Summary of the OOD "Healthy Lifestyle" senior group Summary of the lesson in the senior group "Healthy Lifestyle"
Lyubov Marilova Summary of a lesson on design activities with children of the senior group “Wonderful transformations” Plan of implementation
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of the parent meeting in the school preparatory group “Preschooler’s readiness for school”
Lesson notes on sensory development of young children Natalya Artemyeva Lesson notes on sensory development
If sports exercises are muscle training, then hardening is immunity training, in
Card index “Didactic games on life safety Rules for safety in everyday life” “Didactic games on life safety Rules
Summary of a lesson with middle group children on the topic: “Colors of Autumn”. Municipal budget preschool
Summary of GCD on cognitive development in the early age group. Summary of GCD on cognitive development
Summary of GCD in the middle group for FCCM “How milk came to the table” tactile book