Features of speech development in children of the sixth year of life
The speech of children, the development of which was given much attention by their parents and teachers, at this age stage is practically no different from the speech of adults. The successful mastery of literacy and writing in the first grade largely depends on the level at which it is located. If an older preschooler swaps sounds and syllables in oral speech, he will do this in the same way when writing and reading.
A meager vocabulary and undeveloped coherent speech will, after some time, prevent a child at school from retelling a text from a textbook or explaining how he got the answer to a problem. Moms and dads act recklessly, trying to make up for lost opportunities 3-4 months before entering first grade.
Intensive classes with a tutor may give a short-term advantage to a future first-grader, but this leap forward will lose its significance by the middle of the first school year if the child’s speech is undeveloped. Meanwhile, two years before school, a lot can still be done if you pay close attention to the speech development of children.
The active vocabulary of a five-year-old child has about 3 thousand words. Children already understand exactly what is meant by generalizing words - birds, wild and domestic animals, insects, trees. They master a huge range of concepts, and their knowledge extends not only to everyday objects within sight, but also to rather abstract things. They have accumulated impressive knowledge experience and can talk, for example, about astronautics and human relationships.
The quality of spoken words is also increasing, and annoying errors such as rearranged, added syllables and replaced, added and rearranged sounds appear less and less often in speech. They can now slip only when pronouncing polysyllabic unfamiliar words, for example, hairdresser, traffic controller, electricity, excavator, armored personnel carrier. Word games continue, as do rhyming and poetry writing.
Humorous literary works with permutations of words, as well as all kinds of verbal inversions and riddles, are very popular among children of this age:
Vanya was riding on a horse, leading a dog on a belt, and at that time the old woman was washing a ficus tree on the window.
Vanya was riding on a belt, leading a dog on a horse, and at that time the old woman was washing a ficus tree on the window.
A village was driving past a man. Suddenly the gate A barks from under the dog.
He grabbed the club and cut the ax. And the fence ran over our cat.
Grammar of the native language
If a five-year-old child asks about a familiar topic, he will easily answer it with a complete and detailed sentence. In normal speech, children use simple phrases, which become longer and more common by the age of six. Most of the words in the sentences are used and modified correctly, although there are also incorrect forms, for example, bear cubs and baby elephants instead of cubs and elephants, pencils instead of pencils, glasses instead of glasses.
Children play various word games with great pleasure:
- broken phone;
- what to call it differently (for selection of synonyms);
- say the opposite (search for antonyms);
- what is soft (sweet, tall, wooden);
- recognize the item by description;
- finish the sentence.
A child’s speech will not be grammatically correct if the adults in his immediate environment do not become an example of exemplary pronunciation for him. If they pronounce words incorrectly, place emphasis incorrectly, or abuse profanity, then the child will do the same.
Sound pronunciation
The speech apparatus of a child of the sixth year of life is fully formed and, if there are no deviations in its structure (short frenulum of the tongue, high palate, malocclusion), most sounds are pronounced by children correctly. The most common pronunciation deficiencies at this age are:
- distortion, replacement or absence of sound [l] (mayako - milk, yuka - tree, igoyka - needle, kovodets - well);
- replacement of the sound [r] with the sounds [l] or [th], its complete absence or distortion (yodka - boat, lyba - fish, baan - ram);
Children of this age can already independently notice such shortcomings in themselves and those around them. There is an opinion among preschool speech therapists that sounds that do not appear in the speech of children under five to five and a half years old are unlikely to appear on their own. If your pronunciation is defective or any sound is missing, you need to contact a specialist for examination and corrective classes.
Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of stuttering or speech hesitations. This is a very difficult speech defect, the correction of which can take several years. Stuttering occurs in children when thoughts do not keep up with speech, in children with a weak type of nervous system, with an overly strict family upbringing, and also as a result of a child’s elementary imitation of the speech of a stuttering adult.
