Non-traditional drawing techniques in the 2nd junior group of preschool educational institutions
Unconventional drawing in the second junior group An unconventional way of drawing is first and foremost
creative development of children photo
Development of creative abilities in preschool children
All children love to learn something new, fantasize, compose, imagine - this is how the natural process occurs
Lesson summary on the topic: Compiling a collection “Types of paper”
Types of paper for creativity Although many mothers are accustomed to buying packaging by eye, they do not
The work was carried out by students of grade 10a: Tkachenko Vlada and Kayun Lyuba Project leader: Kuznetsova N.V., technology teacher of the 1st qualification category of the Municipal Educational Institution secondary school in the village of Ola
Project in kindergarten on the topic: Maslenitsa. Senior group
Project “Maslenitsa” The work was carried out by students of grade 10a: Vlada Tkachenko and Lyuba Kayun Project leader:
“Children are supposed to know the rules of the road” (propaganda team on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age)
Additional types of leisure and activities During leisure time, important material is studied. Additional events Ongoing
Card index of theatrical games and exercises in the middle group
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Creative games and theatrical exercises in the process of communicating with children. Today we
The problem of continuity between school and kindergarten
Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school as a condition for successful adaptation of children to school education
Continuity in the light of state standards By adopting the Federal State Educational Standard, the state establishes a standard of education that corresponds to the ideals of society.
Children's project “Who are dolphins, or People of the Sea”
Dolphins are mammals that can be found in the open seas and in river mouths. They
Basic Montessori Methods
The Montessori method is the essence and principles of one of the most successful approaches to raising children
The beginning of the twentieth century literally divided the history of mankind into before and after, because life has undergone
Project in the middle group of a preschool educational institution on the topic “Little Helpers”
Examples of projects on traffic rules for preschool educational institutions Projects on the topic of traffic rules can be
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