Independent work of children, forms of its organization Detsky Sad.Ru >> Electronic library >> Books on
Selection “The literary word: riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales about food!” Theodore and Feofan
Open lesson with children of the middle group “Self-care skills” Goal: Continue to teach children to independently care for
Scenario for dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (middle group) Irina Ilyukhina Scenario for dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (middle group)
Traditional forms of interaction Traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents include: Visiting the child’s family
Olga Medovarova Notes for a lesson on FCCM in the preparatory group Notes for a lesson on FCCM Topic
The system of health work in the preschool educational institution has halls for physical education and music classes, with the necessary
Sports leisure for children of the senior group “Rich Autumn” Sports leisure Theme of sports leisure “Rich