“Planning educational activities with preschool children”

Abstract: Planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of planning the educational process in
preschool educational institutions.
1.1 Planning as a management function and a component of professional and pedagogical activities………………………………………………………………………………5

1.2 Specifics of the educational process in preschool educational institutions……………………………13

1.3 Features of planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions. ………..19

Conclusions on Chapter 1……………………………………………………………………………….31

Chapter 2. The state of the educational process in MDOU No. 14 “Romashka”,
2.1. Analysis of the state of planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions……32

2.2. Recommendations for planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions……37

Conclusions on Chapter 2……………………………………………………………….40


Bibliography. …………………………………………………………….43



Relevance of the topic.

In the conditions of instability of the modern world, the crisis of the public preschool education system in Russia, it is very important for the director of a kindergarten to take adequate operational measures to preserve and develop the institution entrusted to him.

Planning is a key management function, the full implementation of which is one of the main factors ensuring the effectiveness of a manager. That is why the issues of training kindergarten leaders in the skills of scientific planning of their activities and its effective organization are becoming extremely relevant. Planning eliminates uncertainty, focuses attention on major objectives, achieves efficient economic performance, and facilitates management control.

With proper planning, it becomes possible to predict the performance results of each specific employee, which makes it easier to achieve common goals and objectives. Research in the field of management confirms a direct relationship between the ability to plan and the success of a manager as a whole.

The essence of planning is to direct the activities of preschool educational institutions to develop solutions aimed at adapting the kindergarten to constantly changing conditions, neutralizing factors that negatively affect the entire preschool education system as a whole.

In the psychological aspect, the basis of planning is the leader’s overcoming of stereotypes of thinking: a change in attitude from “global” (abstract) planning to a strategy for drawing up several options for a future scenario, from a model of directive planning to probabilistic models of development.

An analysis of regulatory documents on preschool education and a study of the experience of managing a preschool institution allow us to conclude that it is necessary to improve the educational process and manage it in new conditions. An analysis of the works of K.Yu. Belaya, L.V. Pozdnyak, A.N. Troyan showed that the problem of the content and implementation of the function of planning the educational process has not been the object of special research until now, although some of its aspects have been considered in connection with the study organizational and pedagogical activities of heads of preschool institutions.

An analysis of the works of Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, A.M. Moiseev, P.I. Tretyakov, E.A. Yamburg and others on the management of an educational institution showed that the main attention of scientists is aimed at studying the problems of managing the educational process in a modern school. The technologies for developing an innovative school proposed in them, of course, cannot be fully used in managing the development of a preschool institution due to its specificity.

Thus, the problem of planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions as the initial link of the education system is currently insufficiently developed. The practical significance of this problem and its lack of scientific development make it relevant.

Object of study:

management process of a preschool educational institution.

Subject of study:

planning the educational process as a function of preschool educational institution management.

Research hypothesis

: The process of managing a preschool educational institution will be effective subject to the systematic use of forces, means, time, and human resources to achieve an optimal result.

Goal of the work

: study the features of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Conduct an analysis of scientific-methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature on the problems of managing a modern preschool educational institution.

2. Reveal the features of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution.


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