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Card file artistic word on a walk Artistic word on a walk. AUTUMN: (S. Marshak) 1. “I bring harvests,
Peculiarities of education and training of preschool children Nature and evolution have decreed in such a way that
Card file of labor activity (middle group) card file (middle group) Labor in a corner of nature. Card-1 “Watering indoor
Organization of walks in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education Pedagogical consultation for teachers Organization of walks in
Card file: “Conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle” (Senior group) TOPIC: “Child and health”
GCD as the main form of organization Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten
COLLECTION OF FAIRY TALES FOR FAIRY TALE THERAPY WITH PRESCHOOL CHILDREN The value of fairy tales for psychotherapy, psychocorrection and