Connected speech
It is impossible to give an accurate description of the level of development of coherent speech, which is common for the speech of 5-year-old children. Its range is very wide - from extensive, rich in epithets and the ability to use means of expressiveness (intonation, comparisons), in a child who can compose his own fairy tales, to inexpressive and monotonous in a preschooler, whose speech development no one has studied.
At this age, children can make up a story based on a picture, retell a work of art they have read, share their impressions of a trip, a trip to the theater, a museum, a cartoon they watched, or playing games with friends. They already consciously select the most vivid, precise, and meaningful words in order to more fully express their thoughts.
Unfortunately, some parents do not control the time their children spend on computer games. Even if we do not take into account their negative impact on the psyche, passion for gadgets negatively affects speech development. It’s sad to watch how a preschooler, having difficulty choosing answers to questions about the content of the work he read, a minute later, rushing and choking, enthusiastically talks about his successes in a computer game.
The active development of visual perception of computer reality in such cases occurs to the detriment of auditory speech perception and the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, this can become a serious problem in child development in the future.
Information for parents
Adults are role models and a source of knowledge for children. Therefore, it is important that parents take an active part in children's development and follow all recommendations of teachers.
Self-diagnosis of speech delay
The speech therapist conducts an examination in kindergarten and selects a group of children with whom he will carry out correction. But you shouldn’t wait for your child to sign up for lessons. Parents should be able to independently diagnose his speech development.
- The child is asked to describe the object being shown - a toy or other object.
- The adult describes the object, and the preschooler must name it.
- You need to check the expressiveness of speech: ask to speak sentences with different intonation and pitch of voice.
- The child is shown a picture and asked to describe what is shown in it. If he has any difficulties, the adult asks leading questions. During the story, you need to pay attention to the composition of the sentence, vocabulary and general expressiveness of speech.
- Parents should pay attention to the grammatical design of the sentence: agreement of words, use of conjunctions, particles, prepositions.
- During diagnosis, the formation of sound pronunciation is assessed.
Diagnostic conversation
Important! When inviting a child to complete tasks, an adult should give an example using his own example. For example, he asks a preschooler to name a word and first pronounces it himself.
In older preschool age, some mistakes are normal, because at six years old, not all children immediately absorb a large flow of information. But with the help of didactic games it is possible to cope with speech errors. Such exercises will also be useful for children with normal development.
How to develop speech in a 5 year old child
It is worth purchasing books by the following authors: Gerbova V.V., Kuznetsova E.V., Razumovskaya Yulia, Tikhonova I.A., Ushakova O.S. In their books, parents and teachers will be able to find lesson notes for speech development for 5-6 year olds that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Specialists speak at parent meetings, where they explain in detail how to perform the exercises correctly and issue memos with detailed recommendations. The main goal of tasks in working with this age category is to develop coherent logical speech and form a grammatical structure.
The following exercises should be included in the file cabinet:
- selection of synonyms and antonyms;
- classification of objects according to one criterion;
- guessing words from descriptions;
- Declension of words by numbers and cases;
- making sentences from words;
- explanation of the meaning of proverbs and sayings;
- memorizing poems;
- performing articulatory gymnastics.
Speech development lesson
Important! When retelling a fairy tale or poem, pay attention to the expressiveness of speech and the clarity of pronunciation of sounds.
GCD for speech development in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard
Talking about the world around you while walking has a beneficial effect on speech development; conversation with the child about how his day went and other topics of interest to him.
Educational online games are popular: in this case, adults do not need to prepare visual material and think through the exercise. But you need to ensure that the time spent at the computer does not exceed 10 minutes. It is better to alternate information technologies and oral exercises.
Norm of child speech development between the ages of 5 and 6 years
After we have examined the features of speech development of children 5–6 years old, let’s talk about existing standards. An older preschooler at this age makes almost no grammatical mistakes. Sometimes he may incorrectly place emphasis on unfamiliar words or use a noun in the wrong form. If adults point out mistakes made, then children in most cases do not repeat them. A child of the sixth year of life answers adults’ questions in detail, and does so clearly and clearly pronouncing the words.
