Main stages Thus, studying the process of drawing a hedgehog step by step, we do it as follows: Outline
How to make salt dough? You will need: a glass of wheat flour, a glass of extra salt, half a glass
Mother's Day celebration in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Interesting scenario Holiday scenario for the Day
In your opinion, at what age should children be introduced to the theory of solving inventive problems?
How to sew an apron First, choose a suitable fabric for the apron. In this case, it's
Educational game Djeco “Numbers” (Ozon, My-shop) A very good set for practicing your very first skills
Preview: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten “Ryabinushka” of continuous educational
↑ Types of activity Depending on the subject, activity can be individual or collective. By
Planning a thematic week “Visiting a Fairy Tale” in the middle group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Organization
Features of an open lesson in mathematics in the middle group of preschool educational institutions Open viewing on FEMP -