Explanatory note Humanity has accumulated a huge “fabulous” experience, but in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the material
Mathematical leisure time “Mathematics Experts” for children of the middle group Mathematical leisure time “Mathematics Experts” Middle age
Equipment of the office The methodological office has a room in which the pedagogical and methodological activities of the team are carried out,
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Methodological development of the “Victory Day” project for children of senior preschool age. Project type:
Features of the organization of constructive-model activities of preschool children of the MDOU IRMO “Mamonovsky kindergarten of a combined type” Topic: “Features
Senior group 1. Pictures on lexical topics. 2. Catalog of games: a) on sound culture
Progress of the game. The teacher, addressing the children, asks them questions, for example: “Remember what you can sew.”