Making proposals based on the actions being demonstrated, on the picture, on subject pictures that are related to each other in meaning

Help in drawing up diagrams

To help a child create a sentence diagram in 1st grade, a sample is placed in front of the student. He must know where to start the analysis. It is better to start training with a simple sentence that consists of two or three words.

First, they write it down in a notebook, then they begin to analyze it. If it is difficult for a child to determine the number of words and what sign needs to be placed, an adult needs to speak the sentence. And the number of words can be missed.

It is important to pay attention to small words. These are conjunctions, particles and prepositions. When a child in the 1st grade draws up a sentence diagram, such words are highlighted with a small line. That is, already during training they show that such words are not equivalent to other members of the sentence.

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