Speech therapy
Speech development: toys. Materials for speech and activities with children on the topic “Toys”.
Speech therapy tales and tongue twisters Clear pronunciation of sounds is closely related to the development of good diction. U
Games for the development of coherent speech Incompetent writer Setting the sound T Formulation, construction of complex sentences, development
The coherent speech of a preschooler is a significant indicator of his speech and general development. If the child is in
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Parts of the human body” Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Parts of the human body”
Poems on the theme "AUTUMN" Short children's poems about autumn 1. Leaf fall 2. Sparrow 3.
Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic: Family Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson
LESSON SUMMARY ON SPEECH DEVELOPMENT “Birds.” lesson plan on speech development on the topic LESSON SUMMARY
Article: Goal: to develop skills in composing sentences of three or more words. Objectives: Educational: teach
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of individual speech therapy classes for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Winter”,