Master class “Modeling the world around us with little people”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Topic: “Modeling the world around us with little people” State budgetary preschool educational institution for children
Parent meeting in the second junior group No. 1 “Joy” at the beginning of the school year.
Parent meeting in the second junior group No. 1 “Joy” at the beginning of the school year. Child's separation
Didactic games on traffic rules for junior preschool age
Collection of outdoor games on traffic rules in an early age group Collection of outdoor games on traffic rules
Program for spiritual and moral education of children
Card index of role-playing games. First junior group
Collection of lesson notes on life safety. methodological development on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Life safety - lessons, tests, presentations, notes Create your teacher website PC and PPC courses
Models of seminars, workshops with teachers and parents
Short-term project on the topic “My Family” School preparatory group
FAMILY TRADITIONS: CORRECT DAY REGIME The well-being of the family and successful upbringing in the family depend on
Mini card file - sketch card file (senior group) on the topic
Summary of the lesson on modeling “Duck” (based on the Dymkovo toy)
Summary of the lesson on sculpting “Duck” (based on the Dymkovo toy)
For any suggestions regarding the site: [email protected]
Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]