Note 1 The goal of environmental education is the formation of a personality with a high level of environmental culture. IN
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The process of formation of economic thinking Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that the problem of the content of economic education of preschool children
Theatrical activities in preschool age Tatyana Gryaznova Theatrical activities in preschool age Report THEATRALIZED
What is breathing exercises? Breathing gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at developing and
Expected results By the end of the year, the child should be able to: Name the main parts of a Lego constructor (purpose, features);
“Let’s give children a fairy tale”: Theater in kindergarten December 30, 2014 Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative”
Contents of the portfolio of a preschool teacher In order to organize the placement of information and materials necessary for the portfolio, it
Article: Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a certain, pre-conceived real