He can compose a story based on a picture or a series of sequentially arranged pictures, come up with the beginning and ending of a story, come up with his own fairy tale or story, and retell works read to him. A five-year-old child can also describe objects, as well as find an object based on an adult’s description.
Children of this age can speak louder and quieter, faster and slower, in a whisper. Reciting poems and fairy tales by heart, five-year-old children do it very artistically, selecting the right intonation, making timely stops provided by the author. They can choose words that are similar or opposite in meaning. For example, sad means... gloomy, sad. They begin to actively use prefixed verbs. For example, this tap is open, but this one... is closed.
Children continue to classify words into groups: fir-tree, birch, aspen, pine - these are trees. Stork, swallow, rook, starling are birds. Cottage cheese, milk, cheese, kefir are dairy products. Children of the sixth year of life pronounce almost all sounds correctly, but there may be an absence or unclear pronunciation of the sounds [l] and [r].
When you need help
Reacting with a smile to words
Experts assure that you can understand what problems may arise in speech almost from birth:
- if by the end of 1 month the baby does not try to let him know by screaming that it is time for him to eat, or when he experiences discomfort;
- if at the end of 4 months he does not respond with a smile;
- if by the end of the fifth month he does not make individual sounds, pointing with his gaze at the object he means. For example, mom asks: “Where is the rattle?”;
- by the end of the 7th month does not try to attract attention with the help of spoken sounds;
- at the end of the 9th month, words consisting of repeated syllables, such as “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, did not appear in the baby’s vocabulary;
- at 12 months does not respond to simple requests: “Give me a toy.”
Types of speech defects
Before you start classes, you need to know the types of speech disorders:
- stuttering;
- dyslalia;
- nasality;
- neurological diseases.
For your information! To identify them, you just need to regularly communicate with your child.
Causes, diagnosis and clinical picture of mental retardation in ICD 10 coding in children
Basic characteristics of speech at 5-6 years old
By this time, speech develops and becomes more complex. The baby is already able to make hissing and whistling sounds. The expressiveness of speech increases, you can notice this when reading poetry and in role-playing games. It becomes coherent and sentences become more common. Children are already able to retell a fairy tale or describe a picture.
Symptoms of speech delay at 5 years
The first thing that parents who suspect that their child has problems with speech development needs to pay attention to is how understandable it is. Signs of undeveloped speech:
- strangers cannot always understand him;
- he speaks indistinctly;
- due to the fact that the speech is unintelligible, it is difficult to determine how literate it is and what grammatical categories he can use. For example, the number and gender of nouns, cases, number and person of verbs;
- the vocabulary is very small, even to a non-specialist it is noticeable that he lags behind his peers;
- phrases used in speech are short and incomplete, consisting of nouns and verbs;
- a large number of sounds are pronounced incorrectly or not pronounced at all.
If your child has at least one of these signs, it is safe to say that there is a speech delay.
Self-diagnosis of speech delay
Parents can independently determine whether everything is okay with their children’s speech at 5 years old. To test your vocabulary, you can offer the following tasks:
- ask what this or that person is doing, how an object operates. For example, “What does a ship do?” (floats). “What is grandpa doing?” (digs a garden bed);
- ask to name opposite actions, for example, “sat down - stood up, opened - closed” or opposite signs, for example, “light - heavy, soft - hard”;
- suggest naming the baby animals, for example, “Who is the goat’s baby? Kid. Who's with the bear? Little bear. Who's at the cow? Calf. Who's with the horse? Foal”, etc.;
- check whether he knows the basic colors and shades, shapes of objects (triangular, round, square, oval, rectangular, polygonal);
- check if he can describe the object, for example, “What kind of chair? Soft, wooden, brown, with metal legs”;
- offer to get an object that is under the box, on the box, above the box, under the box, in front of the box, behind the box, in the box, between the boxes to determine the correct use of prepositions.
