Tasks that are set during classes In outdoor games with a ball, preschoolers acquire the necessary
Exciting activities for children from 3 to 4 years old on drawing with colored pencils and gouache
Mini-laboratory “Know-ka” - experimental research activities of preschoolers Relevance of the chosen topic 2 Advantages of experimental research activities 3 Modern
Summary of GCD for FEMP. Senior, preparatory group. Generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes Lesson notes
Sports quest for older preschoolers of preschool educational institutions Summary of a sports quest with children and parents in
If you have children, nieces, nephews or grandchildren, you are certainly well aware of how
Environmental corner in kindergarten. Decoration Decorating an ecological corner in a preschool educational institution with your own hands Author:
Homework on the sound L for parents is developed in a complex and contains numerous games
When and how speech development occurs Speech development is recommended to begin with the birth of a child. Already
Theoretical foundations of aesthetic education of preschool children Aesthetic education is the purposeful interaction of educators and students,