to their burrows cannot be caught)
At the end of the game, the teacher notes the importance and usefulness of the work performed by the cat mother and asks the children not to be upset and especially not to cry in the morning when their parents leave for their important and necessary work. And at this time the kittens meet their puppy friends in the nursery.
Outdoor game “Kittens and puppies”
Part 3.
Search game “Find the kitten” - children tell the kitten how to spend one day.
Relaxation “Kitten's Dream” (to calm music).
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