- form the plural form of a word, for example “This is a leg, and these are ... legs. This is a window, and these are... windows. This is a sparrow, and these are... sparrows";
- decline the noun: “What is this? Book. No what? Books. What was removed? A book. Where should I put my notebook? To the book. How did I cover the notebook? A book. What are we talking about? About the book";
- change the word by using it in a different way: “The son came to the park. How can you say this about your daughter? My daughter came to the park.” Place pictures in front of the child (yellow pear, yellow chicken, yellow sun, yellow beads) and ask them to name them.
Developing speech:
To check the construction of phrases, you need to invite the child to complete the sentence, using a plot picture: “A girl... watering flowers,” where mom or dad say only the first word. Next, you can ask leading questions to make the phrase more complete: “What is it watering with?” Where does it water? Why is it watering?
Checking whether the children’s word structure is suffering, they are asked to repeat complex words such as yogurt, academy, machine operator, skladchina, ceiling, pharmacist. Have your child repeat the word several times in a row to check if he is switching syllables, missing or replacing syllables and letters in syllables.
Prevention of speech delay
The formation of a senior preschooler’s perfect speech is influenced by his living conditions, the characteristics of his parents’ upbringing style, and, most importantly, the efforts of caring adults. To avoid finding yourself on the threshold of school in a situation where a child has discovered numerous speech disorders and there is no time to correct them, you need to take care in advance of the harmonious development of the child’s speech.
To solve this problem, close communication between children and adults is of great importance. Walking together, doing creative work, looking at book illustrations with a parallel discussion of what they saw and felt. This work will give a powerful impetus to the development of the baby’s speech. It is very valuable to learn and use such rich material as counting rhymes, tongue twisters, poems, riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes, and proverbs. All words that children do not understand need to be explained and ensure that they are used correctly.
Reading children's literature should be accompanied by a conversation about the actions of the characters and an explanation of incomprehensible words. When memorizing poetic works, it is very useful to replenish a child’s vocabulary by drawing his attention to the figures of speech used by the author. “A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat...” “What hat did the poet write about?” “And fell asleep under her quietly, soundly...” “Do you think the forest can fall asleep?” “How do you understand the word restlessly?”
In order to fully prepare for schooling, a child of five to six years old must be able to coherently express his thoughts and construct logical, complete statements. It is important to correct deficiencies in sound pronunciation in a timely manner, to teach children to use their voice and means of expression. If children receive a lot of positive information from the outside world and from fiction that they can discuss with adults, this greatly stimulates children's speech development.
Rules for speech therapy classes at home
The success of home lessons depends not only on the availability of the necessary aids and a work plan agreed upon with the speech therapist. The organization of classes itself is very important. Here are a few simple rules that will help you achieve excellent results:
- All speech therapy exercises for children should be carried out regularly, but a little at a time. You shouldn’t try to do articulation gymnastics, play speech games, or fill out a workbook right away. It is better to devote a few minutes to each type of exercise, rather than having a whole “speech therapy day.”
- Do not force them to complete tasks under pressure; educational activities for children should resemble a game. Come up with a simple plot (for example, a journey into the universe of sounds), prepare small prizes (stickers, paper stars), and arrange physical exercises.
- Praise and support the little student if he makes even the slightest progress. Focus on achievements, even small ones, gradually progress will become more and more obvious.
- Find good workbooks for home practice. They should not only be professional in content, but also bright, colorful, and exciting. It is ideal if the tasks have interactive elements (the opportunity to add something, draw something). Such material makes it possible to interest a preschooler and clearly shows him the “path traveled” and success.
- Don't expect instant results, be patient and gentle perseverance. The process of setting, consolidating, and differentiating sounds is complex; it takes months even for experienced speech therapists. Follow the plan and the results will gradually appear.